Chapter Fifty-Five: Lady Zheng's Maid

MeiLan's room was littered with papers, every flat surface taken up with paintings, almost all of them depicting the dragon, from every angle, close up, far away, curled up, sleeping, flying, walking on short, but strong legs.  It was like an obsession, before the paint was dry on one portrait, she was starting another.

The frantic painting frightened Luen more than the fact that her niece had amnesia, and she sent for the family doctor, again.

Only Emilian understood why MeiLan was painting dragons, and why she kept muttering "Bai Long… Bai Long…" under her breath.  The new maid was terribly frightened by her mistress's behavior and had begun to whisper that the young lady had gone mad.  And maybe she was right. It was Minerva who patiently stayed close to MeiLan and made sure she stopped painting long enough to eat something and take a cup of water or tea at regular intervals.