Chapter 4- Change Of Thoughts


"I said that beg me for my forgiveness right now", He said in a demanding tone.

His look was cold as ever and His words sounded venomous.

Not going to lie I felt scared of him for the second cause of his cold dark aura which was coming from him in his demanding tone. I stood there frozen.

His eyes went dark and he was still looking at me for an apology.

My next words made him kind of shocked like it was something new to his ears.


He was now smiling at a little victory but to him, it looked like he won the lottery or something.

His looks were satisfactory, but I still didn't stop speaking which startled him.

"Sorry," I said again. He was confused at first that why I am apologizing twice but that didn't bother him much cause all he wanted was an apology and he got it. But my next words made him again pissed and he looked like he was ready to kill anyone at any second.

"Sorry my ass", were my following words in a pissed-off tone.

"Do you expect me to apologize to someone as idiot as you?", I spitted the words harshly at him.

This time his face and voice are laced with annoyance but his face showed a blank expression. Previously, he always said something rather in a cold tone or calmly, but this time I could see the fire in his eyes.

Looks like I have crossed the limit of his patience as he stood up and walked Infront of me. Step by step he was coming near and near.

"Do you even know who are you messing with", He said in a cold yet angry tone but with a blank expression.

"Uhm-", I was about to defend myself but his voice cut my words.

"Shut up!, this time only I will speak", he screamed in anger.

he was now dangerously close to me. This was the first time I saw him in anger and I wouldn't lie he was looking extremely dangerous. His existence was screaming DANGER.

Not gonna lie, he kind of looked hot. Ava what the fuck, It's not time to have thoughts like these. I scolded myself mentally.

Cutting my thoughts he started speaking again.

"Be grateful that I didn't blacklist you, I just told companies about you and it was their choice to hire you or not", he said while smirking.

"You-", I was about to speak something while pointing my finger towards him.

But again I was cut off by him.

"But it looks like I should blacklist you, " he said with a smug smirk, After that he stepped away and left me as he again continued doing his work on his laptop with some document in his hand.

My eyes were wide open and my mind immediately went blank.

What does he mean blacklist?

No no no, he can't do that but he is capable of doing anything he wants.

Fuck ava, what have you done with yourself? Why do I always have to mess up with the wrong people?

Still getting confidence, I asked him.

"You wouldn't do that, Right?", I said with slight hesitance but there still was some confidence in my response.

"Are you challenging me Miss Ava Jones?", He said with one raised eyebrow and with a smirk while removing his gaze from the screen.

How I wish that I could just throw that smirk away from his freaking face.

"FUCK YOU!!!", I shouted and left his office while fuming in anger.

I looked like a volcano that can burst at any second now.

I hate him so much. I want to punch in his face and break his teeth so he can never show his smirk again.

What does it mean if he is a billionaire then he could do anything he wants? I wish I could just kill him or fucking stab him.

*meanwhile Rylan Nichols POV*

I burst out laughing when she left the office.

Her look was priceless.

For the first time, she looked scared which made me fully satisfied but I can say that she still tried to maintain her confident face.

I can say that she is brave, this was the first time I saw someone as daring as her.

She really is something. This is the first time someone has dared to talk to me like this and face to face. She should be grateful I didn't harm her or something. I am just too nice, I thought while chuckling.

If this was my brother she would be in a completely different state right now and I can say it's not a good one.

Whatever it is she is really fun to play with.

After all the laughing I calmed myself down and made my usual face which is a blank expression.

I then called my most trusted employee who has been working here since the start of the company.

"Yes sir, you called me?", my employee said,

"Yes, Did you get this month's share prices of Ava jones's last company?", I asked.

"Yes sir", he said.

"So tell me about it", I said with a blank expression.

"Sir comparing their last month and this month, the share prices have dropped to half. It looks like it hasn't been managed well by their department and there is a possibility that they can go bankrupt in the future ", He said calmly.

"Okay, you can leave now", I said in a cold tone.

"ok sir", he said and left the office.

So she is skillful, The shares dropped as she said.

I am not usually like this with anyone and I never usually judged anyone by their clothes.

It was just that my secretary recently resigned due to some problems and I was in a hurry of finding a new perfect secretary. During this, I tried to find the slightest problem in anyone which I can say was my mistake.

That's why to find the problem in anyone I judged Ava's dressing style but she got way too much angry and humiliated me, I was shocked as no one have ever dared to do that with me so I wanted to teach her a lesson to not mess with me, and to be honest it was really fun to play with her, Remembering her look makes me want to laugh again.

I thought of hiring her and for that, I made sure that none of the companies will accept her.

Before hiring her, first I wanted to be sure if she is saying the truth or not about being the most skilled in her previous company.

Now I wonder, why she was even fired if she was a talented and skilled employee.

Her previous company must be dumb to even fire her.

What will be her look if she got to know that Rylan Nichol's company is accepting her, I am sure seeing her anger and previous behavior with me, she wouldn't want to work here but I am sure she would still accept the offer.

Who would even reject coming here?

I chuckled at my proud behavior

*Ava Jones Pov*

You were sitting in your room and a sudden chill went through your spine. It gave you goosebumps.

"Why do I feel cold so suddenly?", you said while watching the drama.

you were deep in your useless thoughts like that this drama is so boring and your life is much more dramatic than this shit but you didn't know that the real action is yet to be started in your life.