Chapter 12- Failed Attempt To Rescue

*Ava Jones POV*

"I should have accepted his offer"

I went so late that all buses were gone so I had to walk home now.

When I almost completed half of the journey I remembered that I should have called a cab.

Since when I became so dumb? Now It was useless to call a cab so better to walk.

It's almost 11: 30 pm and walking in an alley.

Is this scene similar isn't it? Where girl walking alone this late at night.?and after that gangster boys coming. I hope not this doesn't happen.



"what is this girl doing alone here."

I rolled my eyes somehow I knew this would happen.

I faced the voice and saw 3 men looking drunk.

Why this always happens whenever a girl walks alone sorry, history won't repeat.

*Rylan Nichols POV*

I drive as fast as I can when I got to know her location. I didn't care if I got a ticket for almost flying my car.

All my worry was what was she doing at the alley at this time.

What if something happens to her? My heart ached at even thinking about something happening to her.

I am ready to kill anyone who hurts her and under my eyes, that man will be 6 feet under the ground.

While driving I don't know but my heart was feeling heavy under my chest.

I was getting restless and worried as time goes by.

Even at full speed, the speed looked slow to me.

In under 10 minutes, I reached the alley. I didn't call the police cause maybe there is no problem but still I made my men ready for any action.

Either without them, I think I am enough alone.

I think she will be surprised to see me but never mind.

I ran like a hunter looking for its prey. I was anxious cause I am at the right location but still no sign of her.

Suddenly I heard some men and they were groaning.

My eyes widened.

I ran towards the voice.

No no no

This shouldn't be what I am thinking.

The voices got clearer and clear. But I don't hear ava voice it's just men's voices which are audible.

I have to save her.

When I came to the scene.

My eyes widened so much that they can pop out any moment.

I was the one who got surprised instead.

It was clear that the guys were the ones who needed to be saved not ava.

These men were groaning in pain.

Two men on the ground looked in pain and seems like they will faint any moment.

The third was in hands of ava who had him bend down while twisting his arm.

Even I felt pain by seeing him.

He was continuously begging her to leave him but it didn't look like she will leave him.

I was dumb standing there. I clearly didn't have any role here.

She was the main character here.

She finally left him by yanking him to the hard concrete floor.

These men didn't run just lay on the ground in pain. They had no energy to get up.

She finally looked at me. Her looks were unfazed.

"what you doing here? ", she said uninterestingly.

I was quiet for a second. Was she expecting me to be here?

"And how did you find me?", she spoke again.

She really has a bad habit to ask many questions.

"You didn't pick up my call, I called you to ask when you will complete the work. I thought something was wrong so I got your location checked.", I said while coming up with an excuse.

"Is it normal for you to get people location checked?", she said.

I was embarrassed. That's the only emotion I can describe right now.

I was scratching my neck.

"Anyways, it will be done by tomorrow.", she said again.

"hmmm", that's the only option to say right now.

I wanted to speak but nothing was coming out. It felt like my tongue was paralyzed.

"Are you ok?", I finally asked.

"You should ask that from us not her!", the man on the ground answered.

Me and Ava both rolled our eyes at his remark.

"I think you got your answer", she replied.

She was about to go away but stopped suddenly when the sky started getting more darker.

The next moment a huge sound of lightning filled the air.

Droplets started falling indicating it started raining.

Somehow the atmosphere changed.

I got shocked to see Ava bending and sitting on her knees.

I quickly ran towards her in worry.

*Ava Jones POV*

I wasn't in the mood of talking to him. It's all his fault.

I just wanted to leave quickly.

But it started raining.

I cursed at my mind.

I was about to pick up Rylan's umbrella from my bag.

But failed as I started feeling my heartbeat increasing and my fingers trembling.


I wanted to stop shivering but it wasn't under my control.

This didn't happen last time.

I could feel my throat feeling dry.

Tears filled my eyes, maybe tears for my misery.

I heard Rylan's worried voice. I didn't want to face him but I was unable to move from there. I don't want him to see me with tears.

I hate my life.

I felt darkness approaching my eyesight.

I bent down and sat on my knees. Maybe in this way, he will not be able to see my this condition.

I just wanted this all to be over.

I heard Rylan running towards me.

My eyes were shutting down and I was unable to keep them open anymore.

I fainted. I don't know what will happen next.