Chapter 15 - Who Is He?

*Author POV*

A pitched sound is echoing around the room.

This was all because of a sound that came from dragging an iron rod.

The sound was so loud in an empty room or you can say more like a basement.

An iron rod was being dragged by a young handsome man.

The scene seemed so terrifying, and the man's dark aura could make anyone scared as shit.

And this was what it was.

Three men were tied to the floor. They knew what was gonna happen and they were on the verge to piss.

They wanted to scream for help but only a muffling sound came due to the tied cloth on their mouth.

Even if they could scream, it was obvious that no one is gonna come for help.

The man bent down to their level.

The man roughly removed the cloth from one of the guy's mouths. And spoke with red shoot eyes.

"Tell me what you wanted from her!! ", the man spoke harshly.

"Why you are doing this with us!", the tied man screamed in fear.

"You tried to hurt what belongs to me, And no one even thinks about something which is already under my name!", Rylan spoke with a deadly voice.

The three men did a hard gulp cause they knew they fucked up.

"We were drunk and-"

"shut up!", the man tried to explain but was shut by Rylan.

"Don't dare you to lie to me with that fake ass bullshit!"

Three men were now just praying for their life deep inside.


Rylan holds the rod with strength and swipes it near the man. The man tightly closed his eyes. He opened his eyes when he didn't feel anything.

The rod was still in Rylan's hand and it had just stopped near the man's head.

"do you want me to smash your head with this?", Rylan asked with a deadly serious tone.

The man furiously shooked his head.

"Tell me the truth then! I have already seen every CCTV, you guys were following from the time she left the building there is no way you guys were drunk. What do you want from Ava?!", Rylan spoke again.

These guys' eyes widened in fear. They looked scared as if their top secret just got exposed.

The second guy muffled sounds came so Rylan removed the cloth from the other guys too.

"she already gave us the lesson", The second guy spoke this time now but with a hesitant voice.

"And you think I will let this go like that", Rylan said while glaring at them.

"And you guys will serious punishment for it", Rylan said while holding the iron rod.

"There is a reason we did that and we can't tell that!!!!", the third man said while shaking in fear.

"oh really?", Rylan said sarcastically while throwing the rod on the floor.

These guys were seeing his suspicious action carefully.

"if that's the case then lets end this drama quickly", Rylan said while pointing the gun at the man's head which he picked from his pocket.

Rylan counted to three and put his finger on the trigger.

"I will tell!!", the second guy said.

"hmm then spit!! ", Rylan said looking like he is giving the last chance.

"There was a guy who called us to follow ava and harm her, we don't know the reason why he wanted to do that. He gave us a large amount of money for it. And the reason we couldn't tell about it is that he had threatened us that he will kill our family if anyone knows about it!", the man said while tears flow from his eyes.

*Rylan Nichols POV*

"Call him", I said with no emotion in my voice.

The third guy knew his number so he dialed his number through my second phone which is used rarely and used for stuff like these.

After some time someone picked up the call.

I put the call on the loudspeaker.

Someone with a really deep voice spoke.

The voice seemed similar and at the same time fully stranger to me.

"h-hello boss", the guy spoke.

"So you are with Rylan", the deep unknown voice said which made all of us have wide eyes.

Not only was I shocked but also there were shocked that how he knew.

"Great so it means you told him everything", the guy continued saying.

"Even if Rylan doesn't kill you, I surely will"

"And forget about your family", the unknown voice said.

This conversation made all three shudder in fear.

Even I felt pity for them. These guys were regretting their life decisions at this point. They blamed their greediness on the money in it.

In the end, money isn't everything in life.

I was about to cut the call buy the unknown voice spoke again.

I stopped at my moment.

"I know you can hear Rylan"

"Do you think this will end like this? Soon you will find lifeless Ava in your arms", the man spoke with a dangerous tone.

I became furious after hearing him. Who is he? Is he one of my business rivals? But why would he be after ava when he didn't even try doing anything with me? Does he think that ava is my weakness?

"Who are you!?!?", I shouted.

I just want the answer at any cost.

"Try finding me?", the man said teasingly and cut the call.

He is pissing me off.

I tried calling him back but the number is unavailable now.

He could not even be traced now.

I looked at those guys laying on the ground lifelessly.

Looks like they already gave up on life.

Let them rot in here.

They would die no matter where they are. Poor them.

I left the basement to carefully think of how should I find the guy.

*meanwhile unknown POV*

"try finding me as much as you can", the unknown man said while cutting his call to Rylan.

He removed the sim from his phone.

He looked at the sim for a few seconds and then cut the sim into pieces. He sank its pieces into a glass of water that was placed in front of him.

He lit the cigarette and put it in his mouth.

He exhaled its intoxicated smoke into the air.

"The game has just started", he said while smirking.