Chapter 17- You Are Mine

*Ava Jones POV*

What does this man even want from me? First made me his secretory and now told me to wait for him.

I have already thanked him and now what more.

Thinking of thanking I remembered the memory of me hugging him.

That's so embarrassing. Even though I say things like why I did that, shouldn't have done that, etc but I don't regret doing it. And it's not because he is handsome or something.

I didn't have any regrets because of his efforts. He protected me and sheltered me for a night. I appreciate his efforts even if I don't express them.

Even though I already thanked him, I planned to give him a small gift.

It is no doubt he is a warm-hearted person even if he shows that he is cold.

First, he gave an umbrella to a total stranger.

then give me the job even though I insulted him but he still got his revenge though, I rolled my eyes when I remember how much work he gave me.

I think he did more too.

Then he saved me when I had panic attacks and sheltered me for the night.

And now he is promoting me to a secretory position.

I was lost in my thoughts while standing waiting for Rylan and suddenly came to reality when Raider's appearance startled me.

Are these brothers magicians? They always appear out of nowhere.

What type of sorcery is this?

"What are you lost in", he asked making me flustered, I can't tell him that I was thinking how nice his brother is.

Thankfully he changed the topic in his next talk.

"it's late, let me drop you", he said.


"I don't take no as an answer, I don't want the past incident to repeat", He said with a soft voice.

I was about to say something but Raider hold my hand to drop me at my apartment.

But someone else holds my hand stopping Raider on his way.

My eyes widened when I saw Rylan holding my other hand.

Will they fight again? I will bury myself if they did.

Why so many things are happening lately?

Gladly this time Rylan talked with a smile on his face.

Idk why it still looked threatening but whatsoever, it's fine as long as there are no arguments.

"Sorry brother, but she will have to go with me", he said with a little smile.

"huh, But why?", Raider asked shocked.

"I have to discuss her schedule with her as she is my secretary now"

"Can't you discuss it tomorrow", Raider said in a pissed and annoyed tone.

"And it will be so late for her to go alone", Raider continued speaking.

"Well in that case I can drop her, and certainly I can protect her way better than you do", Rylan said making Raider more pissed than he was.


Raider was about to explode but I cut him off.

"Raider can you please leave, I have to discuss work with him and that's my job", I said making both of them quiet.

Rylan smirked in victory meanwhile Raider left while glaring at Raider.

*Rylan Nichol's POV*

I was going to meet ava but I stopped my movement when I saw Rylan moving toward her.

I stopped at my place and heard him saying what she was thinking about.

I was shocked when she started blushing.

What she is thinking about? Ahh if it's a boy, I would want to punch him in his face.

Wait why am I even eavesdropping on them? Whatever.

I was going to wait until he left but then he hold her hand making my blood boil.

How dare he hold her so casually like it's nothing.

If it was me, it would have taken me a thousand years to just hold her hand.

I can't take it anymore.

He was forcing her to go with him.

I quickly went and hold avas second hand.

What's wrong with me? Right now I was saying that it will take me years to hold her and in the next second, I am also holding it.

It would have been again started with an argument.

But holding ava hands washed away all my anger and I took things calmly and made sure to piss him off.

After a few arguments, he finally got away.

And I felt more happiness than getting a beneficial business deal.

Now it was me and ava alone.

The atmosphere changed and the mood changed.

She was looking at me with no expression.

I gave her a schedule that was written on a piece of paper.

"save it on a tablet and make sure to remind me of meetings according to schedule. You have to stay in my office from now on, as now your work table will be in my cabin. And arrange my future meeting according to the schedule"

She scoffed at me cause I made her wait for a little work discussion.

She knew if I wanted, it could be discussed tomorrow too.

She was about to go now.

No, I can't make her go alone, it's dangerous for her.

I panicked inside.

I never imagined that I will be worried for someone to this extent.

"Miss Jones, where are you going?", I said.

She stopped and looked at me confused

"You have to go with me", I said to her.

*Author POV*

Ava was in shock cause why was he offering her a ride?

"I don't want to", ava said to reject his offer.

"I don't hear no as an answer"

"Are you copying your brother", ava replied to him.

"it seemed to be worked by him then why not on me"

She was annoyed.

"I was about to reject and I don't need any protection"

"protecting my employees is my responsibility"

"you wouldn't say that to a male employee", she said.

"that's a different case", he replied.

"So you protecting me cause I am a woman"

" I-

"Sir not every woman needs men's power, if we want we could break noses"

"Ava listen-

"No, why do you think we are weak? You may have forgotten I beat three guys alone."


"Sir you should not underestimate us"

"God damn it, Ava! I am not doing this cause you are a woman! I am trying to protect you 'cause you are mine!", Rylan shouted without thinking.

Ava's breath hitched at his statement.