Chapter 19- Tipsy Game

*Ava Jones POV*

We were sitting in the living room. We both face each other and sit on different couches.

It's almost midnight. We both are not sleepy at all and he is not letting me go home this late.

It's getting so boring.

"I am getting so bored sir!", I finally say to him.

He looked at me.

"You can call me by my name, no need for formalities outside of the office"

And without any hesitation, I spoke.

"Rylan!, can I say something if you don't mind?"

He hummed in response.

"You are so boring, don't you do anything in your free time"

*others POV*

His eyes widened. Nobody was as bold as her to say something like this in front of his face. Instead of getting angry, he finds this action of her attractive.

He just snickered

"You think I am boring?", he said pointing towards himself in disbelief.

And she just nodded without hesitation.

"Do you wanna do something interesting?"

Ava nodded to him.

"let's play a tipsy game", he spoke.

"tipsy game..?", she asked.

"what's that?", she questioned.

Rylan just smirked at her.

Something is wrong, this man's intentions don't seem right at all. Ava thought to herself.

" I am fine like this, I don't wanna play games", ava said in an attempt to restore the damage.

"Now who is boring and a coward", he said in a mocking tone.

She rolled her eyes at his remark.

"First of all I am not boring and second of all I am not a coward at all"

"Yes, you are."

"No, I am not!"

"Then prove it by playing with me!"

"Ok fine", she sighed in defeat.

And he smiled shamelessly in victory.

"so what are the rules", Ava asked.

"It's very simple. You have to ask any question you want to another person. If that person can't answer it then he has to take a shot of alcohol. The turn will not go to another person if he doesn't answer it even if he took the shot", Rylan explained this unfair game.

"That's unfair, turn should go to another person if he has taken the shot", Ava complained about this unfair and weird game.

In return, Rylan just shrugged his shoulders.

"Rules are rules", Rylan said with a snickered face.

"Who made those fucking rules", she said irritatedly.

"Me, I have made this game", he says blankly.

"his rules are nonsense like him", she says under her breath, she is kind of sure that he heard her but he didn't react to it.

Soon after that Rylan brought a small glass and a bottle of alcohol from his large collection of wine and alcohol which is on display near the kitchen.

And then his stupid game got started.

They both were sitting on the carpet which was in the middle of the couches.

Rylan started the game from Ava as you know he is the boss.

"Why were you crying?", Rylan asked seriously making ava gulp.

This didn't feel like a game. It felt like he was ordering her and ava had to reply.

Ava again did a hard gulp and slightly open her mouth.

And Rylan was seriously looking at her for an answer.

And then Ava drank an alcohol shot making Rylan scoff.

"coward", Rylan whispered to himself.

And then Rylan asked again.

"Do you like Raider? "

Ava was taken aback by his sudden question.

This time he was looking at her nervously.

"No.", Ava answers without any hesitation.

This made Rylan smile a little which got unnoticed by ava.

He finally started breathing, Which he was unknowingly holding.

"How did you know what I was talking about with raider that day?", ava asked.

Raider just took an alcohol shot without any hesitation.

And ava looks at him blankly. "the real coward", she thought.

Let's ask some spicy questions, ava thought to herself.

"Do you have a girlfriend?", she asked mischievously.

He looked at her nervously and with a shocked look.

"No..", he answered after taking some time.

Wowww.He is not using his handsomeness face properly, ava thought.

It was now ava's turn

"Why did you got fired from the last company", he asked interestingly.

"I thought you already know 'cause it seems that you did a background check", Ava said.

"of course not. I just get simple information about their past working experience. I don't get their whole autobiography"

Ava rolled her when she was reminded of her last boss.

"I punched him", ava said with regression in her eyes"

Rylan didn't expect this answer.

"I should be careful of her" was the only thought of him.

And after that, the chaos started.

It was Rylan turn.

"why did you give me the job"

He took a shot.

"How did you find me when I was attacked?"

Another shot.

"How did you know which companies I applied for?"

"How did you know raider offered a ride to me"

"why my office table is suddenly now in your office?"




Like this, he already drank almost 20 shots with no break.

He seemed pretty drunk.

He was coming near me but there was some difference.

"A-ask me a q-q-question again-", he said in a drunken state.

"You are drunk", ava reminded him.

"I don't care!", he shouted but he sounded kind of cute.

"Well then, Why are you always dropping me home?"

When he heard the question, there was silence for some seconds.

Suddenly he crawled a little and went so close to the ava.

Ava could hear his breathing on her skin.

They both were facing each other"

"You want to know why am I always dropping you? ", Rylan said in a husky voice.

Ava could just nod yes at him.

He went near her ear.

His breath was fanning her neck.

Her breath hitched and goosebumps spread all around her.

"I want to protect you", Rylan says near her ear.

Ava's eyes went wide and her heartbeat quickened up.

This was the first time her heartbeat went so fast in front of a man.

She still managed to say.

"Protect me from what?", she says lightly.

"Protect you from-


It was quite

He collapsed on her shoulder. He slept in a drunken state before answering her making ava groan at him.