Chapter 13 - Sweet Vengeance

A bright light shone brilliantly from where Kazuya once lay helpless. It was so bright and brilliant that it grabbed the attention of all the goblins present. 


Their attention was no longer on ensuring the destruction of the city but on finding out what the sudden illumination was all about. 


A sudden wind also blew when the light shone, causing all the goblins in the area to cover their eyes with a bent elbow. As the wind had suddenly started, it also sizzled down in the same fashion. 


Then, from that point on, the light as well began to settle down, and amid the dim light, they all noticed a human-like figure, but with a long, glowing, scarlet sword held in his right hand and resting on his shoulder.


Red flames burst around his body as his eyes glowed red, and a heavy wind blew around him like a tornado. 


It was Kazuya, now equipped with the power he needed to put an end to this. He faced the goblins who had just devoured his wife and child, and they stood there, frozen in fear.


Some of them took courage and came after him, screaming in their high-pitched voices as they came closer with their little swords and clubs. Kazuya skillfully dodged their attacks, cutting them down one at a time into pieces with one swing of his sword. Within moments, their blood was found all over his body, and their pieces were all that was left of them.


Now he had slaughtered the ones who had murdered his wife and child. Revenge was sweet, but he wanted more.


Not attempting to wipe off the blood on his face, he sprinted off towards the rest of the green creatures, and before they could make up their minds on whether to fight him or not, they were cut into pieces as well.


The blood of the slain goblins covered the entire ground in front of the village, and his sword was covered in the blood, dripping off several drops of it to the ground.


Cutting down those creatures was thrilling, and he wanted more. His thirst for vengeance felt insatiable, and he felt like his craving for blood would never stop. 


Thankfully, there were a lot more of them across the distance, with Canon shooters ready to fire blazing Canon balls at him.


Instead of finding a place to take cover until they would run out of ammunition, he kept walking closer with his sword, becoming an easy target for the goblins. 


One of the goblins, unlike the rest, was dressed in armor and was a lot taller than the rest. It was most likely of a higher rank than the others, and it gave a command in its native language, promoting the other creatures to fire the cannon. 


Kazuya took note of that goblin, hoping it was the one who was responsible for all this so that he would take his time in granting it a slow and painful death. 


The blazing ball of fire blasted high into the air and came down right after Kazuya, who simply addressed it by swinging his sword ahead of himself and cutting the incoming blazing ball in half, causing the two divided sides of it to fall to his sides and explode in a spectacular fashion behind him. 


The attack did not stop him, and he came ever closer without relenting. No matter what, revenge was going to be his. The goblins fired another round, and Kazuya did the same, cutting it in half. They kept firing over and over, and Kazuya kept cutting them down.


The commander gave them a final order, and they shot the final canon at him, but this time, they made sure it was to hit the ground and not be fired directly at him.


The canon hit the ground, and it caused a huge fiery explosion right before him, and the whole area before the goblins was now covered in flames. 


It seemed to be a good strategy; after all, firing it to the ground right before him would make it almost impossible to cut down and would put him amid the resulting explosion, and from the look of things, it worked! 


This had to be it. This had to be enough to stop the humans, they thought. But amid the flames, they noticed a silhouette; it was coming for them, and nothing was stopping it. He kept walking forward, with the tip of his large sword dragging against the floor.


He walked out of the fire with flames covering his body, yet seemingly unharmed by it, and the goblins gasped in terror, as they had nothing left. Some foolish ones went ahead and began firing arrows at him, which he cut down with genius accuracy. The pieces of the arrows split and fell before him, as he was too fast for anyone to see his blade swing by to cut down all incoming projectiles.


For the goblins, the most terrifying thing was the fact that the human they were dealing with had not even uttered a word to them, not even a groan or a battle cry. 


He was completely silent, proving to them that what he was doing took no effort at all and that he could have finished them all by now if he wanted to, but chose instead to take his time in this, wanting to annihilate them nice and slow.


The few goblins left who were protecting their commander went forward with their swords and a loud battle cry, ready to end their lives, and Kazuya helped them make sure of that by cutting them down as well, causing their blood to spray out all around him as he walked closer to the commander.


The goblin unsheathed its sword and lunged straight at the human, wanting to end this one way or another. Kazuya blocked and dodged all of its attacks, which were a lot more refined than the others. 


The fight went on for almost a minute until Kazuya knocked the sword from the commander's grasp, prompting him to bring out a dagger to attack with. 


Kazuya wasted no time in cutting off the hand that was holding the little weapon, causing the green creature to scream out in agony before getting impaled in the chest by Kazuya's sword.


Kazuya suspected that it was the commander who supervised the assault against his village, and so he wanted its death to be the most agonizing of all of them. He wanted its final seconds to be the most traumatic of them all. 


So Kazuya looked at it in the face intensely, raising its head to make sure his angry face would be the last one it would ever see. The goblin died with a horrified look on its face, falling to the ground like the pathetic animal it was, into a pool of his blood.


Kazuya stood there, all drenched in blood and sweat. The stink of blood did not irritate him, but rather, it comforted him. He breathed it all in like it was the smell of victory itself. 


While his fight with the goblins was going on, the skies had turned cloudy, and violent thunderclaps could be heard from across the horizon. 


At that very moment, when the fight was over, rain began to fall. Kazuya felt the rain fall on his head, run through his hair, wash down the blood off his face, roll down his cheeks and neck, down off his suit, and rinse them off to the ground. It felt refreshing. 


Kazuya closed his eyes as this happened. It felt like the heavens were rewarding him for doing this. Like Raijin was rewarding him for avenging the deaths of all of the villagers that night. It felt like a suitable end to a chapter, but he was still not satisfied. 


He wanted more. 


That was the moment when he could hear one surviving goblin giving a loud cry from within the farmlands. Kazuya walked towards the little creature within the vegetation, wondering what that was all about. 


Kazuya struck it dead with his sword while it was still shrieking, and it was at that moment when he felt the earth shake with a strange sound coming up from behind him. 


He turned around to see what it was and was almost surprised to see a portal open in the fashion of a black hole. Out of it came a goblin, but this time it was much larger than Kazuya was. 


Then Kazuya understood what had just happened. The shrieking goblin just made a summon, and this was it. 


Like a beast summoned from hell, the large green creature was enormous and terrifying, but not for Kazuya. 


It was almost eight feet tall; its eyes glowed with fire; it held a large axe in its hand; and it had two large wings protruding from its back. It stepped out of the portal, and when it saw Kazuya and the dead goblins lying all around him, it roared angrily.


Kazuya was thrilled, happy to know that his vengeance wouldn't be ending too soon. He held his sword before him with both hands, ready for battle.