Chapter 67 - Maou's Prophecy

Shizu's vision was blurred, as she had too little strength in her to react appropriately to what she was seeing, albeit not clearly. She recognized a familiar figure—the same figure that she had seen in the goblin hideout sometime prior.


It was Kazuya's fairy, the strange creature only she was able to detect thanks to her prowess in sensing hidden magic. It was Gaichu, hovering over Kazuya with what seemed to be a flowing image before him, and to her weak dismay, Kazuya fell to the ground, and she feared he was dead.


It was at that moment that she blew it; the fairy sensed that it was being watched, and it turned towards the old woman, stretching forth its hands at her, and a stronger thirst for slumber overtook her, causing her to fall out of consciousness. That was all she would be able to remember until she heard a familiar yet unexpected voice calling out to her, though it was close to her.