Chapter 77 - Taken To Kusekai

It was a long night afterwards, as all the members of the guild collectively mourned the disappearance of Genta and the death of their master, Shizu. Different people from different guilds also came to witness it, and they shared their condolences with all the native guild members.


It was a sad night for all the guild members collectively, and it felt apparent that the writing on the wall was now seen by everyone. Things weren't looking good for the guild, and as far as the outsiders who got informed were concerned, the guild was finished.


Shizu's corpse was brought downstairs, where all could see it and pay their respects, and put on a bed with several flowers adorning it. The healers of the guild had closed up her injuries via their healing magic; although none could bring her back to life, at least they could make her look charismatic, even in death.