At a seemingly unknown period...
There was fire, there was chaos, there was destruction...
In the midst of it all, Kazuya opened his eyes, waking up from unconsciousness. His aching head caused bells to ring in his ears, and the ringing was so loud that he almost forgot the events that occurred before that moment.
What he saw after blinking his eyes a few times was utter destruction. It was his imagination's peak at describing what hell would look like—except that it wasn't in his head; it was as real as he was in that world, and it was in his home.
His sudden awakening had caused him to inhale deeply, but it seemed that was a mistake, as the place he was at was filled with smoke, and he had just inhaled a dangerous chunk of it.
He tried to get up but felt a sharp pain coming from his leg. So he looked behind him and saw a huge chunk of heavy debris resting on his left foot, as it had been crushed by the weight of the debris.