Chapter 103 - Dispatching The Shinigami

Shinodoku appeared before Lord Maou, finding herself amid the two other Shinigami. The trio kneeled before their master, waiting to heed his command once it was uttered.

"Raiders have invaded my sanctuary." They have not yet arrived at the temple, but they are approaching with great speed. "I believe they are friends of the person whom you captured for me," Lord Maou said to them, "and I want you to bring me their heads."

"Yes, Lord Maou," they all said in unison, disappearing out of sight almost immediately. 

The trio appeared at the topmost part of the skull-shaped building, seeing the trail of the quad heading towards the temple. The realm was like a planet so small that one could almost see half of the entire realm just from that point of view. 

"Humans? So the intruders are humans?" Shinodoku said, "Are they that stupid?"

"When Lord Maou stated that he believed the intruders were friends of our guests, what creatures did you have in mind?" asked Shinotsuru.