Chapter 118 - The Death Of The God Of Death

The great tower that was the pride of the world of the dead crumbled before the three adventurers, who had just barely made it out of danger by jumping off the highest floor and making it to the ground below with minimal harm through teleportation.

But even as they managed to get back to the ground, they weren't completely safe either. As the great building crumbled before them, it triggered a huge sandstorm at its fall, spreading a wide perimeter of sand around the area.

Before Shinju could have thought of opening a portal for them to get through, they had all gotten buried by at least two feet of sand and debris. Thankfully, none of them was hurt in the process, as they were easily able to crawl out of the sand and debris with relative ease.

Kenpachi came up first, helping Genta come out as well. Then Orihime came forth, helping Shinju out in the same way.