Chapter 141 - Greater Glory

"Ascension?" asked Kazuya.

"Yes," the leader said before looking at Genta, "you too as well."

Genta held on to Kazuya's shirt, not liking what she was hearing. Given the abduction she had experienced with higher beings such as this, plus the lingering trauma from her time in Kusekai, she hated being around people like this.

"What do you want?" Kazuya repeated himself, being tempted to reach down to draw out his sword again. He always had bad experiences with beings above humans, and this felt like it would not be an exception.

"By immediate necessity, you have been chosen by the Celestial Council under the call of the Fate Masters to become the head of the new Mikami." "We are members of that council, and we have come to do as instructed," the elder said to him before looking at Genta.