chapter no 3

i m going down stairs i was on stairs and hear my Dad's voice and stope.

Dad's POV:

where is Elsa?

Mom Pov:

she's in her room awake but can't have breakfast with us cause she's going out with Maysam.

dad's POV:

what? you're saying that you make us wait for her and she's going out can't she inform us before so we can eaten breakfast.

Mom's Pov:

actually she didn't knew about breakfast plan its me who plan this all so we can have some family time together and today is her birthday as well.

Dad's POV:

ohh so now i have to be ready for her new dramas and embarrassments....

Harry's pov:

hey Dad good morning why you're so angry in early morning what happened?

Dad Pov:

nothing son good morning how's your work and your relationship how's Lisa?

Harry's Pov:

everything is well and i m going to propose Lisa☺️

Dad's pov:

wow son congratulations so how did you plan everything when are you going to propose her?

Harry's POV:

i m thinking about today cause today is Elsa's birthday and we'll having a party so what do you think.....

Dad's Pov:

what? no we're not planning any party today did you forget what happened last year I can't deal with her shits.....

what happened with her on her 21st birthday?