chapter no 5

when i m walking in my brothers direction i saw Dad he was not happy he didn't wish me or i say he don't like me at all sometimes i think i m he's real daughter and unfortunately yes i m he's daughter.i saw my mom and my friend Maysam and my relatives also invited i hate my relatives cause they're the reason of all my pain they don't like me i don't know why i never did anything to them.i stand in front of my brother and he gave me my gift and told me cut the cake Elsa.

Harry Pov:

Elsa you look stunning dear this is your gift and now cut the cake.

Elsa Pov:

thank you Harry for the gift.i was standing in front of table and they're singing birthday song expect my dad.i cut the cake and i gave first bite to Harry then mom then Robert when i go to Dad he didn't eat with my hand he took the cake and eat it then hug me i was shocked first then he whispered something.

Dad's pov:

don't make sence her or embarrass me understand you don't have self respect but i have so please behave well and after 10 min go to your room got it.

Elsa Pov:

when he hugged me i was shocked but what he whispered to me i was broke it hurts still i smile and nod my head and leave from their.

i was on baar counter when Maysam approach me.

Maysam POV:

hey sexy how are you want some drink i want Scotch what about you.

Elsa Pov:

No thanks you have it you know i don't drink alcohol.

Maysam POV:

ohh come on it's your birthday and your 21 now just try it just one sip please 🥺

Elsa Pov:

No i told you i don't want it you enjoy ok

Maysam POV:

okay as you wish my ella...

Elsa Pov:

maysam call me ella its my nickname she loves to give nicknames in start i got irritated by her nicknames but now i love when she call me with nicknames cause no one gave me nickname my house my both brother has nicknames that Dad give them.

Maysam order her scotch and i waiting for 10 minutes then i have to go to room as Dad ordered Maysam tell me about the new kdrama she was watching last night and someone call her so go to attend the call she forget her drink and i was waiting for her to come and have it then i saw someone I didn't expect that mom will invite him in my birthday he's my cousin Ronnie.cause my life become hell just because of him. Dad was talking with him and suddenly they both walk in my direction.

Ronnie's Pov:

hey Elsa how are you long time no see by the way happy birthday and i forgive you.

Elsa Pov:

Forgive me really for what i never did anything wrong everything you did and put all blame on me.

Dad's Pov:

Elsa behave yourself how can you talk to him like that he just come here to attend your birthday and forgive you for what you did to him when you both are 16 and now you're behaving like an spoil brat.

Elsa Pov:

Dad I didn't invite him why he come here.

Ronnie's Pov:

oh its ok uncle some people never change never mind anyway i m going bye uncle once again happy birthday Elsa.

Dad's pov:

No son its wrong how can she talk like that wait Elsa apologize to him right now.

Elsa Pov:

No never i didn't do anything wrong why should i apologize i m living in this hell just because of him.

Dad's pov:

Elsa apologize right now or else..

Elsa Pov:

or else what Dad i m in hell because of him this house is become a hell for me just because of him i didn't realize when music stop and everyone was hearing me...