chapter 12

Elsa's Pov:

i don't have any plans and you know i hate my birthday's so i don't want to celebrate anything just want sometime alone and in peace that's why come here so i will stay here today and we can watch some kdrama and run BTS whatcha say....

Maysam's Pov:

nice plan so lets go inside and enjoy your alone and peaceful time but we're not alone we're two people so two people can't be count in alone you know 🤣🤣🤣

Elsa's Pov:

ohh God you and your rebish jokes i didn't even laugh....

Maysam's Pov:

i m intelijint you know.....😜😜😜

Elsa's pov:

ohhh God lets go inside....we both head inside i didn't had my breakfast so i go to kitchen to fine something to eat... did Maysam eat something or not....

Maysam's did you had breakfast?

Maysam's Pov:

i was going to my room when Elsa called me she asked me did i had breakfast? i didn't... so i said no ella i didn't if you're making something for you so make two plates i m going to my room for freshan up...

Elsa's Pov:

ok i m making breakfast lets eat together ok come fast ...

Maysam's Pov:

ok Ella just 5 min