chapter no 22

Henry's Pov:

I have a notification but i m busy so I didn't saw it.... Actually yesterday i follow someone her name is Elsa and i text her but she didn't reply then i text her again ... After an hour I finished my work and then check my phone i open notification and its from Elsa... I m happy i don't know why but i smile.actually i don't talk to anyone on social media but Instagram suggest me her id and i follow her and in morning when i m using my phone i text her "hi"its not like me i mean i never text any strenger ever.... I reply to her " i m good where are you from"

I send it....

Elsa's Pov:

Its been an hour he didn't saw my message so i start to work on my laptop i m in my study my phone is on silent cause i m finding jobs and some universities so i can continue my studies.... After 5 min i took my phone and i saw a text from insta so open it and its from H.W....he asked me where i am from?

I type "i m from UK"and i send it actually i want to ask the same question and i m curious about he's name but should i ask or not...

Maysam's she didn't call me yet and its not like her so i have to see what she's doing i go down stairs i was surprised its a big white teddy bear 🧸

By seeing this i mean i never expect this....

Maysam's Pov:

I m preparing her gift i order it yesterday but that delivery guy delivered it today stupid idiot.... anyway i prepare our friendship card in that card i put all our photos and wrote a beautiful wishes....

Elsa's Pov:

Maysam's its beautiful its amazing but you don't have to do this yesterday was the best day of my life your surprise birthday celebration and everything...

Maysam's Pov:

you're my one and only bestie so i have to do everything for you. And i ordered it yesterday but that stupid delivery guy delivered it today.....

Elsa's Pov:

Its ok and its beautiful thank you for making my 22nd birthday this much special i love it and i will always remember my this birthday... I love you... I have something to tell you actually i m thinking about to move here actually i m finding an full time job and want to continue my studies.... I decided it when last year on your birthday you asked me to continue my studies and i said no then you said you want it as your birthday gift and I didn't said anything...that night i think Alot and decided to continue my studies I thought to give you a surprise but you make my this two day very special and memorable so that's why i told you.....

Maysam's Pov:

I was surprised i mean its a shock to me i mean in this 6 years its the first time she told me "i love you" always i said this words and she just smile i know she love me too but can't express in words she has her ways to express her love but i m happy and she's moving here is also a very shocking and surprising news for me and continue her studies too i mean i m going to faint after hearing this things...

Elsa's Pov:

she's seeing me like she saw a ghost is she not happy?

Maysam are you ok.....

Maysam's Pov:

Ok? I m happy happiest today i mean you finally doing something that's makes you happy i m happy for you and i love you tooo.... And i hugged her

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