chapter no 41

when i said that to mom harry and Robert stared at mom in didn't said anything just looking at floor in guilt... I didn't mean to make her feel guilty i just say the fact...

Harry's POV:

Elsa i m so sorry i didn't know that...

Elsa's Pov:

ohh its i feel happy that people don't know about me so i can live my life happily and peacefully i don't have to think what will people say if i do something i like to do. and dad's reputation and all.anyway my shift is off so can i go ...

Harry's POV:

yeah we're going to.just want to say take care of yourself and if you're comfortable visit us whenever you want.and yeah most important thing me and Lisa going to married next month so I hope you come and live with us for awhile till the wedding.

Elsa's Pov:

oh congratulations 🎉👏 i wish you happy married life in advance.and sorry but i can't fake promise you.I won't come and live with you guys sorry but yeah i will attend the wedding for sure.if you guys are ok with it..

Harry's POV:

what do mean okay with it you have to attend the wedding.i understand if you don't come and live with us.but for wedding if you didn't come.then i will personally come and take you with me got it...

Elsa's Pov:

i will attend the wedding i promise...

Lisa's pov:

Elsa i was thinking to make you my bridesmaid.will you?

Elsa's Pov:

umm sorry lisa but I can't. you know bridesmaid has to do so many things and i don't think i m capable for sorry I can't...

Lisa's pov:

no please i have other bridesmaids too they'll manage everything you just have to come and wear a beautiful grown and be my bridesmaid please.....

Elsa's Pov:

umm i will think about it.but no promises ok.

ok guys sorry I'll be late for my job.i have to go and sorry if i hurt you or say something during this conversation then sorry I didn't mean to hurt anyone.i just said the truth...

Harry's POV:

Elsa you didn't said anything that hurt our feelings.don't behave like a strenger with us

Elsa's Pov:

Harry i m not behaving like a strenger but isn't it good to apologize cause sometimes we didn't mean to say something to hurt others. but we end up saying some words or something that hurts them so it's my way to apologize before they feel hurt that's it...

Harry's POV:

i didn't realize when my little sister become this much thoughtful....

Elsa's Pov:

ok bye take care of yourself have a great life

Harry's POV:

Elsa wait i want to ask you something

Elsa's Pov:


Harry's POV:

you didn't gave me your house address.and i don't have you number will you give me your number.

Elsa Pov:


after this i gave him my phone number and leave from there....and i saw they leave too for home.i m not sad not happy too i don't feel any emotions right now but i m glad that everything goes smoothly and peaceful and nothing happened....