Chapter 9: Baymax (2)

For the next few days, Zeke was busy in a row.

During the day, he went to purchase the materials needed for the manufacture of microbots and manipulated the microbots to rapidly manufacture a new batch of microbots. At night, he began to write Baymax's intelligent programs, and by the way, he searched the Internet for the channels for obtaining materials related to the manufacture of Baymax's materials.

Gael helps him take care of his daily life and does some work of serving tea and water. Occasionally, when she has nothing to do, she will stare at the computer screen with Zeke, watching Zeke type a series of codes. Although these processes are extremely boring, Gael never got tired of them.

Three days later, the entire warehouse was almost filled, and millions of microbots were ready!

All the black three-dimensional microbots piled up an entire house and accumulated into a hill, which was spectacular in front of Zeke!

Seven days later, Baymax's full version of the intelligent system was officially announced after his final round of testing!

Not only the full version of the intelligent system but also the medical care chip that Baymax needs to run, as well as the basic order learning chip, Zeke wrote all of them and spent a lot of money to create Baymax chips.

Fifteen days later, Zeke has purchased all the materials and material models that Baymax needs!

"It's finally time to start the final process!"

Zeke looked at the pile of brand-new materials in front of him, and his heart was surging.

Vinyl skin, ultra-spectral lens, carbon fibre skeleton, aluminium electrolytic supercapacitor...etc, all kinds of materials that are extremely hard to find took him a lot of time, but fortunately, his name as a prince still has a little effect, as long as he gives the money, it's not a big problem to learn this news, no, it took so long for him to finally get it together!

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Gael asked curiously.

"Give me two minutes and you'll know soon!"

Zeke smiled mysteriously, and as he put on his glasses, his brain waves moved, and all the millions of microbots swarmed over, completely drowning the materials in front of Zeke's eyes!

Although he couldn't see what was going on inside, Zeke already had a general shape in his heart, and these microbots moved with his thoughts. It can be said that he didn't need to look at all, just closed his eyes. If he thinks about it, they can complete all the manufacturing processes!

Gael looked curiously at the pile of constantly moving microbots, wondering what kind of thing Zeke would create this time, her little face was full of anticipation.

Not two minutes, just one minute later.

"All right!"

As soon as Zeke raised his hand, the microbots quickly withdrew, turning into a torrent, and quickly left the room from all directions.

What remained on the spot was a box about fifty centimeters high, with a red plastic case and a pattern of big white eyes.

"Master, what is this?"

Gael asked.

"Gael, you should shout 'Ah~' now, which is the sound you make when you're in pain."

Zeke said with a smile.

"The sound of pain?"

Gael was confused and her eyes were full of confusion, but she still chose to do as he ordered. Looking at the box, she hesitated for a moment, and then hesitantly said, "Ah~"

As soon as the sound came out, the red box opened automatically!

Soon, a white airbag was continuously inflated and enlarged, a chubby, terrifying and cute white inflatable robot appeared in front of Zeke and Gael!

"It seems that the inflation is not bad!"

Zeke nodded and expressed his satisfaction with the masterpiece he had worked on so hard for so many days!


And after Gael saw Baymax, stars suddenly appeared in her big bright eyes, and she couldn't hold back, and let out a voice of surprise and exclamation!

Women have never been resistant to cute and beautiful objects. Baymax's cute image can be said to be representative of cuteness in this world!

Gael is a little girl at best, and Baymax's lethality to her is simply a one-hit kill!