Chapter 40: Popularity

[Tl/n: Promise Chapters (1/2)]

Editor: The Almighty Raiden Shogun

That night, the official website of ZTech announced the news that the quantity of goods is sufficient, and the official sales of Baymax will begin tomorrow!

As soon as the news came out, countless people were eager to sit in front of the computer, waiting for the sale time to come!

It is also because of this news that it once again caused a huge shock to the network.

When midnight came again, the official website of ZTech officially opened the purchase interface, and countless people poured in frantically.

In less than a minute, nearly 100,000 people paid a price of 880,000 to buy Baymax!

"Technology to make money is awesome!"

Zeke was in a good mood when he saw the influx of money in his company's account and the numbers kept rising!

Especially seeing that the number on the account has exceeded 100 billion, and it is still skyrocketing. This kind of experience like dropping money from the sky makes Zeke feel refreshed from the scalp to the toes!

Although Zeke has experienced such a big outbreak, the last time it was a pre-order, which proves that Baymax was recognized by the market and set a sales record for technology products!

And this time, it symbolizes people's recognition and love for Baymax, and the real gold and silver numbers that are rushing are the best proof!

If it was said that he could only barely have some money before, now Zeke is already a real rich man!

Hundreds of billions!

Ordinary people can't spend it all in a lifetime, and even unimaginable astronomical amounts!

In just such a minute, it poured into his account and became Zeke's personal property!

With this money, Zeke is fully capable of creating a building exclusively for ZTech!

He can also buy luxury villas all over the world, no matter how expensive!

Of course, what's more important is that he can throw money at will to build a small nuclear reactor!

On the day Baymax went on sale, many people had already obtained Baymax's stock through various offline channels.

In an instant, the entire Chatme and Fambook were instantly slaughtered by Baymax, and various Baymax keywords were directly listed on Fambook's hot search, ranking first!

"Haha! I got it!"

"Baymax is too cute!"

"Baymax is my buddy!"

"I have just been scanned by Baymax, and my body is very healthy. Hahahaha!"

"The first time I saw Baymax, I was amazed! It's worth the money!"

"I just played a poker card game with Baymax, and I lost!! ZTech is awesome!"

"Family portrait of Baymax and my family of five, hehe!"

"Playing stacking blocks with Baymax once, its little short hands are so cute, haha!"


Countless people got the first batch of Baymax, the live broadcasts, the group photos, and all the process of interacting with Baymax in the Chatme got countless comments and likes, and it was a good show!

The first batch of 3,000 Baymaxs from Zeke's stock was the first batch of the day. They shipped them to warehouses across the country in advance, just to be able to appreciate the day of Baymax's delivery as soon as people placed an order. It is precisely because of this that Baymax is limited in the world on this day. Those who can get Baymax will naturally attract the envy, jealousy, and hatred of countless people. Become the local tyrants and awesome people in the eyes of countless people!

"Look, this is Baymax!"

In the elementary school, a certain rich kid elementary school student, in front of the whole class, pressed the switch, and immediately in the red box, a cute, round and chubby Baymax swelled out of it, then walked out and waved. Greeting everyone with its cute little short hands.


"Is this Baymax? It's so cute!!!"

"Can I shake hands with Baymax?"

"I want to hug it!"

"I'll hug first!"

"I'll hug first!"

"No, I will go first!"


In elementary school, a Baymax appeared and immediately attracted enough attention from the whole class. No, it should be the attention of the whole school!

And the primary school student who has a Baymax, his vanity is naturally greatly satisfied, and he has become the focus of all the students around him!

This image does not only appear among elementary school students.

In junior high school, high school, and university, there are many lucky rich kids. They successfully got Baymax for the first time and brought it to school, which caused a sensation among the teachers and students of the whole school!

Even the principal was involuntarily attracted to it and took a second look. When the principal found out that Baymax could play Go, his eyes suddenly lit up, saying that he had to play a game with Baymax on the spot, but he was defeated.

The principal sighed: "Advanced technology is productivity, you must learn from Prince Zeke in the future!"

Not just to show off their wealth.

Some people are ingenious. The first time they get Baymax, they immediately go to the girl they are after and confess to her!

When Baymax walked out of the red box and the crowd screamed in an uproar, Baymax said the words of confession for the boy, the girl was moved to tears on the spot, and the two hugged each other tightly in countless envious eyes, and achieved a period of a happy time. Happy love!

There are also some of the most flamboyant rich.

After getting Baymax, he drove his sports car directly to the most crowded and prosperous street, and "summoned" Baymax directly, attracting countless gazes, screaming and shouting, and he became a star.

The existence of a star made his vanity burst to the extreme!

It can be said that the appearance of Baymax has become the hottest thing in the entire Phoenix Kingdom!

No matter where it is, as long as Baymax appears, it will inevitably attract a large crowd of onlookers, seeing this fat robot worth 888,888, chubby and cute, who can not only cure diseases but also fight to protect its owner!