Chapter 58: Usurping the Throne

Editor: The Almighty Raiden Shogun

"What happened?!"

"Why is the signal gone?!"

"Damn! I'm having a wonderful time! What are these guys doing?"

"The camera died, quickly restore the signal for me. I want to see them get divorced."

"Damn, there is no signal at the most critical time? This cable provider is still making fun of me."

"Damn! Give me back my signal!!!"


The sudden signal cut off and the accident made all the original gossiping people go crazy all of a sudden.

This is the king's divorce.

How big of a report, how much gossip, they were waiting to see the follow-up, but the signal was actually cut off?

However, there are also some more calm people who "see through" all this.

"Obviously! His Majesty should have decided without the consent of the council of elders. To prevent the situation from getting worse, the live broadcast signal must be cut off."

"The king's divorce is broadcasted live. This report is too explosive and will affect the entire kingdom. Interruption is normal."

As soon as these remarks came out, they immediately aroused the nod of approval from many people.

The live broadcast accident of the National Day Ceremony came so suddenly, that the TV station and the online live broadcast were pinched at the same time. It is not the problem of the TV station or the live broadcast platform, it must be a problem of the royal family.

However, when people think so, the people of TV stations and live broadcast platforms are also confused.

"Why is the signal gone?"

"Quickly contact the people at the scene and ask them what's going on?"

"Such a major event, hurry up and restore the signal to me."


The leaders of TV stations and live broadcast platforms have all gone berserk at the moment.

Such a special event that can attract attention and detonate the topic of gossip across the country has just been interrupted. How could they not be in a hurry?

"Director, I can't get in touch."

"Everyone's cell phone can't get through."

"It seems that the signal is being blocked over there."


However, after contacting them, they found that all the journalists and media in the palace had all their contact cut off.

Hearing this, the leaders had a ghostly expression on their faces.


At the same time, in the palace.

The entire palace has been obscured from the sky and the sun and is blocked by a huge steel wall more than 100 meters high. You can't see what's going on outside, and you can't see what's going on inside. The entire palace at this moment can be described as completely cut off from the world.

"My phone has no signal."

"The signal is completely interrupted."

"What's happening? How can the protective steel wall rise at this time?"

"The steel wall should only be opened by the king. The king is here, who did it?"


The noble ministers all frowned at this moment, feeling extremely puzzled by the sudden situation.

The protective steel wall is the last line of defense of the palace. Once it is opened, it means that the Phoenix Kingdom has ushered in the most difficult moment.

However, there is no war, there is no invasion, and the steel wall suddenly rises, which is really incomprehensible.

"His Majesty!"

Prime Minister Deron limped and ran over quickly. His gunshot wound had not yet fully healed. "The signal was blocked very strongly, and our contact with the outside world was completely cut off."


Grace frowned, not knowing what happened.


Suddenly, in the huge steel wall, a hole opened, and a row of ladder guardrails stretched out, and a person walked out of it.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in royal aristocratic clothes, with many medals hanging on his shoulders, an H-shaped beard, and a stern face.

"Your Highness?!"

His appearance made countless nobles and ministers in an uproar.

"Second uncle?"

Grace's eyes filled with surprise.

That's right, this sudden appearance was none other than Grace's second uncle, a member of the royal family with the title of Royal Duke, Gregoryo Ai-Adlawan.

"I'm sorry, I have to meet you in this kind of situation." 

"But only today can the top nobles, and ministers of the Phoenix Kingdom be gathered together."

Gregoryo said calmly.

There was a microphone on his throat, and his voice could be heard clearly in the audience.

"Second uncle, what are you doing?"

Grace frowned deeply, "Raising a protective steel wall without authorization to block the National Day ceremony is a serious crime."

"Grace, those noble ministers all know what I'm going to do, don't you know?"

"You're not the innocent little girl you used to be, are you?"

Gregoryo said lightly.

"You want to usurp the throne?"

Grace's face sank.

"That's correct, usurp the throne and help the country."

Gregoryo said coldly.

Hearing this, the noble ministers below all gasped.

"Let me go... The king was assassinated the day before yesterday, and she was usurped by her uncle today. This king is really not easy to be with."

Zeke shook his head helplessly and walked aside automatically.

Everyone saw this move, but it didn't seem strange.

After all, now Grace is Gregoryo's target, standing beside her is naturally extremely dangerous.

However, they did not know that after Zeke stepped aside, he put the phone to his ear and said in a very low voice, "Jarvis, can you hear me?"


Jarvis' voice came from the handset, but it was a little fuzzy due to signal interference.

"Can you restore the live TV signal?"

Zeke asked.

He originally wanted to restore the mobile phone signal and call the police or something. But is it useful to call the police now?

There are more than 10,000 soldiers outside, and there are so many weapons and equipment. But if they want to get in, they must break through this steel wall.

And maybe he locked the signal location on them all at once... I don't have anything now, how am I supposed to make trouble for him?

In contrast, it is better to restore the live broadcast signal and let the people of the whole country see Gregoryo's face.

"Yes, but it will take a while, sir."

"As soon as possible! By the way, let all the steel battle suits be in place, and the first battle may soon be coming."

Zeke put down the phone and continued to watch Gregoryo and Grace have a conversation across the air.

"...The first time I hugged you when I saw you smiling at me in your baby clothes, I really liked you very much...but I never dreamed that you would become a stumbling block on my road to becoming a king."

"Grace, I'm sorry, I have to end your life with my own hands today."

Gregoryo's voice fell.

Clap la la...

A group of soldiers armed with firearms poured out from the palace and finally formed a square formation in the half-moon open space, kneeling on one knee facing Grace.

"Goodbye, Your Majesty."