Chapter 65: Hot!

Editor: The Almighty Raiden Shogun

"$2.5 billion?!"

Grace frowned, "Are you sure you gave me a 50% discount?"

"Of course! The international standard price is $5 billion! If it weren't for the first opening ceremony, I would have charged you 5 billion!"

Zeke nodded.

Grace gave him a serious look.

"Okay, I promise you both of your conditions."

Grace chose to agree, "In a few days, I will send someone to send the medal of noble status and money together."

"Haha! It's refreshing to do business with Her Majesty the King."

Zeke laughed, put down the steel mask, and rose into the air, "The rest has nothing to do with me, I'll go first."

"Jarvis, leave the people to them, it's time to call it a day."

"Okay, sir."

The other eighteen sets of steel battle suits all flew into the air.

As all the Iron Man turned into swift shadows, crossed the huge steel wall, and left the palace, the usurping and treasonous drama of this National Day Ceremony has come to an end.

Looking at it all, Phoenix Kingdom killed two elders of the Council of Elders, killed a Royal Duke who was brainwashed by Country J, and joined most of the rebellious noble ministers, and thousands of guard soldiers.

But looking at Zeke again, successfully divorced without any loss of face.

He held a beautiful new product launch conference, allowing his Iron Legion to perfectly display their extraordinary combat effectiveness in front of the people of the whole kingdom.

Solved the problem of aristocratic status caused by divorce and earned 2.5 billion US dollars along the way.

But more importantly, the entire Phoenix Kingdom people, and even the whole world know that Zeke is Iron Man and the leader of the Iron Legion. His fame and prestige will usher in a surging surge.

Obviously, in this case of usurping the throne and treason, the final winner is only Zeke.


Because of the usurpation and treason that occurred at the National Day Ceremony, the entire internet has been boiling.

In all the headline sections of the reporting portal, Fambook's hot search keywords, topic headlines, as well as post bars, and forums, everyone is discussing this major event that almost changed the future direction of the Phoenix Kingdom.

Zeke, as the biggest hero in this incident, and as the creator of Iron Man, turned the whole situation around by himself, and naturally, he became the superhero that everyone in the country admired, crazy about, and praised.

Regarding the broadcast of this usurping and treason incident, it was cut into a video and spread all over the internet. Although everyone has seen it once, every time they watch it again, they can't help but feel excited.

It is precisely because of this that Zeke's popularity has soared in a short time. He is now much more popular than some super-brand young handsome males.

Many celebrities and business leaders want to visit Zeke.

After all, in addition to being Iron Man, he is also the richest man in the Phoenix Kingdom, which naturally attracts countless people.

But Zeke was not very interested in remuneration for these people, so Jarvis turned them all away.

"Sir, another reporter has sneaked into the building."

Jarvis reported.

"These reporters are really persistent. Give him a little warning and let him go."

"Yes, sir."

After he became a hot topic, the people who want to see him most are not only celebrities or business leaders, but also journalists who like to make trouble.

As the hottest figure at the moment, Zeke has naturally become their first target.

Even if sufficient security has been arranged in the building, many reporters still find a gap and try to sneak in.

It's a pity that no matter how good these reporters are, is Jarvis going to leave them alone?

If they want to escape Jarvis' surveillance network and sneak in, unless they also have an artificial intelligence created by a supercomputer to help, they can only be ruthlessly expelled by Jarvis like these reporters.

"Originally, I planned to wait for more steel suits to be built before considering building a facility, but now it seems that I have to prepare for this in advance."

Building a facility that belongs to ZTech and also belongs under his name is one of his plans.

As the creator of Iron Man, the pioneer of contemporary technological change, and one of the giants in the technology industry, Zeke of course has to own a building that belongs to him.

With his building, he will no longer have to worry about being disturbed by anyone, let alone those reporters sneaking in, it is impossible to even get close to the building.

Not only that, he can do experiments and create technology to his heart's content, and it doesn't take so much trouble to maintain Iron Man one by one. He can completely build an independent maintenance room and let them run and repair automatically.

Of course, more importantly, as one of Zeke's means of making money in the future, the Iron Legion is not enough to rely on these 18 sets of steel battle suits. He has to reserve more steel battle suits and use more steel suits of the same style.

Copy a few, even if one of them is damaged, he can immediately add new ones.

It can be said that Zeke is more arrogant than Stark in this regard. After all, his assets now have reached 3420.69 billion Phoenix coins, which seems to have crushed Iron Man's 100 billion US dollars.

Just imagine, 1,000 sets of steel battle suits are densely displayed in the sky. Just the sense of oppression is enough to make the enemy cower in fear.

Once the battle starts, it will be a terrifying one-sided crush.

"But the most urgent task is solving the task of small battles."

Zeke originally thought that this incident of usurping the throne and treason could be regarded as a small battle, but the system told him that the standard for a small battle is that the number of participants reaches 10,000.

Gregoryo is very weak.

"Sir, a visitor asked to enter. She said her name was Lucy Garcia. You once saved her life and wanted to meet you in person."

Suddenly, Jarvis spoke up.

"Lucy? I saved her life?"

"Show me the picture."

A floating screen popped up in front of Zeke, and a girl wearing a casual shirt, blue skinny jeans, with a ponytail and a beautiful and delicate face appeared on the screen.

"It was her."

Zeke remembered.

This Lucy Garcia is the girl he rescued in front of the bank.