Chapter 76: Make A Fortune In War

[Tl/n: Promised Chapters (1/2)]

For three years, tens of billions of weapons and funds have been injected every year, just to be able to support this Al-Qaeda organisation, become the puppet of his Country J, and help him plunder resources in the Middle East.

However, when he saw that he could completely defeat the Balson army, take the capital of Balson, and control the entire government. Zeke actually wiped out the entire Al-Qaeda organisation in one wave.



Toshiki was furious.

"Mr. Toshiki, calm down. Please be calm!"

Hatsuo tried to persuade him to stop him, but how could Toshiki calm down?

The destruction of Al-Qaeda will not only damage the reputation of Country J's government, but also lose hundreds of billions of dollars, and the whole three years of hard work have all been in vain.

Moreover, Toshiki had already been under pressure from the hostile factions in the cabinet of Country J. As soon as this happened, the hostile factions would immediately seize the opportunity and give special approval in large numbers. This had a very big impact on his prime minister position.

All this is thanks to Zeke.

Thinking of this, Toshiki's teeth itch with hatred.


Zeke did not stop there after completely eliminating the Al-Qaeda militants in Koyakana.

"Go east and use the fastest speed to take all the eight areas occupied by Al Qaeda."

Zeke's order was issued, and more than 600 sets of steel battle suits immediately turned into a flying steel torrent in the sky, moving towards the east.

Balson was originally a small country in the Middle East, and it was no more than a dozen regions in total. The speed of the steel battle suit was fast enough. It didn't take even twenty minutes to easily reach the Al-Qaeda organisation in the second region.

They seem to have received news from the previous area, and as soon as the Iron Legion entered the range, it was immediately subjected to violent artillery fire.

It is a pity that these so-called shelling are not worth mentioning in front of the steel battle suits.

The entire battle did not last even ten minutes, and all the Al Qaeda militants had been wiped out.


Region after region was purged and massacred.

Bleeding everywhere.

Zeke followed behind them, watching the whole view from the camera. More than 600 sets of steel battle suits were like locusts crossing the border, setting off a ruthless slaughter against these armed elements.

When three full hours have passed.

Zeke stood in the den of Al-Qaeda, surrounded by terrified militants who raised their arms and surrendered.

Surrounding them are the steel battle suits.

"I'm sorry, I don't accept surrender."

Zeke smiled slightly, and amid the frightened screams of the armed elements, he rose into the air in a dashing manner and turned around. The sound of gunfire suddenly erupted behind him.

From this moment on, the entire Al-Qaeda was uprooted and completely disappeared from this world.


"Master Chief!"

In the capital of Balson, a senior military officer rushed into the chief's office.

"How about it?"

President Saruk and several generals were anxiously waiting for the results to come out.

When they saw the senior officer running in, they asked quickly.

Everyone's faces were full of nervousness, and their eyes were fixed on the senior officer.

"Eliminated! Completely eradicated!"

The senior officer said excitedly, his voice trembling unconsciously, "Not only Koyakana, but also other occupied areas, as long as they are members of Al-Qaeda, they have all been wiped out."

"That's good!"

"Finally we can feel at ease."

"This Iron Man is really amazing!"

"After fighting for three years, he was able to completely solve it in three hours... It's amazing!"


The generals also showed joy on their faces at this time, and the big stone hanging in their hearts completely fell to the ground.

President Saruk breathed a sigh of relief, and his originally tense face suddenly eased a lot.

"Now is not the time to be happy, hurry up to send someone to take over all the areas and quickly re-establish the state of the government! Send troops to guard, check all the bases, and make sure not to let any of the Al-Qaeda militants go, and..."

President Saruk orderly ordered, "...The most important thing is to transfer the remaining $7 billion to Mr. Zeke's account!"

"Yes! Always pay first!"

About half an hour later.

Without any hindrance, Zeke flew into the capital of Balson and came to the general capital.

"Mr. Zeke!"

President Saruk immediately greeted him with a smile.

"President Saruk, the money has been received, and the cooperation is very pleasant."

Zeke smiled and said, "Besides, I want to talk to you about another business deal."

"What business?"

"During the war, I tried my best to save a lot of equipment and weapons left by Al-Qaeda, and put them together to estimate their value. The total is... $57.9 billion."

$57.9 billion in weapons sounds like a lot, but it's actually not much at all.

The cost of a single heavy tank alone will cost millions of dollars. If the number is a little more, it will be 100 million immediately.

Not to mention missiles, RPG rocket launchers, a huge number of firearms, and bullets that cost a dollar a shot... all things combined, $57.9 billion is not much at all.

"How can you be considered a regular customer, I'll give you a discount, $57 billion."

Zeke smiled.

As a direct participant in the war, all spoils of war should belong to him personally.

However, Zeke definitely couldn't take all the loot away in one go, and it was a waste of time to bring these "broken copper and iron" back. It was useless to Zeke, so it would be better to package them and sell them directly to the employer to make another profit.

In this way, the Iron Legion can not only get a decent employment fee, but also get the sales fee of weapons and equipment.

"Mr. Zeke, we are very happy to buy these weapons, but you also know our current financial predicament. I'm afraid we won't be able to pay you that much money for a while. I'm really sorry."

President Saruk said ashamed.

Of course he wants those weapons and equipment. Those are advanced weapons provided by Country J, and those things beat them so badly.

But the economy really doesn't allow it.

Not to mention $57 billion, now they can't even get $1 billion out of their accounts.

"Don't worry, you can pay in instalments as before."

Zeke said, "Of course, if your country wants to find some other reason to refuse to pay, then I have to reluctantly come back."


[Tl/n: Want to read a romance fanfiction? No Harem? And in the world of Marvel? Try this one; Marvel: My girlfriend is Spider-Woman?!]