Chapter 83: Construct a Building

Facts have proved that Grace also has an authoritarian side that belongs to her being a king.

In a word, immediately that day, Phoenix Tower and the lot where it was located have been completely classified under Zeke's name.

In this regard, the people of Sy Group expressed that they were very confused and had no idea why they were suddenly forced to move.

On the other hand, after sending ten sets of steel battle suits to Zamboanga, Zeke thought about his super soldier serum plan.

"Too many things need to be purchased through special channels...and many materials are only available abroad."

Through Jarvis' search for information on the internet, Zeke began to purchase the machines and materials needed to develop the Super Soldier Serum Project.

Machines are easy to say, as long as there are parts, Zeke can make them by himself.

But the biological material Zeke is powerless.

"Jarvis, help me contact those guys who sold info last time, and tell them that this is a big business."

"Send them a list of all the materials I need, and let them find the contact information in the shortest possible time. The shorter the time, the better the reward."

Zeke ordered.

Through the last search for the materials for making the steel battle suit, Zeke has already met a group of people or organisations that specialise in collecting all kinds of information. As long as you can afford the price, they can find all the information you need.

Zeke's price is definitely good enough.

No, it's only been a few days, and the contact information of the sellers of all the materials has been revealed.

However, if you want to buy materials from these sellers, money alone is not enough, and sometimes money cannot make them compromise.

"You are Zeke? Do you want more of this material? But money is nothing, I want your Iron Man. Don't want to change it? Then go away!"

"Money? Dollars are useless these days. Don't you have Iron Man? I don't want anything but that."

"Man, you should know that this element is very rare, and you can't find much in the world. You are lucky to be able to find me. Only I know where to find these elements. The price is hard to say, but I want to talk to you more. You exchange Iron Man's technology! I only have this one condition, and there is no room for negotiation. Don't you have anything to say? Just hang up."


There are many such requirements, without exception, all of them are coveting Zeke's steel battle suit. If you want to acquire technology or simply trade you need a whole steel battle suit.

"Good good."

"Sure enough, everyone is becoming very arrogant."

After Zeke listened to these people's words, he was extremely angry.

"Jarvis, divide all the suits into 10 groups of 60 each, and let them go to where these guys are."

"They don't eat and drink for a toast, do they really think they are a good thing? They are engaged in international illegal business, and they dare to arrogantly challenge me. Do they really think of themselves as an onion?"

"Take all the materials and the sources of materials they have. If they resist, don't ask me, just kill them."

Zeke would not get angry easily, nor would he have the same knowledge as these desperadoes who put their heads on their trousers every day. But this time, these guys' rude remarks and their frivolous arrogance, he did not take in the slightest.

Their tone and attitude made Zeke a little annoyed.

Others pay with one hand and deliver with one hand, and trade with money. When he comes to them, well, the money doesn't work anymore, it has to be exchanged with the technology of the steel battle suit.

Since they are shameless, don't blame him for being ruthless.

boom boom boom...

600 steel battle suits were dispatched together, and the scene was spectacular. The reporters who had been squatting downstairs in Zeke's Building saw the scene and quickly took out their cameras and shot frantically.


The preparation of the material for the Super Soldier Serum was blocked, but Zeke did not stop because of this.

In addition to the Super Soldier Serum plan, he still has one very important thing to accomplish - building the ZTech Building.

As the ZTech Building is his future experimental base and weapon fortress, he must be careful.

No, he started contacting various building material suppliers in advance and began to buy various building materials in huge quantities.

And in order to create the ZTech Building that fits his mind, Zeke also invited many world-class designers to design it for him.

But the favorite building has not yet been selected, and the news that he is going to build a building spread like wildfire.

"Zeke is going to build a building?"

"It's time to build ZTech's company building where he can invent technology as awesome as Iron Man."

"Every technology product of ZTech is so awesome. I wonder what the building he designed will look like?"

"Do you want to build a building? Phoenix Kingdom's architectural designs are very ordinary. Except for a few that can be obtained, the others are too vulgar, and they don't have a strong sense of foreign architectural designs."

"I hope it can make my eyes shine! After all, it is my favorite company, and Zeke is also my most admired idol. If you want to do it, you must be the most awesome."

"ZTech is now the image representative of our kingdom. The company must be domineering and surpass all other technology companies."

"I'm looking forward to it! I can't wait to see the building of ZTech."


As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a wide-ranging discussion.

As the first company of the Phoenix Kingdom, ZTech is also one of the top technology companies in the world. Every technology product that surpasses the times has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... Therefore, as soon as the news came out, netizens expressed their high hopes. They are eager to see a building that amazes the world.

There are even many enthusiastic netizens of architectural design who directly posted the buildings they designed for ZTech for free on the Internet.

However, none of them could satisfy Zeke.

"Ordinary, ordinary, so ordinary."

"The shape is cool, but it's still featureless."

"This has a moral and a gimmick, but I still don't think it's enough."

"No, no, not this."


All the designer's drawings, without exception, were all rejected by Zeke.