Chapter 87: Shock!

Residential buildings, commercial buildings, small markets, shopping malls, parks, hospitals, various entertainment venues... The entire block bought by Zeke has all begun to be covered by microbots.

If you look down from the sky at this moment, you can clearly see a large number of microbots, just like a drop of ink in clear water, which spreads in an instant, and quickly wraps the entire building belonging to Zeke at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The strong sense of imagery, like the end of the day, made the cameras and reporters on the helicopter in the sky stunned, and even the pilot of the helicopter opened his mouth unconsciously.

The people who were watching this scene through the live broadcast in front of computers, TV sets, and mobile phones were even more stunned. They felt a chill climb up their backs for no reason, making their scalps numb.

"Too...too...too shocking."

Jericho Rosales' eyes were dull, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it.

The other big stars next to him were also stunned, and they were all stupid.

In front of their eyes, countless microbots divided the entire landscape they saw into two, one side was the normal world, and the other was the black world completely covered by microbots.

The two worlds are black and white, separated from each other, as if there is a thin line between heaven and hell. The strong visual impact makes everyone feel as if they have seen a scene that can only be seen in the apocalyptic sci-fi blockbuster.


Several bigwigs in the business world, Manuel Villar, Henry Sy, Dennis Catig, Jairus Ferrer and others, all jumped up from their seats at this moment, and they rushed to the edge of the top floor without even wanting to see the big screen next to them. Looking at the scene that shocked them all from afar.

Those who are outside the warning line, because there is only a line of separation, can see more vividly and clearly. For them, the sense of shock is the strongest.

Everyone looked up at the high-rise buildings that had turned into black metal, and their eyes were full of shock. Where was the capital city in front of them? It turned into a world made of black metal.

"Break down!"

As the overwritten command is completed, the microbots also begin to quickly execute the decompose command.

All the buildings covered by the microbots "melted" at the same speed as the Phoenix Tower, and all the scraps that were disassembled were stacked neatly on the street, forming a long rectangular waste line.

This time, it didn't even take a minute.

The entire block has been completely razed to the ground.

As some microbots transported the waste away and sent it to the garbage dump for processing, the whole land was bare. The original residential buildings, the original blocks, the original shops... All buildings seemed to have been erased from the map. In general, nothing left.

Even the growing weeds are no exception, they are all pulled out mercilessly.

Within the radius, except for the massive microbots all over the ground, there is nothing left.


"Is this really demolishing a building? Why do I feel like it's being eaten instead?"

"This is the real barren land!"


The people watching the live broadcast took a deep breath. In the video, all the places covered by the microbots have been wiped out, and there is nothing left.

Outside these areas, there are still many high-rise buildings... The two form a particularly sharp contrast, so that even if the whole video is seen through the live broadcast, it has an extremely powerful impact.


In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers also showed consternation.

Although they had expected that the scene would be very big this time, after all, the whole demolition and construction involved a large area, and the scene would definitely be very shocking... but they never thought that it would be so shocking.

How do you say that?

Twenty years to build, five minutes to dismantle.

It took Zeke five minutes to completely raze the entire block that had been built for nearly 20 years to the ground.

Even Grace's eyes couldn't help but glow with amazing brilliance at this moment, shocked by what happened in front of her.

If Grace was asked to name someone who could change the future direction of the world, she would definitely say the name Zeke without hesitation.

Whether it is Baymax, Iron Man, or microbots, all the technologies from Zeke's hands are the most dazzling, cool, and top-notch.

At this moment, Grace could obviously feel her heart beating violently several times.

This feeling is unprecedented.


"Scrap transportation is complete, and construction materials are being transported to the site."

Jarvis executes orders as planned.

After all the dismantled scraps have been transported to where they should be, all the building materials that Zeke had prepared earlier have begun to enter the venue.

For this construction, Zeke has prepared a lot of materials, the amount is huge, even enough to build several real estate areas.

There is just too much material.

Just to accumulate these materials, Zeke rented at least hundreds of warehouses.

Therefore, when those building materials entered the venue, many people were amazed.

"Now, it's time for people to take a good look at the ZTech Building, which is enough to shock the world for a hundred years."

Zeke's mouth grinned.

"Jarvis, start the procedure!"

With an order, all the building materials were immediately spread, and the massive microbots all moved.

At this moment, everyone was involuntarily focused, staring at the miniature robots on the ground.

Soon, one by one, different sizes and shapes, some twisted, some long and straight, some wide, some narrow... All kinds of strange buildings rose from the ground and appeared in the public's view.

Without exception, these buildings are all made of metal structures, but they just look a little weird and puzzled.

However, soon, as the peripheral microbots completed the peripheral buildings and

gathered in the center, many people discovered the clues.

"Those do they look like the roots of a big tree?"