Chapter 91: Strong Economic Boost

The cordon was also lifted when the Phoenix Tree was completed entirely, and all the microbots were removed.

Countless people who watched the whole process rushed out like a flood at this moment, rushing to run at a speed of 100 meters towards the Phoenix Tree.

They can't wait to experience the mystery of the Phoenix Tree for themselves.

Not only them, but also those stars, celebrities, and business leaders who had been watching secretly for a long time drove over in a hurry. At this moment, there is no so-called public figure aura between them, and they all incarnate into ZTech fans, just to take a closer look at the Phoenix Tree that shocked them.

As for those who couldn't watch it on the spot, many people chose to put down all the work at hand, bought the tickets for the night, and rushed to see the Phoenix Tree.

The Phoenix Tree instantly set off a thousand waves.

"Zeke, please sign my name for me!"

"Mr. Zeke! You are my idol! Can you take a picture with me?"

"Zeke, I love you!"

"Zeke is awesome!"


As soon as Zeke landed on the ground, countless people swarmed around him, asking for autographs and a group photo, and even a woman directly kissed his face. Zeke was caught off guard.

Among them, there is Liza Soberano, Rand Ribay... These big stars, who are usually considered super-first-line stars, have now become Zeke's fans, just to be able to talk to Zeke at close range. In two words, shake hands.

Business leaders are no exception. Usually, they are rejected when they find Zeke and have no chance to meet him.

This lively scene and posture seem to have reached an incomparably crazy level.

Fortunately, Zeke has microbots, which directly lift him up and get him out of the crowd.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm a little tired today; I'm afraid I can't meet your requirements."

"But as compensation, Phoenix Tree will be fully open for free today."

"This is the only chance to see the inside. After ZTech officially moves in, it will be impossible to visit fully. So friends who want to visit Phoenix Tree, seize the opportunity."

Zeke said, and directly let Jarvis open all the doors of the Phoenix Tree.

Hearing this, in an instant, countless people ignored Zeke and swarmed directly into the Phoenix Tree. Zeke couldn't help but feel scared by the terrifying crowd.

And to prevent accidents, Zeke deliberately spread the microbots on the ground. Once someone falls or is knocked down, the microbots will instantly wrap them to prevent accidents.

"God Zeke!!!"

Amid the noise, someone shouted loudly; Zeke looked down and found that the person who called him was Jericho Rosales, who is very popular today.

"There are so many stars."

Zeke also saw the bar next to him, Liza Soberano, Marian Rivera, and others.

Then there are those well-known business leaders, and celebrities from all walks of life.

But soon, a familiar Rolls-Royce appeared in Zeke's field of vision.

Grace got out of the car.

Behind the Rolls Royce, Phoenix's elders and ministers all got out of the car and followed behind Grace.

"It seems that today I have to spend some saliva again."

Zeke shook his head helplessly.


On the same day, the news of Phoenix Tree has already made the headlines of major reports, and the hot search of search sites has exploded directly. No matter where you are on the Internet, even in some website forums that are unsuitable for children, you can hear the discussion about the Phoenix Tree.

And this is not only limited to Phoenix's domestic; foreign voices are no worse than domestic.

Countless people were shocked when they learned about the Phoenix Tree's complete picture through reports and videos, especially those church members, who exclaimed that the tree of life was born, and worshiped it in various ways.

All of this was experienced in the crazy tourism industry that the kingdom broke out the next day.

Initially, in the Phoenix Royal Capital, the daily number of tourists from other places was around 700,000 or 800,000 at most. This data is not even comparable to some ordinary scenic spots.

Only during some golden holidays will it explode to two or three million a day, ushering in a considerable increase.

However, the day after the announcement of Phoenix Tree, the number of visitors to the Phoenix Kingdom instantly exceeded 5 million.

The streets around the Phoenix Tree are full of tourists from all over the country.

Even if it's not a holiday at all, they still can't stop their fiery enthusiasm. When you go to the Phoenix tree, you can take a photo with it from up close.

On the third day, the number of people skyrocketed again, directly reaching 10 million.

What is the concept of 10 million people?

Don Dieta did not hesitate to dispatch a large number of police forces for this, and even temporarily seconded police forces from other areas, just to maintain order in the surrounding areas of the Phoenix Tree and prevent large-scale stampede casualties.

And in this, not only the people of Phoenix contributed, but countless foreign friends also came from thousands of miles to witness the legendary Phoenix Tree that is connected to heaven and the earth and is full of sacredness.

When they saw the Phoenix tree with their own eyes, they were completely shocked, and their inherent impression of Phoenix was completely subverted and changed.

The terrifying number of tourists will naturally bring a terrifying economic boost.

All the areas around the Phoenix Tree, whether big hotels or small hotels, are all full, and it has continued to another area without any improvement.

The more people there are, the higher the consumption will naturally be, and the higher the consumption, of course, the kingdom will also get huge benefits.

But as for who gets the most benefit, there is no doubt that it must be Zeke.

Phoenix Tree is now a hot "world attraction", even if the open area has been reduced again and again, it still can't stop the enthusiasm of tourists, so that the price of the whole lot has turned several times more than when Zeke bought it.

If it was said that there was an inch of land and an inch of gold before, then now, it is an inch of land and an inch of diamonds.