Chapter 104: Two Hundred Soldiers

Grace is very distressed. Since Phoenix's status has been improved, pressure from all sides has come one after another.

She knows that this is the only way for a small kingdom to become stronger and bigger... If these obstacles cannot be overcome, Phoenix Country will never become one of the world's great powers.

But it is obviously unrealistic to rely on her and Phoenix's elders and ministers to solve these problems.

The only person who has the ability to solve all this is Zeke.


The next day.

Grace drove to the downstairs of Phoenix Tree, entered the lobby, and went directly to one of the special elevators.

This is a special elevator to Zeke's residence. It is controlled by Jarvis. Without Zeke's permission, no one can take this elevator, and naturally cannot enter his residence... which basically completely eliminates the so-called sneaking problem.

"Your Majesty, please."

Soon, with permission, Grace and Prime Minister Deron boarded the elevator and finally stopped until the 288th floor.

"Sir, Her Majesty the King has stepped out of the elevator." 

Inside the house, Zeke, who was immersed in research and development of the battle suit, only raised his head after hearing Jarvis's reminder.

"OK, put these away."

Zeke picked up the coffee, and suddenly the ground began to move, making a circular gap, opening mechanically to both sides, the experimental bed was spun into the ground, and then quickly re-closed. The whole process took less than five seconds.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have known that there was such a mechanism on the seemingly smooth ground.

Just at this moment, the door opened automatically, Grace and Prime Minister Deron walked in.

"Your Majesty, how are you?"

"Want a cup of coffee?"

Zeke took a sip of coffee and said hello with a smile.

"I'll have a cup. It just so happens that I really need coffee to refresh me recently."

Grace didn't treat herself as a guest at all, and looked around, "This is the first time I come to your new house, it's much more spacious than before, and the vision is also much broader."

Grace walked to the window, and through it, she could see the beautiful scenery under a thousand meters...all the houses became extraordinarily small, and everything seemed so insignificant.

If you look up, through the transparent ceiling, you can see the clear sky for thousands of miles outside, and the sea of clouds rolls over your head, as if you can touch it with your hand.

"Gale, bring a cup of coffee to Her Majesty the King and Lord Deron, and let them enjoy the scenery of our new home."

Zeke said with a smile.


Gale obediently went to prepare coffee.

"You should know about the joint military exercise announced by the three countries yesterday, right?"

Grace's eyes turned to Zeke, "Because of this news, the whole Phoenix Kingdom is now in uproar, and the elders, nobles and ministers are not allowed to live in peace. But the three countries of Country J, Country G, and Country C have united to make such a large scale military exercise. It is obvious that their target is not Phoenix Kingdom at all, but you."

"Last time, your Iron Legion effortlessly eliminated the Al-Qaeda organization, causing Country J to suffer huge losses, and at the same time allowing our kingdom to obtain the oil trading qualification of the Tonda Empire. In addition, this time the joint military exercise is enough to show that your Iron Legion has attracted the attention of those world powers."

"So they no longer fight alone, but form a group to frighten Phoenix Kingdom and frighten your Iron Legion."

Grace saw it very clearly.

Phoenix Kingdom rose from Iron Man, and his strength was recognized because of Iron Man, but as the so-called "every man is innocent, he is guilty if he has treasure", no world power would like to see a small kingdom possess such a powerful weapon, of course they have to do something.

The assassination of Zeke is one of them.

Deterring Zeke is the second.

Even if they don't attack the kingdom, they must at least let it be afraid and feel the military power of powerful countries. Don't be too complacent because of a little achievement. Is what they're saying.

"Then I don't know what Your Majesty thinks of these three countries' military exercises?"

Zeke stared at Grace and took a sip of coffee.

"They know the existence of the Iron Legion, but they still dare to engage in military deterrence so arrogantly. Obviously they have the means to deal with your Iron Legion."

"And your Iron Legion is the only military means that our kingdom can this case, dispatching the Iron Legion to deter them will definitely be of little use."

Grace sighed, "But if your Iron Legion doesn't show up, our kingdom can only watch their three countries do their drills at our door."

The other party has been prepared for a long time, they're not afraid at all.

They can only let the other party show off their power and be arrogant.

In this case, Grace was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"Your Majesty, in fact, this situation is not complicated and difficult at all."

Zeke smiled slightly, "But it depends on Your Majesty whether you have the courage to fight against the three countries."

"What do you mean..."

Grace looked at Zeke suspiciously.

"I'm researching something recently. If the research is successful, it should be able to play a certain anti-deterrent effect on those three countries."

Zeke smiled mysteriously.

"You're working on something new again? What is it?"

Grace's eyes lit up.

"The specific information is not convenient to disclose now."

Zeke said, "If Your Majesty are really willing to show the courage to fight against the three countries, select some soldiers for me within a week. The number is...tentatively set at 200."

"Two hundred soldiers?"

Grace and Prime Minister Deron looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

Even if it is to fight against the military exercise, it is better to have a larger number of people. What can two hundred soldiers do?

"There is only one condition for selecting soldiers. I don't care how good their physical ability, marksmanship, and intelligence are. I only need their moral character to be good enough."

"The better the character, the better! The more noble the character, the better! The simpler the idea, the better!"

Zeke's eyes flashed, "And you have to tell them in advance to be ready to be a sacrifice at any time."