Chapter 107: Patience

As soon as the broadcast of the three-nation military exercise was transmitted to TV stations in more than 50 countries around the world, and many world-class video sites were also broadcasting live, it immediately attracted countless people from all over the world to watch.

Phoenix Kingdom, Country J, Country G, Country N, Country IY, Country F, etc...there are more onlookers from all countries than ever before.

The three nations are targeting the Phoenix Kingdom this time, and its most famous weapon is naturally Iron Man, who has attracted worldwide attention.

In the face of such unscrupulous provocation by others at their doorstep, everyone wants to know, will Iron Man appear?

If it appears, is it to admit defeat or fight back?

If he fights back, how will Iron Man fight against Country G, Country J, and Country C? 

Various spectators out of curiosity attracted them all to squat in front of the TV and computer, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

However, Iron Man did not arrive, but they waited for another exciting point among the three nations participating in the military exercise this time, Country C is naturally worth mentioning. It is a country with particularly strong military strength. Its international status is above that of the Phoenix Kingdom.

However Country J and Country G are completely different.

During the exercise, the army of Country G dispatched almost all main combat equipment, including the army's latest Leopard IIA6 main battle tank, PZH2000 self propelled gun, Weasel infantry fighting vehicle, new boxer wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, Wild Dog II anti-ambush vehicle, Tiger attack helicopter M270 type multiple rocket launcher... Wait, the latest weapon and equipment that appeared, it caused an uproar.

In particular, the appearance of the "S140 anti-aircraft missile vehicle" and the "K539 anti-personnel armored weapon heavy tank" that finally appeared, opened the eyes of the people who were watching this scene through the broadcast.

"SoCool (so cool)!"

"Anti-single soldier armor weapon, isn't it clear that it is anti-Iron Man?"

"No wonder they are so confident. Phoenix Kingdom has Iron Man and they dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that they have weapons against Iron Man."

"To be able to develop weapons against Iron Man by Country G, it seems that Iron Man is being targeted by world powers."

"The most powerful Iron Man is targeted, the Phoenix Kingdom should be miserable now."


When everyone saw this, except for Phoenix's citizens, all of them couldn't help but get excited.

As the saying goes, watching the fun is not too big of a deal. When Country G came up with weapons specially aimed at Iron Man, everyone understood that after Iron Man became famous, the world powers have begun to consciously target him.

These weapons are the best symbols.

Before that, they also gave a very high evaluation of Iron Man's super individual combat capability, thinking that as long as there are enough Iron Legions, they can sweep through all countries... Then now with the anti-Iron Man weapons the answers to these questions start to blur.

Iron Man is not absolutely invincible.

Even if the Iron Legion is large, it may not be invincible.

Many people can't wait to see a big battle at this moment... A battle between these military weapons of Country G and the Iron Legion.

They believe it will be very exciting.

And among so many nations, the only one who doesn't have this kind of expectation and can't laugh at all, should be the Phoenix Kingdom.

"Country G's weapon research and development speed is too fast... Iron Man has only been out for less than two months, and they have already developed a weapon specifically for Iron Man."

"Moving chariots, fixed turrets, and interceptor missiles designed to target high-speed moving objects... No wonder Country G wants to get involved, it's just a demonstration to our kingdom."

"It's useless even if Iron Man comes forward, the deterrent is not enough. If we go, we will only lose face!"

"Bear it, endure it, this time we can only endure it. Count them as powerful. Now we are waiting for Zeke to develop a weapon that is even better than Iron Man. If it is researched, we have to find these bastards to express our grievances."


The citizens of Phoenix Kingdom shook their heads and sighed.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, the truth is right in front of them.

The lineup of the three-nation joint military exercise is too strong, and the new weapons and equipment displayed are directed at Iron Man.

Iron Man, as Phoenix's most proud weapon, the sharpest advanced technology, and the biggest trump card, is now being targeted by world powers, and its deterrence has been greatly weakened. This allows Phoenix's citizens to experience the world power's tyrannical military strength. At the same time, there is also frustration and loss.

It seems that this time they have no other choice but to endure.

Watching other people roaring all kinds of artillery fire in front of their own house, experimenting with various new types of weapons and equipment, and making various provocative and mocking gestures, they can't do anything except endure and turn a blind eye.

On the other hand, on the day of the three-nation joint military exercise, Toshiki Kaifu, the Prime Minister of Country J, and Klaus Fischer, the Prime Minister of Country G, both came to the capital of Country C in person, and they happily talked about the military exercise with Zhou Hu, the President of Country C.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

After the public meeting, the heads of state of the three nations gathered together, drinking red wine and laughing unbridledly.

"Prime Minister Fischer, it is rumored that you have formed a secret weapons research group and have been researching and developing new types of weapons. I didn't expect that the weapons for Iron Man would come out so quickly. Your ability really amazes me."

Zhou Hu, the head of Country C, smiled and said, "Prime Minister Fischer, does the previous agreement still count? Regarding the weapons against Iron Man, we are willing to pay a high price to buy a batch, so that we will no longer have to fear Iron Man."

"We are now united allies, of course the agreement still counts."

A middle-aged white man with a dignified suit, a white beard, a typical face of Country G, and a sharp edge in his eyes, is the prime minister of Country G, Klaus Fishcer.

He smiled and drank a sip of red wine, nodded and said: "Iron Man's advantage lies in high-altitude mobile combat, which is very flexible, so it will become a very difficult object to the principle of the interceptor missile we developed is to block the volley with a firepower network area, to reduce Iron Man's range of activities and counterattack."

"A mere Iron Man, in the face of absolute military power, is not worth mentioning at all."