Chapter 110: The Birth of Super Soldiers

Soldier No. 17 stood beside Paulo with a sad look on his face.

Immediately afterward, many more people were successfully implanted.

Many people have resisted during the implantation process, resulting in implantation failure.

Ten minutes later, the experiment of 24 soldiers was completed, 15 were successfully implanted with brain waves, and the other 9 failed.

"I knew it..."

"Fortunately, I got more than 200 people this time, otherwise it would be really difficult to gather 100 people for system tasks."

Zeke knows that even if these people can be selected as people with excellent moral character, it does not necessarily mean that their minds are firm enough, and his words are not enough to be believed... Somedoubts will arise, and there will be resistance to the brain wave implantation.

Fortunately, the success rate is at least more than half, 228 soldiers. If only half of the 228 soldiers can successfully implant brain waves, he can still complete the 100 super soldier tasks explained by the system.

"Elder Zeke, is this what you want to show us?"

An elder couldn't help but ask. 

"Don't worry, the show is just starting"

Zeke smiled slightly and said to all the soldiers through the microphone again,

"Unqualified soldiers can go back to the first floor directly through the elevator and line up at the place where you came."

"Soldiers who have successfully passed the mind scan, please return to the experimental cabin again, and the next step will be your real mission."

The failed soldiers left in dismay, and the successful soldiers lay back in the experimental cabin.

"Jarvis, put the restraints on them."

A pile of microbots swarmed fast, quickly buckling the restraint belt, and tied everyone's hands and feet firmly.

Everyone was wondering what Zeke was going to do next.

Grace, the elders and ministers said nothing, just stared at the experimental cabins.

"Soldiers, you will experience an extraordinary period of pain next. If you can't bear it, you can shout the word "give up", and the experiment will be interrupted immediately."

Zeke said, "But you have your mind scanned to prove that your willpower is much stronger than the average person. I will see who was the first to give up because he couldn't bear the pain."

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers suddenly looked fierce, their faces became solemn and serious, and they took several deep breaths.

They all came here after a lot of screening, and finally came to the last level. How could they give up because of a little pain?

What's more, they are people who have experienced life and death. They are not afraid of death, what else is there to fear?

"Embedding Serum."

At this time, the microbots carried a tube of blue serum and inserted it into the injection groove of each experimental cabin.

At the same time, they also attached some instruments to the chests and shoulders of the soldiers, and made all the preparations in the early stages.

"What is that?"

"Serum? Is it genetically modified?"

The elders and ministers whispered.

They are also well-informed people, but Zeke's every experimental step made them puzzled.

"Grandpa Deron, do you know what that is?"

Grace also asked in a low voice.

"I haven't seen it before, but from Elder Zeke's words, I can tell that that thing should have an effect on the human body... As for the effect, it depends on the actual effect."

Prime Minister Deron replied.

"Jarvis, serum infusion, execute."

Following Zeke's order, all the experimental cabins were erected slowly and closed again.

The inside of the transparent casing is sealed, leaving only a small window that can see the face.

Soon, everyone could clearly see that the blue serums that had been placed in the experimental cabins all began to gradually decrease, and finally disappeared completely and poured into the cabins.

"VITA rays, 10% intensity, activate."

As Jarvis' voice came out, a violent light suddenly burst out from the small windows of all the experimental cabins.

"VITA ray?! This is light with strong radiation."

"Isn't the radiant light killing people? What the hell does Elder Zeke want to do!?"

"Serum... VITA rays... Isn't Elder Zeke conducting genetic experiments? This is forbidden internationally!"

The elders and ministers all frowned unconsciously at this moment.

Such an intensity of radiant light is enough to easily kill a person.

"Intensity 20%."

"Intensity 30%."

"Intensity 40%"


Jarvis's voice kept coming out, and the light bursting from the small windows of all the experimental cabins became more and more intense.


At this time, there was a painful howl of soldiers from the experimental cabin.

"Elder Zeke..."

When a minister heard the soldier's miserable howl, his face changed, and he wanted to go forward and persuade.

But Grace on the side raised her hand directly and interrupted him.

"Trust Zeke."

Grace's light words made the elders and ministers look helpless.

Although these elders and ministers have always acted on the principle of the overall situation of the kingdom, they did not want to watch Phoenix's soldiers being so miserable and even die in the end.

"Soldiers, if you can't hold on, you can shout out the word give up."

"Sometimes not everyone can take the pain, and I can understand that."

Zeke turned on the microphone again and said.

As soon as his words came out, all the soldiers immediately gritted their teeth and forcibly held back the howl.

"Intensity 70%."

"Intensity 80%."

"Intensity 90%."

But as the intensity climbed higher and higher, they couldn't bear it even if they gritted their teeth, and roared again.

And the sound of howling this time was obviously more miserable and more intense than before.

More than a dozen soldiers howled together, and the sound made one's hair stand on end.

"Intensity 100%."

Finally, as soon as Jarvis's sound came out, the pain on all the soldiers instantly receded like a tide.

Hearing the cry of the soldiers stopped abruptly, the elders and ministers felt a sudden unease...could something have happened?

"Soldiers, congratulations to you successfully crossing the gate of hell and welcoming a new destiny."

Zeke applauded and said with a smile, "Come on, open the hatch, and let all the elders and ministers present take a good look at you."

As soon as his voice fell, the doors of the more than ten experimental cabins opened with a snort, and as a burst of smoke came out, all the elders and ministers rushed up, their faces changed greatly, and their pupils suddenly shrank.