Chapter 113: Too Weak.

The so-called rise of a country to make other countries feel jealous, fearful, and dare not offend easily, so that it is qualified to call it a developing country.

Otherwise, just like now, a few big powers will hold a military exercise against the Phoenix Kingdom together, and the kingdom will be helpless and let people all over the world laugh at it... Can such a kingdom be called developing?


What Zeke wants is not a compromise, a threat to fight against each other...

What he wants is to make those other countries feel terrified.

"Elder Zeke, since you said this, you must have a corresponding plan, right?"

The eyes of the elders and ministers all focused on Zeke.

Grace also looked at him, her beautiful eyes glowing with brilliance.

She knew that Zeke was not a reckless person. Since he said such words, he must have corresponding confidence.

"Jarvis, take out 15 Iron Captain suits and give it to them."

Zeke said directly.

They saw the steel target on the ground below fall back, and soon, a bunch of microbots swarmed with a bunch of red combat clothes.

"Soldiers, one piece per person, this is the battle uniform I specially made for you."

Zeke opened the microphone and said.

When the soldiers heard it, without hesitation, they quickly took a battle suit and put it on directly.

However, because there are still some differences in their sizes, and these steel captain suits are all uniform in size, many people wear them either tight or loose, and they look a little less serious.

"Jarvis, help them adapt."

They saw that everyone's clothes were automatically tightened or loose at once, and the explosive muscles and perfect mermaid lines on the body were fully displayed, and there were no longer any inadequacies.

Red and gold stripes, a big golden five-pointed star on the chest, symbolizing Phoenix's Venus flag.

The grim and solemn mask, the chic and thick red gloves, the firm and tight boots... In addition, the exterior with a strong sci-fi mechanical feeling, as well as the metal belt around the waist and between the ribs, even if it is an ordinary soldier wearing this uniform will immediately be regarded as the special forces.

At this moment, the momentum of all the soldiers has become calm and restrained, and they have a completely different look and feel when they casually squeeze their fists and stomp their feet.

"What a nice combat uniform."

"It looks good and has good practicability. I didn't expect Elder Zeke to be so proficient in the field of combat uniforms."

The elders and ministers all nodded.

There is no "Captain America" in this world. Naturally, he does know that every detail of Captain America's uniform is designed for war. It is superior in terms of convenience and practicality.

Naturally, when Zeke presented this battle suit, these elders and ministers couldn't help but praise.

"Soldiers, this combat uniform you are wearing was specially designed by me for you."

Zeke said loudly, "Its ability is to help you block and reduce damage, and to some extent, improve your current strength, speed, and agility."

"Go on, a new steel target has appeared. Use your fists again to let all the elders and ministers present here take a look at the power that will shock the world."

At the same time as Zeke's voice fell, a steel target had already risen from the ground below.

This time, however, the thickness of these steel targets has increased.

From the original three centimeters, it has increased to ten centimeters.

"Why did the thickness increase?"

"The thickness of this steel plate must be 100 mm, right?"

"It's really amazing to be able to leave a mark on such a thick steel plate."

The elders and ministers nodded.

What is the concept of a ten-centimeter steel target?

The thickness is basically the length of two of your fingers.

Such a steel plate, even an ordinary armor-piercing bullet, may not be able to penetrate it.

With only manpower and a thin battle suit, if such a thick steel plate can be dented, then it will be awesome.


Just when the elders and ministers were talking about the steel plate, one of the super soldiers slammed his fist into the ten-centimeter-thick steel plate.

In an instant, the ten-centimeter-thick steel plate left a fist mark protruding from the original plate by at least 6 centimeters.

Every knuckle on the fist print is clearly visible.


The eyes of the elders and ministers were bright, and all their faces showed joy.

"Haha! It's amazing how one punch can leave such a deep imprint on such a thick steel plate."

"It seems that Elder Zeke's suit has given them a lot of strength."

"With these soldiers, plus these battle uniforms, it's enough, it's enough! Haha!"

The elders and ministers were very happy.

"Zeke, well done."

Grace was also very satisfied with the performance of the super soldiers and the battle uniform, and praised Zeke without hesitation.

However, when they looked at Zeke again, they found that Zeke frowned.

"Stop, stop for me!"

Zeke opened the microphone and shouted.

All the super soldiers stopped and looked at Zeke blankly... From the tone of voice, they seemed to hear that Zeke was a little unhappy.

"Weak! Too weak!"

Zeke said loudly with a dissatisfied face, "I injected you with serum and gave you steel battle suits, not for you to show me such a weak result!"

As soon as he said this, the elders and ministers next to him were stunned and looked at each other. this also weak?

My god, they can make a mark on a ten-centimeter-thick steel plate with their bare hands. If you change it on the battlefield, they can blow an enemy's head with one punch.

If this is considered weak, are the soldiers of other countries still alive?

"Soldier No. 21, yes, you, take a deep breath now and focus your power on your fists."

Zeke pointed out Paulo from the group of soldiers.

Paulo was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned his face, following Zeke's request, became serious and solemn, and took a deep breath.

"The essence of this suit is that the stronger the power you wield, the stronger the strength of the suit will increase accordingly."

"In 10-100 times, you didn't even show me 30 times."

"Soldier No. 21, I hope you can give me a satisfactory result."

Just as the elders and ministers were stunned when they heard these words, the next second, Paulo's power-packed punch suddenly slammed out.


The ten-centimeter-thick steel target was like a piece of paper, and it was directly pierced without any obstruction.