Chapter 118: The Insidious Routines of Great Powers

Edited by Travar

The attention to this military exercise has reached an unprecedented height.

It can be seen that once the matter is related to the honor and disgrace of the kingdom, the people will not be absent.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sky was clear.

Iron Man hasn't arrived yet, but the three countries' party has already activated their armored vehicles, tanks, and artillery weapons and begun to do their military exercises.

Artillery fire was deafening, and black smoke and dust flew everywhere.

Photographers have always been the most authoritative and impartial journalists. Their pictures did not favor any party. While taking a helicopter to shoot the military exercise of the three countries at a high altitude, there were also cameras aimed at the Phoenix Kingdom's military training.

The photographers are indeed extreme. Even if it is a military exercise, switching their cameras one by one becomes like shooting a big war movie, which makes people not feel that monotonous and boring at all.

Phoenix Kingdom's army is marching in an orderly manner.

All displayed are the kingdom's latest weapons and equipment, but these are utterly incompetent in the face of the mighty military powers of the three countries. 

At this moment, the picture was suddenly switched to a high altitude, and the high-altitude camera quickly reversed, capturing a scene of the sky in the distance.

As the focal length is continuously blurred and switched and then gradually zoomed in, everyone can see the black spots on the screen that are slowly getting bigger.

"They're coming!"

"It's Iron Man! The Iron Legion!"

"Phoenix Kingdom's most powerful weapon is finally here!"


Countless Phoenix citizens who saw this scene were unconsciously excited at the moment.

Soon, all kinds of Iron Man figures appeared with these black spots.

Everyone saw more and more behind them, like a swarm of locusts.

"This time, there are more than a few hundred, at least a thousand."

"Haha! I knew that the kingdom must have come prepared!"

"This scene is even more exciting than a sci-fi blockbuster."

Boom boom boom! !

When the Iron Legion came to the sky above the Phoenix Kingdom's military exercise, they quickly stopped and began to spread out in the form of a grid in the air.

The reporter's shooting footage began to shrink to capture more of Iron Man in the camera.

In the end, a whole thousand Iron Man, arranged in a regular rectangular array, is like a thousand black dots that are incomparably regular, neatly spread in the sky.

This spectacular scene made the people of the kingdom extremely excited, and at the same time, it also made many foreign spectators gasp.

"The Phoenix Kingdom made a lot of money."

On the other side, Prime Minister Fischer, who saw this scene through the live broadcast, narrowed his eyes.

"No wonder the kingdom has the confidence to clamor. It turns out that a lot of Iron Man has been added."

Toshiki's eyes flashed coldly.

"Prime Minister Fischer, after waiting so long, it's time to show our stuff, right?"

The head of Country C, Zhou Hu, smiled sinisterly.


"Many people are paying attention to this military exercise now. It's time to teach the Phoenix Kingdom a good lesson and let them know why a big country is called a big country."

Fischer drank the red wine in the glass with a cruel look.

At this time, a thousand Iron Man were neatly arranged in the sky, quietly suspended, looking at the military exercise position of the three countries one kilometer away.

Many soldiers from Country J, Country G, and Country C looked up at the "Iron Man Net" in the sky, showing disdain.

Immediately, a loud rumbling sound came from behind them.

The live broadcast also immediately cut to the three countries' camp.

"Damn it! Isn't this the S140 anti-air combat missile vehicle and the K539 antipersonnel armor weapon heavy tank developed by country G specifically to deal with Iron Man? Why so many?!"

"These tanks are not the same as before. Look at the barrels, and the missiles, there are more weapons than before."

"Isn't that a supersonic anti-ship missile? It looks different from before."

"The missile car has also changed a lot. The missiles on it are thicker and more powerful than the original."


Amid the exclamations of people, Country G finally took out their trump card weapon against Iron Man this time.

"General Ruth, can you tell me what's going on with your weapons?"

A reporter from Country A, who was in charge of interviewing the leaders of the military exercise, asked quickly.

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

General Ruth showed a triumphant smile, "Actually, the weapons we showed before are just the primary products of the allied Country G and Country J in the research on anti personnel weapons and armor."

"Now what we are showing is an armed force that has truly gone through all the considerations and tests and can be destructive to individual weapons and armor."

All the people who heard these words suddenly woke up at this moment.

It turned out that the three countries had already set up a trap, waiting for the Phoenix Kingdom to be caught in it.

On the surface, it seems that the three countries have displayed weapons to suppress and oppose Iron Man, but in fact, it is just the most inferior weapons and equipment in the first generation.

They have been hiding the real anti-Iron Man weapon, just waiting for this moment.

"How so..."

"So sinister! These guys are so sinister!"

"It's no wonder it's so dragging, it turns out there are trump cards!"

"It's a big deal this time!"

"What am I talking about? Don't go against the big country easily, it's okay now! Go for it!"

"What am I seeing..."


Countless Phoenix citizens couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

These enormous powers hide too profoundly, and their tactics are vicious.

There are fantastic things, but they just don't take it out. They keep holding it, and after you play the card, they will blow you up and blow you up completely.

But just when everyone was amazed, suddenly, the camera cut back to the place of Iron Man.

They saw another Iron Man in the picture.

The red and gold color is precisely the prodigal son, Mk 42, Zeke's signature steel battle suit.

But what surprised people was that Iron Man was holding a person in red clothes, like a soldier.

Just when people were puzzled, Iron Man suddenly let go of his hand and let the soldier fall directly from 100 meters.