Chapter 120: A Little Mistakes

Edited by Travar

But at the moment of the explosion, the red-and-gold Iron Man took the female reporter and cameraman with powerful propulsion to get out of the explosion area.

After reaching a safe enough place, Zeke turned around, his eyes were cold and gloomy, and he looked at the tank with a high barrel a kilometer away.

To be able to hit him so accurately, the tank did so on purpose after being instructed.

"Damn it! These bastards too arrogant? Playing assassination in front of people all over the world?!"

"Dare to openly fire at the person in charge of the Phoenix Kingdom, this is not provocation, this is declaring war on the kingdom!"

"Mother^@$@#$!, these foreign devils are really shameless, do you really think we can't see with our eyes?!"


This scene directly aroused the anger of all those watching the live broadcast.

Even those foreign spectators are no exception, and the people from Country A are the most annoyed.

If it weren't for Zeke's quick response, their country's beautiful reporter and the cameraman would have been killed in the artillery fire.

"I'm very sorry, we didn't do it on purpose. This is because a certain soldier made a mistake during the military exercise. We can hand over the soldier and let the Phoenix Kingdom deal with him."

"Allow me to express my sincere apologies to you again."

At this time, the voice of General Ruth came from the other side of the broadcast.

Since it was only less than one kilometer apart, the kingdom's army could hear it very clearly.

At the same time, they could also see a soldier from Country C coming out from the tank in the distance with his hands raised. This person is the soldier who just "misfired" on Zeke.

"Misfired? They are cheating!"

"Did such a precise "misfire." Do they really treat us as three-year-old children?!"

"The "misfire" made a tank go so far out of position, the "misfire" made the tank's barrel just aim at the kingdom's camp, and the "misfire" directly hit Iron Man with one shot... These gangsters really play dishonestly!"


Anyone can see that the three countries' party is simply looking for an excuse to go to war.

If Zeke hadn't been wearing a steel battle suit just now, he would have become a ghost under their muzzle.

To openly attack the kingdom's hero, a big man in control of power. Their behavior is an utterly blatant provocation and a declaration of war.

If someone asks, don't they worry about starting a fight when they do this?

Obviously, not at all.

First, they knew that Zeke was wearing a steel battle suit, and a standard tank shell would not be able to handle it, so this kind of action was entirely provocative for the kingdom and Zeke in response to his so-called humiliating remarks.

Second, they wished the Phoenix Kingdom could not hold their breath and took the initiative to open fire on them. In this way, they would have enough justifiable reasons to attack them.

After all, in their eyes, even if the kingdom has the Iron Legion, it is still a kingdom that cannot be on the table. Want to compete with the military power of their three countries? It's just a fool's dream.

"Look at their panicked look, it's ridiculous!"

Toshiki laughed proudly.

"Mr. Prime Minister, your move is really too damaging!"

The president of Country C, Zhou Hu, also laughed.

"Appropriate counterattacks can disrupt the enemy's mentality. They must have understood what we mean by now."

Fischer shook the red wine glass, the anxiety in his heart was slowly dissipating, and a knowing smile appeared on his face, "I'll make a few more shots while the chaos is going on. Anyway, the distance between the positions is so close, and mistakes are normal."

"These bastards are really deceiving."

At this time, in the conference room of the palace, the elders and ministers watching the broadcast were so angry that they slammed the table, and their faces were so gloomy.

Grace's face was covered with frost, and there was a trace of anger in her eyes.

There was such an incident on the first day of the military exercise.

However, in the face of this situation, they had no choice but to see how Zeke fought back.


"Elder Zeke, are you alright?"

On the other side, Paulo, the soldier in red who had just been thrown down from a few hundred meters, exclaimed the first time the tank shell came, but the roar drowned out his voice. He breathed a sigh of relief, ran over quickly, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Zeke looked at the three countries' camp in the distance and squinted his eyes, "Go and bring me the megaphone."

Paulo hurried to the command office and gave Zeke a megaphone.

"General Ruth!"

As soon as Zeke opened his mouth, his words spread out through the radar-like loudspeaker on the command car.

The female reporter and cameraman of Country A also quickly recovered from the explosion, and quickly aimed the camera at Zeke.

"I can understand this kind of misfiring. After all, people make mistakes accidentally!"

Zeke said.

"Mr. Zeke can understand, that would be great!"

General Ruth's words were also transmitted through the air.

Both camps and the people watching the live broadcast worldwide can hear it.

"So if I make a little mistake, then General Ruth should also understand?"

Zeke grinned.

General Ruth's eyes flashed, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

"Of course you think you can make a little mistake, of course I understand!"

General Ruth said with deep meaning.

What he meant was obvious.

We are entitled to make small mistakes, but it does not mean we are also qualified.

"That's good!"

Zeke turned to Paulo and gave him a wink, "Paulo, what should we do, I don't need to teach you?"

Paulo's eyes became firm, and there was a flicker of cruelty in his eyes: "Elder Zeke, I understand!"

Immediately, Paulo turned around and started walking toward the three countries' camp.

The camera immediately cut to the air, and everyone looked down to see Paulo changing from a slow walk to a fast walk, then to a jog, gradually accelerating, and finally to a run.

Straight to the three countries' camp, there is no sign of stopping.

At this moment, he is like a beast staring at its prey, and his eyes are full of rage.