Chapter 128: War?!

Edited by Travar

With Zeke's order, all the super soldiers have flocked towards this side, and the speed is terrifying.

Swoosh swish.

There are still more than ten meters away from where Zeke is, and these super soldiers have already shot him. In the camera, a large black shadow of cold light flashes in the air and disappears. People can only see the prominent super soldiers. They flicked their wrists but couldn't see where the flying knives they threw were.

The camera suddenly found something moving quickly, facing the ground. With the rapid magnification of the lens, the picture kept getting closer. Only a machine was cut in half. The bug was already lying on the ground.

The incision on the corpse of the mechanical bug is flat and smooth.


In an instant, the people watching, the leaders of world powers, and even the senior officials of the three countries paying attention to the matter through the display screen were all in an uproar.

And what shocked them even more, was that until the lens continued to zoom in many times, they could barely see the numbers on the mechanical bugs.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a shock in their hearts. 

More than ten meters away, one hit kills.

The speed of the flying knife is so fast that they can't see clearly.

And the target is only those fly-sized mechanical bugs. What if it was a living person?

I am afraid that even if it is 100 meters away, it only takes a flick of the wrist, and the person's head will be pierced in an instant, and he doesn't even know he is dead, right?

"Go ahead and call all members of the council immediately! Another powerful opponent has appeared!"

"Tell all the intelligence agencies to send me all the info they have! I don't care what method they use, they must get me the information of these soldiers! If they can't do it, let them pack up and get out!"

"What are you all doing here? Wait for me to invite you to dinner?! Check it out for me immediately! Check all the information related to these Phoenix soldiers."

"Secretary of the Security Bureau, I need you now, immediately, and immediately dispatch people to investigate! You should be very clear about what you are investigating, right? On my desk tomorrow, I will see the relevant investigation report or your resignation letter! Do you understand?"

"Minister, can you tell me what happened to Phoenix's soldiers now? This kind of existence is enough to threaten your life and my life, don't tell me you don't know anything!"

After the image of the mechanical bug was spread, the leaders of all the world powers couldn't calm down, and there was instant chaos.

It should be noted that the intelligence agencies they have are top-notch as a world power. They will have relevant intelligence information for all the mighty things that have been released or have not been released.

However, this time, none of the intelligence agencies of all the world powers knew about the existence of the Phoenix Kingdom's Super Soldiers in advance.

The sudden appearance of terrifying soldiers has aroused intense unease among the top leaders of world powers, and they can no longer be a bystander calmly.

They have enough reasons to believe that the target of these super soldiers is a fly-sized mechanic bug, but it is hard to say that their target of hunting in the future will be one of them.

If they don't thoroughly understand this danger that can quickly threaten their lives, they may be killed one day, and they don't even know how they died or who killed them.

When the heads of state questioned their intelligence agencies, the individual weapon attack exercise continued.

In the live broadcast, red figures shuttled between the islands' jungles, flicking their wrists from time to time, and neatly killed the mechanical insects that people couldn't see at all.

They are swift and responsive, and even in the jungles where they are most likely to hide, they can move at high speed quickly and without obstacles.

"...Mr. Zeke, you can't say why the soldiers have such powerful strength, and you can't comment on why they can jump so high, then you should be able to say why your soldiers can quickly find those mechanical bugs, At the same time, look at the number on the mechanical bug, right?"

The female reporter of Country A said helplessly.

The first time the super soldier showed their extraordinary strength, she wanted to know something related to the super soldier through Zeke's mouth.

However, Zeke either answered that he couldn't say anything, responded with no comment, or simply smiled and didn't speak. No matter how she asked from a different angle, she was stunned that she couldn't get any information from his mouth.

This inevitably made the female reporter of Country A feel a sense of helpless frustration in her heart.

"Because of your perseverance, then I'll tell you something."

Zeke glanced at the helpless Country A female reporter and smiled.

As soon as this statement came out, the female reporter of Country A immediately brightened her eyes, and the camera image instantly cut from the super soldier to Zeke.

"See the red masks on their heads?"

Zeke said, "It might seem that this red mask doesn't have many peculiarities, but it has a complete automatic tracking and analysis system, which can easily lock the target, even if the target is small, it will be instantly discovered. And mark it out, and then quickly zoom in, so that they can immediately distinguish the number mark on the mechanical bug."

Although Captain America's serum is incredible, it's not so awesome that he can distinguish the serial number on a fly-sized mechanical bug more than ten meters away.

This is the result of technology.


The female reporter of Country A, and all the people watching the live broadcast, suddenly realized.

"But it is worth mentioning that there are too many targets in the same field of view, and the more data you need to browse. So if you don't have a brain that is sensitive enough to respond. Even if you are given the data, it may not be possible in an instant to analyze it."

Without a flexible enough brain, even if you have the data, you will not be able to react at all.

"Mr. Zeke, we have seen how powerful your soldiers are. I would like to ask you, these soldiers, will they go to war?"

The words of the Country A female reporter are provocative.


Zeke nodded without hesitation, "If necessary, they will not only go to war, but also participate in all disputes that require them."

As soon as these words came out, the heads of world powers showed a solemn look in their eyes.