Chapter 130: The Whole Nations Rejoices!

Edited by Travar

The elders and ministers panicked all of a sudden.

Zeke is indeed the kingdom's hero.

The Phoenix Kingdom broke through the encirclement and suppression of the three countries' military maneuvers this time, which made the world see its robust strength. Greatly enhancing its international influence and severely beating Country J, Country G, and  Country C, their faces full of resentment for the kingdom, all because of Zeke.

And these all stemmed from Zeke's super soldier experiment and the three-day closed hellish training for them.

But the elders never thought that, after a long time, Zeke didn't even want to return the super soldiers to them.

While Zeke is famous for his technology, he is also renowned for his arbitrary actions.

It's not that they lobbied Zeke to let him share the technology of Iron Man and microbots, but no matter what they said, Zeke wouldn't let them go, and he wouldn't betray them.

If the meat of the super soldier gets into his mouth, then don't expect him to spit it out again.

"This Zeke... I was wondering why he gave such a happy answer, so he had this idea." 

Grace bit her lip, "No, Zeke must be stopped, and he cannot be allowed to succeed."


After making a hard advertisement to the world, Zeke began to carry out the Phoenix military exercise tirelessly.

In addition to the first three exercises, there are various tests of defense, tacit understanding, and the most common anti-terrorism exercises in the back. Phoenix Kingdom's military exercises are entirely different from the standard defense exercises of those countries. The difference is like comparing a top-rated movie to a low-budget film. The so-called "terrorists" were crushed entirely in front of the super soldiers. 

People watched with great interest in the surreal action scenes.

During this period, the live broadcast was cut to the three countries' camps several times, and it was obvious that the soldiers of the three countries were photographed preparing for the end of the military exercise.

"Because there are other urgent tasks, temporary dispatch, so we can only interrupt the military exercise. We're very sorry."

The general of Country J bowed solemnly.

The generals of Country G and Country C have the same rhetoric. It is an urgent matter in their own country, and they must send back their soldiers and weapons.

Such a clumsy excuse. As long as it's not stupid, you can see why they suddenly canceled the military exercise at a glance.

"What is a prodigal dog? This is typical!"

"Three big countries, who have been beaten in the face to such a degree, there is no respect left!"

"Isn't it hurting your self-esteem? You know how powerful Phoenix Kingdom is? Do you think that if you have created a new weapon, you will be awesome? How about it? Are you surprised?"

"Don't go! Don't you mean the military exercise will last for a month? It's only been a few days. You've already built anti-Iron Man weapons, and next time you'll get an anti-Super Soldier weapon? But you have to pray that Zeke doesn't come up with anything new next time, or the fun will be huge."

"Hahaha... It's so funny, each one's face is so sad. It's like their father died. I might die of laughter hahaha!!"


The people of Phoenix Kingdom who saw this scene through the live broadcast laughed happily.

Country J, Country G, and Country C, these guys who love to do things, think that if the three of them join forces, they can bully the Phoenix Kingdom viciously, making it feel aggrieved and unable to lift its head in front of other countries.

Who would have thought that they had only been arrogant for a few days, the kingdom came over and was instantly cowardly, and now they are leaving one by one, each returning to their own home and looking for their mother.

Not only did the people from the kingdom think it was funny, but even the people who were spectators abroad laughed.

"What a vivid lesson the three countries have taught our countries? Seeing them so miserable, I express my sympathy."

"Unfortunate man, a month of military exercises scheduled, the troops were withdrawn in less than a week. In the future, there will be another joke about these three countries."

"It's so sad! The world powers ended up miserable. Obviously I sympathize with them, but why do I have the urge to laugh?"

"I don't know what people in the three countries will think after seeing these images? Especially the citizens of country J, should they want to kill themselves now?"


In the hearts of these foreigners, Phoenix Kingdom has always been a symbol of a weak country.

But today, the strength displayed by the kingdom's super soldiers, the scene of the three countries' camp fleeing in a hurry, has completely reversed this impression.

From now on, no one will dare shout to others that the Phoenix Kingdom is a weak country vulnerable to a single blow.

Almost the same day, newspapers and media worldwide began to get busy.

A potent combination like Country J, Country G, and Country C unexpectedly lost to the Phoenix Kingdom, and they failed so utterly that they had no power to fight back. How could they miss such an explosive report?

And the major domestic reporting portals, Fambook, SearchMe, forums, Twitty, Moments, etc., where the media spreads, have already been swept away by the news about this military exercise.

While watching the live broadcast, countless people from the kingdom kept posting screenshots and discussing changes in things. So much so that many people's circles of friends were full of screenshots and comments about the live broadcast of the military exercise. The number of likes and comments is also far more than the usual travel photos of eating and drinking, reaching the point of widespread discussion among the whole kingdom.

Many Ichat groups and Fambook groups are also discussing frantically on the screen. If you don't pay attention, the message prompt will become "99+".

The most worthy of mention is that a particular local was so excited after hearing Zeke's words that the Phoenix Kingdom couldn't be provoked. He directly sent 50 red envelopes of 200 Eso in the Ichat group. A total 10,000 Eso attracted the crowd.

Similar things happen in reality.

For example, in a bar, everyone watched the whole process on TV. Whenever the super soldiers made a big show of power and amazed everyone, these people in the bar would be like their favorite team scoring a goal, and they were all happy jumping up, drinking beer, and giving high fives.

Finally, when the bar owner is happy, all orders are on the house.

The stunning turnaround made the whole Phoenix Kingdom rejoice. As long as you go out, no matter how big or small restaurants, cafes, bars, and other places are, you can hear the voices discussing the military exercises.