Chapter 142: The World Ridiculed!

At the same time, Zeke, the center of the controversy, finally got the warp drive materials that he had been waiting for for a long time.

"The warp drive must be done."

Even though many materials have been detained, no one can stop Zeke from doing what he wants.

In order to get back this batch of materials abandoned by the dealers, Zeke directly used the entire Iron Legion. All 1,000 Iron Man were dispatched to the places where the materials were detained and took it back by force.

Not only that, Zeke even used the super soldier team. In just three days, all the seized materials have successfully reached his hands.

"It's finally here."

Zeke looked at the huge room, where there were many materials that were banned from trading internationally and valuable materials, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Jarvis, it's time to fight side by side again."

"Sir, I am happy to serve you."

Zeke was gearing up, and a sense of excitement surged in his heart.

The process of shaping an unreasonable piece of technology into reality has become Zeke's greatest pleasure.

He enjoys this sense of pleasure as a creator... Whenever he creates an amazing thing with his own hands, successfully activates it, produces an effect, and makes the world amazed and shocked, his heart will feel satisfied.

Warp drive... Zeke can't wait to see what it looks like in reality.

"Jarvis, open the holographic simulation space, list the model data, and control the microbots to integrate and assemble the materials."

"I am in charge of running the supercomputer. The previous space bridge has been constructed to 35%. Next time, we have to hurry up."

"By the way, regarding the manufacture of the hydrogen bomb, analyze it according to the technical diagram and video I gave, and then simulate my process for remodeling. The nuclear weapons will be handed over to you."

Zeke's plan is very clear.

"Sir, it's a great honor to work with you again."

Jarvis said.

"Haha! It's not easy to get your compliment."

Zeke laughed loudly, "Come on, it's time to work."

In this huge laboratory, two people, one human and one virtual began to create the history of this world.


As time went by, ZTech's press conference advertisement was not affected in the slightest by the roasting war.

All the places that can or cannot be advertised are now occupied by the advertising screen of ZTech.

In the latest broadcast of various variety shows and entertainment programs, all the planned advertisements were forced to be changed to the advertisements of ZTech Conference before the broadcast.

No, the show has already been recorded. Because of this, they had to choose to add a section.

The Phoenix Kingdom, who has never inserted any advertisements, now there are advertisements for ZTech's conference every day.

On the road, next to the street, bus stop signs, buses, big screens in shopping malls...

All the advertising spaces have been completely occupied by the advertisements of the ZTech Conference.

The most exaggerated thing is that the words "ZTech Conference" are printed on the entire kingdom and the center of all roads, so that you can't hide even if you want to.

The frenzied way of advertising not only made the online battle more tragic, but also attracted a sigh of admiration from foreigners.

"Too exaggerated, I have never seen such an exaggerated advertisement. There is nowhere to hide."

"Oh My God! Did you see it? There are even advertisements on the doors of the public toilets, and the citizens of the Phoenix Kingdom are being brainwashed. It's so miserable."

"This is the most terrifying advertisement I've ever seen. I'm so glad that I came back from there some time ago. Otherwise, the words ZTech must be all over my head now."

"Isn't the Phoenix Kingdom currently facing a crisis of economic sanctions? How can they hype the ZTech conference? I can't understand what the Phoenix people think in their heads."


The foreigners are very sympathetic to the people of the Phoenix Kingdom.

Originally, the kingdom is now facing the economic sanctions of many world powers, and it is already in danger, but ZTech is holding a press conference at this time. The advertisement is played all over the kingdom.

Isn't this sincerely rubbing salt on the wounds of the Phoenix people?

But they are only sympathetic.

After all, among the world powers involved in sanctioning the Phoenix Kingdom, there are their countries... From the perspective of their own countries, they certainly hope that everything will develop favorably in their direction.

The people are still like this, how can the media reporters let such a good report go?

Countless foreign reporting websites are scrambling to report on the Phoenix Kingdom's economic sanctions and ZTech's press conference.

They were condescending, made various rational analyses and judgments on the Phoenix Kingdom's current situation, and then criticized ZTech's overwhelming ruthless advertisements.

Although the titles of their reports are different, the content is different, and the lengths are different, the core of their expressions are the same... They are all singing the bad news of the Phoenix Kingdom, waiting to see a good show.

"Hahaha... Look at it! Look at it! Phoenix Kingdom is about to die!"

"Before the Phoenix Kingdom's people were very arrogant, Zeke made that kind of declaration recklessly! Isn't it just a few super soldiers and Iron Man? Without nuclear weapons, there is no place to stand, so arrogant, Being surrounded and beaten is normal!"

"I knew for a long time that the Phoenix Kingdom would be miserable, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable! Eleven powerful countries and many other countries are imposing economic sanctions on them. This time they are finished!"

"From the inhumane advertisement of ZTech, it can be seen that Zeke must especially want to make enough money, and then leave the Phoenix Kingdom completely, right? It's okay to leave, our Country J welcomes such talents to join."

"This time it's all because of Zeke! If it wasn't for his arrogance, Phoenix Kingdom wouldn't have fallen into such a situation. It's so miserable... But I don't know why, but I want to laugh! Hahaha..."


The nationals of Country J who had eaten dog shit twice in the past began to laugh loudly and mercilessly after seeing the Phoenix Kingdom's tragic situation this time.

For a time, in the eyes of people all over the world, the kingdom's international status has plummeted, and it has been labeled as "sooner or later".

To be continued—


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