Chapter 147: Late

Of course, what's more important is that the Phoenix Kingdom is now in such bad shape. The number of unemployed people is increasing day by day. No one can be sure if they will also become one of the laid-off people... Maybe they are still working hard at this moment.

Work, the next second the company declares bankruptcy.

Instead of continuing to work hard, they instead will take a look at what new things Zeke will release.

The start time of the conference is 14:00.

But at twelve o'clock, the cameras of the Central Conference Center have been activated, and the stage picture of the press conference has already sent out a signal, which has been broadcasted by major TV stations and live broadcast platforms.

Countless media reporters came to hear the news. Cameras were piled up and down, left and right. And a large number of reporters could be captured in every corner.

Of course, in order to create a huge momentum, this time ZTech conference also invited many stars to come to join them.

For this reason, a long red carpet was deliberately thrown outside the conference center. Without hiring, countless fans came spontaneously, occupying seats by the railing in advance at six in the morning, waiting for their idols to appear.

Such a magnificent and luxurious audience lineup for the press conference, not to mention that there are no newcomers, at least it is unprecedented.

"Wow! There are so many celebrities. Look at it! It's Liza Soberano! She looks so beautiful! And Randy Ribay, he's really much better than the photos and videos. No wonder so many fans are so obsessed with him... It's crazy!"

The popular live streamer, Kristine Santamena, also received an invitation letter for the first time. She drove to the press conference, then walked to her position with a selfie stick. Her eyes widened looking at the conference, her excitement never stopped, and a kind of starstruck feeling.

In order to attend today's press conference, Kristine Santamena deliberately wore an off-the shoulder dress that she bought with a lot of money and dressed up carefully, but after arriving there, she obviously felt that the elaborate dress she had wore would not be able to stand on the stage in front of these celebrities.

In addition to her, there are other popular anchors, such as Ian Tayao, Xmithie, Kaigu, Exosen, etc., and they all sit down carefully, for fear of disturbing some big people.

The lineup of this press conference is too grand, even if they have a good reputation in the live streaming circle, but when they really get here, under the star-studded scene, they are nothing at all.

When the director let the aerial camera sweep over these celebrities one by one, the people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, computer and mobile phone also had a clear understanding of such a luxurious lineup.

The time soon arrived at half an hour, and there was less than half an hour left before the opening.

The door of the conference center was opened again, and a group of soldiers in neat military uniforms, wearing the unique Medal of Valor, and honorary medals on their chests walked in.

"That's... Marshal Emigdio Cruz of the Southwest Military Academy!"

"Marshal Conrado Yap from the Southeast Military Academy?! He actually came too!"

"Commander Luis Pascua from the Baguio Military Academy, my god! They actually came to attend the ZTech press conference?!"


When the big stars and celebrities turned their heads, they all showed their surprised expressions.

These soldiers are the top figures from the various military academies in the Phoenix Kingdom.

Each of them holds great power and controls the life and death of one party, but now they are all gathered here... Their appearance makes this press conference compelling. It soared several times higher.

"Everyone, stand up and salute!"

All the commanders suddenly shouted in unison, then stood at attention and retreated to both sides of the door, holding their military caps in their hands, and their eyes were solemn.

Hearing this, everyone present immediately stood up.

The camera quickly switched, and a group of figures slowly entered the door. When they appeared, all the big stars and big figures in the entire conference center made a burst of uproar.

It was none other than the king of the Phoenix Kingdom, Grace.

Following her are the elders and ministers of the kingdom.

"Amazing! Even the king is present."

"ZTech is really awesome! It's just a new product launch conference. The king and the elders and officials are all here to cheer."

"Elder Zeke is Elder Zeke, this prestige, this momentum, this lineup... tsk tsk tsk."


People could not help but sigh.

Grace and a group of elders and ministers took their seats in the front row, behind them were the commanders of the major military academies, and then came the big stars and business celebrities.

At this moment, they looked at the row of surging backs in front of them, in awe... In front of those who really hold the power, their so-called popularity and reputation are nothing at all.

Half an hour is up, and the backstage staff are in a hurry.

"Are you still unable to contact the president?"

The person in charge of the press conference said anxiously.

"As before, no response in any way."

The staff member sighed and shook his head.

"The set time for the press conference has come... So many people are waiting, and even the king has come in person, what can we do?"

The person in charge was sweating profusely. But he had no choice.

The time is set by Zeke. They are only responsible for preparing the press conference. As for whether Zeke will be able to arrive on time, it can only depend on good luck.

Ten minutes passed quietly.

Countless Phoenix citizens, as well as those foreign spectators, are a little impatient... It is clearly said that the conference will be held at two o'clock, it has already been 10 minutes, and no one has come out yet? What a mess.

Half an hour passed.

The noise in the venue gradually increased, and everyone was discussing why Zeke did not appear.

Even Grace raised her wrist unconsciously and glanced at the time with a solemn expression.

"Had there been an accident?"

Grace secretly said in her heart.

At this time--


The door of the venue was smashed, and a figure of Iron Man swooped across the venue and landed directly on the stage.

"Sorry, I'm a little late, I made you wait for a long time."

The mask was raised, and Zeke's face was full of smiles.