Chapter 149: Hydrogen Bomb Test


As soon as these words came out, countless people at the scene suddenly changed their faces in shock, and some people even stood up directly from their seats.


"Am I right?! What Zeke just said was a hydrogen bomb?!"

"Phoenix Kingdom developed a hydrogen bomb?! When did this happen?"

"The hydrogen bomb independently developed by the Phoenix Kingdom, and it is a controlled nuclear fusion? What a joke, controllable nuclear fusion technology is a myth, okay, how can it be realized!"

"My god!! Zeke actually created a nuclear weapon?!"


The people who were watching the live broadcast were all taken aback, their eyes widened involuntarily, as if they had heard something unbelievable, with an expression of incredible shock on their faces.

They thought that Zeke would release some new civilian technology at most.

The cool thing is that it is weapon technology, similar to Iron Man and super soldiers.

To be more awesome, it would be great to develop a laser gun, plasma cannon, etc...

However, they never thought that Zeke would play such a big game this time, and he directly brought out a hydrogen bomb.

"Hydrogen bomb?!"

The faces of all the leaders of the world powers who heard this also changed. When they saw the picture, after the Iron Man put a car-sized hydrogen bomb on the stage, their pupils suddenly shrank.

Immediately, these leaders immediately covered the telephone, loudly let the people outside come in immediately, and at the same time made a gesture to let them quickly contact all the essential personnel.

A nuclear weapon is no joke.

In particular, the emergence of such a person that has mastered nuclear technology and is capable of self-made nuclear weapons has a huge impact on the entire world structure.

A country with nuclear weapon technology and a country without are two completely different things.

If it is said that this nuclear weapon is true, the series of economic sanctions and attacks they have imposed on the Phoenix Kingdom must be stopped immediately... Otherwise, if their kingdom is forced to a dead end, it will not be just two atomic bombs and one hydrogen bomb. But a grand hydrogen bomb rain for the whole world.

"Hahaha! Good! Great! Elder Zeke really didn't let us down!"

"In just one month, a hydrogen bomb was produced, and it was made by controllable nuclear fusion technology. Elder Zeke is truly a genius!"

"With the hydrogen bomb, I'm afraid these guys won't dare to mess around anymore, right?"

"The kingdom's critical situation can finally be saved now!"


The elders and ministers under the stage, as well as the commanders of the major military academies, all looked moved and excited.

The appearance of the Phoenix Kingdom's nuclear weapons means that the kingdom has also become one of the most inviolable countries in the world.

This crisis of economic sanctions can finally be solved.

"Mr. Zeke, is it really okay to joke like this?"

"Controllable nuclear fusion technology has not yet achieved a major breakthrough in the world. Even the most advanced Country A has only achieved a temperature of 30 million in the laboratory... Not to be offensive, but something that even Country A can't do, you claim that this hydrogen bomb was made with controllable nuclear fusion technology without any prerequisites... It really makes me have doubts. How credible is what you say?"

Natsagiin Khurbagov, the head of Country MO, directly attacked.

His words were translated, and after everyone heard it, they also questioned what Zeke said about the controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb.

If you don't know, you may not understand what controllable nuclear fusion technology is at all... But people who know a little about controllable nuclear fusion technology will understand that this technology at the current level of human technology, is a mythical existence.

It should be noted that the principle of controllable nuclear fusion is to generate extremely high temperatures and then realize conduction utilization, which requires high power ignition devices, and requires hundreds of millions of high temperatures.

Nothing on Earth has yet been found to withstand such terrifying temperatures.

Zeke claimed that he had created a controlled nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb, which inevitably caused suspicion.

"Mr. Khurbagov, I know what your confusion is, and I know very well why you have such confusion."

"I don't want to discuss too advanced theories with you in detail, because I'm worried that you won't understand. The only thing I can tell you is that the controllable nuclear fusion technology applied by Little Z No. 1 is beyond your reach and imagination. Even the group of scientists in Country A that you admire are the same."

"And unlike the nuclear weapons you have, the Little Z No. 1 produced by my ZTech does not have any pollution and radiation, and its existence is completely a conventional strategic weapon with slightly greater power."

"Of course, there's no reason to say it, we can come and conduct an experiment."

"Now please turn your attention to the big screen."

Zeke said, the hydrogen bomb in the center of the stage was removed, and the picture appeared on the big screen.

In the picture, there is a desert filled with yellow sand, the wind is howling, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

When the camera kept approaching rapidly, everyone finally saw the size of a vehicle in the desert. The hydrogen bomb with the words "ZTech" was lying quietly.

"This is the hydrogen bomb of my ZTech. Look, the shape is still cool."

Zeke grinned, "In order to let you feel the charm of Little Z No. 1 more intuitively, I will show you the whole process."

"Come on, Jarvis, let No. 7 take Little Z No. 1 to the sky."

Zeke gave an order, and immediately an Iron Man flew out, grabbed the hydrogen bomb directly, carried it on his shoulder, and flew into the sky with a bang.

Iron Man, who was in charge of the camera, also flew quickly, but he was pulling a safe distance.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breaths at this time, even if they were still eating, their mouths stopped unconsciously, and their eyes were fixed on the figures of Iron Man and the hydrogen bomb in the picture.

Finally, when they came to a high enough altitude.


Iron Man directly let go of the hydrogen bomb in his hand and let the hydrogen bomb fall to the ground.

The camera zooms in, always closely following the blurred silhouette of the hydrogen bomb that fell from the sky.

When the hydrogen bomb was close enough to the ground, the camera was put back into the panorama.

The next second—

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With a deafening loud noise, the apocalyptic scene appeared in front of the camera, and a huge mushroom cloud shot up into the sky, turning the whole world into a red light.