Chapter 154: The Reason for being late for half an hour!

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

They opened their mouths and widened their eyes, all of them looking like they had seen a ghost.

It wasn't until the hydrogen bomb was completely reshaped on another "shelf" that everyone came back to it.

"No Way!!!!"

"Is this magic?!"

"Am I seeing it right? Why did the hydrogen bomb suddenly turn into light and move to another shelf?"

"What international joke?!"

"What do you mean? What's that pile of blips?"


All the audience at the scene exploded instantly.

The entire conference center was instantly excited.

"What...what is this?!"

"My eyes aren't deceiving me, right? Did Zeke do some special effects?"

"Smash the hydrogen bomb and reassemble it? My mother, what is this?!"

"What is this thing?!"


The same is true for countless people watching the live broadcast, all with wide-eyed eyes, stunned by the magical scene in front of them.

The hydrogen bomb turned into a bunch of photons in front of them and was absorbed by the ceiling. And then re-condensed, appearing on another shelf.

This kind of image is not played like those special effects in a film.

Let alone put it into reality.

No one knows why this incomprehensible, inexplicable thing happened in front of them.

Everyone is baffled.


After seeing this scene, Powell, the head of the Enamel Kingdom, who had a charming face, suddenly changed and sat up straight from the chair.

"This is..."

North, the prime minister of Country U, shrank his pupils, and his face was stiff.


Moore, the President of Country A, didn't speak, but from his suddenly deep frown, increasingly condensed face, and the surprise in his eyes. He was also shocked by the scene in front of him.


"I know. You must be quite puzzled now why this scene happened."

As soon as Zeke opened his mouth, the noisy scene suddenly calmed down, and all eyes instantly focused on him.

"The principle is straightforward. I just smashed this hydrogen bomb to the quantum level with powerful energy, and then through the scanning surface above, I sucked all the quanta into it and transmitted it through the space bridge to reach another space. Reunite the quanta in another dimension."

"That's all."

Zeke smiled.

However, after his light-hearted words fell into everyone's ears, it caused a thunderous roar that was even noisier than a nuclear weapon.

"Are you kidding me?! Break the item to the quantum level. Did I hear it right? Are you sure I'm not listening to a fairy tale?"

"What? Are you kidding?! Is it something modern technology can do to smash objects to the quantum level and then teleport and reassemble? That's something out of science fiction. I'd rather believe it's magic!"

"Fractured to the quantum level... Isn't this equivalent to smashing the item into a pile of data? How can this technology appear in reality? Impossible, it must be impossible!"


People are going crazy.

Whether to smash items to the quantum level and then reassemble them or teleport in space, this kind of thing is unreasonable and incomprehensible to everyone.

What Zeke said constituted a powerful and massive impact on their worldview.

Now their mood is as if they suddenly met a person on the side of the road. This person said that he could turn the stone in your hand into gold.

No one would believe that such a thing happened.

Because it is not human beings who can do this kind of thing, but God.

But now, Zeke has done it.

"It's incredible!"

The elders and ministers were stunned.

The Quantum level represents a minuscule level that can no longer be divided. If you smash an object to that level, even if it is equivalent to digitizing the thing, it is impossible to do with modern civilization technology.

The more people understand, the more they can understand how huge the amount of information contained in the sentence that objects are smashed to the quantum level and then carry out transmission and reorganization.

They couldn't understand how Zeke did all this and put it into reality.

"Okay, let's not talk about the details anymore."

Zeke smiled and introduced loudly, "I just gave you an experimental performance, the latest product developed by our ZTech – the Warp Drive!"

"As the name suggests, this is a device that can transport objects in quantum-level space."

"The Warp Drive you see now is the best result after several improvements by me."

"Its advantage is that it can ignore the distance, and in less than a second, all the items on the scanning surface, this black glass display screen, are instantly transferred to another Warp Drive, thereby realizing the effect of moving items in an instant."

"Because of the stage size, you can't see its distance advantage, and I haven't tested it specifically... But in my theory, even if you put it on a planet billions of light-years away, it can send items instantly without any hindrance."

"However, due to my limited technology, I currently only support the transmission of unconscious objects."

As soon as this statement came out, the scene shook again.

If everything Zeke said is true, even if this Warp Drive cannot transmit human life, it can still cause a considerable subversion and sensation in the world.

It can subvert all the current modes of trade and transportation. Air, sea, and land transportation will no longer exist, enough to save an unknown amount of material and energy.

Other changes that have been affected by this are even more frightening.

"Do you remember why I was half an hour late today?"

"That's right, and it's because of this Warp Drive."

"Originally, I have been worrying about one thing. The energy consumed by the Warp Drive is enormous. It is so large that it takes a whole year of electricity of the Phoenix Tree to transmit at any time."

"But in half an hour, I completely solved this problem."

Speaking of this, Zeke smiled slightly, "I used a bit of technology that I am familiar with and accidentally created a new element. It can provide a huge amount of energy for the Warp Drive, so there is no need to be worried about the energy consumption."

"I named this new element 'Isotope 8'!"

To be continued—


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