Chapter 159: I Like Lunatics!

When North heard this, his face changed slightly, revealing a look of shock and surprise.

If you don't know Princess Elena, you must not understand why North is so moved now.

Princess Elena, the eldest daughter of North, is known as "The most beautiful woman in Country U".

She was once rated as the No. 1 beauty in Europe by Universal Magazine. Her ingenious and exquisite facial features look like a goddess who came out of a painting, making countless European men addicted to her.

Of course, if it were only like this, Princess Elena would never have the prestige she has today.

Not only is she gorgeous, but she has been a scholar since she was a child.

Any grade in the school was the absolute first, and her status was unshakable.

When everyone else was struggling with high school knowledge, Elena had already mastered various skills of royal socializing. Such as archery, horse riding, golf, etc., all of them had good attainments. It even won first place in the women's competition at Country U High School.

Not only that, Elena is born with an interest and talent in languages. She has mastered over 48 languages and can even speak some extremely rare languages.

Elena is a dual postdoctoral fellow at Country A's Harvard University and Country U's Cambridge University, as well as a Ph.D. from Phoenix Kingdom's Phoenix University. Due to her academic achievements, she is praised as a "God of Learning" by Phoenix Nationals.

Since she joined No. 10 Downing Street in Country U the year before last, which is the office of the Prime Minister, she is only 25 years old this year and has already achieved quite dazzling political achievements. The second female chief on the list.

But the royal family has bad habits.

No matter how dazzling Princess Elena is, she cannot escape the inevitable fate of being a royal princess—a political marriage.

Initially, when Elena was 16 years old, North had already arranged her wedding with the son of the Minister of Finance of the country, that is the second-in-command. Therefore, the power of Country U will then be more firmly in his own hands.

After Elena learned of this, she objected, but North refused.

She didn't cry or make trouble and didn't surrender to her fate. Instead, she cleverly began to spread all kinds of chaotic private life scandals about the finance minister's son, arousing opposition from the people.

At the same time, she also set up a bureau so that the finance minister's son jumped unprepared and suddenly offended the finance minister's nemesis in the court and the opposition. As a result, he had to leave the country in a hurry.

Naturally, the marriage was called off.

Outsiders do not know this.

Even North didn't suspect Elena at first.

It was not until North wanted to introduce a second political marriage partner for Elena that she said these things lightly.

North finally realized the wisdom and skill of his daughter. Since then, he has never introduced any political marriage partner to Elena.

However, since the royal princesses are married very early, the prime minister's wife, Elena's mother, introduced a lot of talented nobles of the country to Elena and wanted her to choose one. So getting married is a significant event in life.

But Elena's criteria are very high.

All the talented nobles of the country have been introduced again and again. Even talents from Country A, Enamel, Country G, Country IY, Country CA, etc...have also been introduced.

Naturally, the man looked at her with certainty, and they were all delighted with Elena, who was beautiful and had the background of the prime minister's daughter, but Elena shook her head and didn't like a single one.

The prime minister's wife was very anxious about this.

"I don't want to spend a boring life with ordinary people like this."

"My man must be a real character."

That is what Elena answered.

Because of this sentence, Elena is now 25 years old and still does not even have a first boyfriend.

In the high society of Country U, Elena has also become a topic of conversation after dinner. This is because so many people want to see what kind of man she will find in the end.

The prime minister's wife is anxious and wants to enlighten Elena through the relatives of the seventh and eighth aunts of the royal family so that she can lower her requirements appropriately. But how could she listen?

North has persuaded her many times about this, hoping she can find a man who is excellent enough to marry in all aspects. The result is self-evident.

However, he never thought that Elena, who has always looked above the top and never put any man in her eyes, would take the initiative to run to his office today and directly say that she was going to marry Zeke.

How could this not shock North?

"Elena, are you serious?"

North said solemnly.

"Father, have I ever joked with you?"

Elena said seriously.

North took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair: "I want to know why him? Because he created the hydrogen bomb and also made the warp drive? The excellent talents your mother introduced to you. There are also many scientific research talents with high IQ."

"But they can't compare to Zeke."

Elena said.

"When I paid attention to Zeke, he had just built the Phoenix Tree. I witnessed the whole process from scratch, and for the first time, I felt something. So I went to the Phoenix Kingdom quietly and visited the Phoenix Tree up close. It's a pity I didn't see him then."

"Later, in the event of the Phoenix military exercise, I saw Zeke's more courageous side... In front of three world powers, he could say that he would not accept all provocations. At that time, I thought he was too handsome."

"Until this time, Zeke was even more alone and more than a dozen world powers still chose to retreat. From that moment, I knew the man in my life was him."

In Elena's moon-like eyes, there is a brilliance that shines brighter than the stars.

"Elena, I think you have misread one thing... Zeke is indeed an unexpected genius, but he took the whole country as a bet. This kind of behavior is not a hero, but a lunatic."

North said solemnly.

Hearing this, Elena laughed at once, a beautiful smile that seemed to eclipse all the brilliance at this moment.

"Father, you're right. What I like is a lunatic."
