Chapter 189: Technology that makes the World Amazed!

"Uh... ok, if that day comes, I will give you my blessings."

Grace was shocked, but a natural and polite smile appeared on her face.

After Elena turned and left, the smile on Grace's face suddenly disappeared.

"Your Majesty."

At this time, Prime Minister Deron greeted her from the palace and nodded slightly.

"Grandpa Deron, help me closely monitor Elena. I want to know all her every move."

Grace returned to her usual oppressive aura, her face was full of frost, and she commanded in an irrefutable tone, "Especially her contact with Zeke, the whole process should be as detailed as possible."

Prime Minister Deron was startled.

Immediately, a knowing smile appeared.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He knew that his king had turned into a little girl before he knew it. She began to learn to be jealous.


Abra's case did not attract much attention.

After all, even if this kind of social report caused a sensation, it was only for a while.

Many people not interested in social reports usually look at the headline and skip it at a glance.

But because Zeke's figure appeared in this case, everything came naturally. So, unsurprisingly, it became the headlines of significant reporting websites without any suspense.

The hot search keywords contain the word "Zeke".

For example, "Zeke's new technology", "Zeke sentenced to 30 days of detention", "Zeke in prison for more than a thousand years", and so on. This case has suddenly become the focus of the kingdom's citizens.

"1183 years? How many times do I have to sit in prison?"

"Thirty days equals more than a thousand years. Zeke's new technology has made a big splash!"

"It's no wonder that Abra is crazy. I'd be stunned to hear this number."

"He deserves it! Abra, this beast, has done so many dishonorable things. He finally received retribution."

"The kingdom should vigorously promote this kind of punishment. It doesn't have to be as many as 30 days, just three days. It is guaranteed that the crime rate will drop by N times in an instant. The key is not to waste the food resources."

"It's too boring to use it on Abra alone. It's better for everyone to be happy, let the strong criminals and murderers in prison have a taste and see if they dare to continue to do bad things after they come out."


After seeing what happened to Abra, countless people applauded.

At the same time, they were also amazed at the mental cage that Zeke said, "Thirty days equals 1183 years".

This kind of mental torture is far more terrifying than the physical one.

Many people can't wait to advocate for the government to cooperate with ZTech, popularize this technology in the kingdom, include it in punishments, and use it to punish those criminals.

It doesn't need to be as exaggerated as thirty days, just go in and stay for two or three days. No, even an hour is good. They will have a shadow in their hearts in this life, and they won't be able to commit a crime again.

Not only in the kingdom but also in foreign countries quickly reported.

"Evil Buster! The Millennium Punishment is here! "

"New technology, thirty days into a thousand years, prisoners usher in a terrifying winter! "

"ZTech has released a new product, which makes the murderer have a mental breakdown within an hour! "

"The whole process of the Phoenix Kingdom's finance minister's son becoming mentally ill! "


Articles like this have occupied the covers and headlines of major newspapers and magazines in various countries and once again refreshed Zeke's image of wisdom in the hearts of foreigners.

"Oh! How brutal! Thirty days of imprisonment equals a thousand years in the spiritual world? It's terrifying to think about."

"Our country should also learn from the Phoenix Kingdom and use this method to deal with prisoners. To avoid them committing crimes a second time!"

"Phoenix Kingdom's prisoners are so miserable. Look at this young man. He's gone crazy that he wants to bite his tongue and commit suicide. Poor fellow."

"Is Zeke a human or a god? Could he have traveled from the future? Why is it always so unexpected every time he invents things."

"This is great! It's a great weapon to save the world and curb crime."

"Zeke alone saved his kingdom."


The foreigners sighed.

Zeke's every move is so unexpected. The last time it was a controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb and a warp drive. How long has it been since then? A new invention has been created.

They don't know what the Phoenix Kingdom has done to make such a great person like Zeke appear.

Zeke alone is enough to be worth a country.

The senior leaders of the world's major powers are also paying attention to this matter. When they learned that Zeke had invented a new technology, their faces were not very good-looking.

The more dazzling Zeke is the less good news for them.


Phoenix nationals and foreigners are amazed at Zeke's creativity and the concept of 30 days and 1,000 years. The upsurge caused by the public sale of warp drives is also spreading rapidly.

Three days ago, the warp drive was put on public sale.

In addition to the incident in Zeke's court, three days later, it caused another storm.

Among them, the most popular are the videos the surrounding people recorded during the live broadcast of the Huanhai Group, the first transportation giant in Country C to obtain the warp drive.

In the video, the warp drive is pulled to a height of 16 meters.

Two hundred fifty cubic meters of goods were stacked in the warp drive. After the countdown of the audience. The switch was pressed, and all the goods instantly turned into photons in the sky and suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time, on the monitor screen on the scene. Another country surrounded by the Pacific Ocean is connected, and an identical warp drive is also there.

A few seconds later, with a dreamy blue light lit up, the light spots in the sky poured down like a waterfall, and all the goods appeared there.

People on both sides were cheering happily, and after they uploaded this video to the internet, it also attracted countless shares and likes. Everyone was deeply shocked by the power of technology.