Chapter 215: Warp Drive’s Secret Function

The answer is revealed.

The number Jarvis calculated can hold more than ten billion is the number of human consciousness the matrix world can hold!

"A world of more than 10 billion people?!"

Elena said in disbelief, "This... This is impossible... The amount of data exchange, the load capacity, and the impact of various aspects generated by more than 10 billion players are massive!"

"You... how did you do it?!"

Elena used to work in her country's government, so she knows more than the average person.

She knows that virtual programs need a huge server. Just like the online games ordinary people play, you must have a large enough server to support enough people.

Once the most popular game "League of Legends", the maximum number of people on a server is only hundreds of thousands. If it exceeds, it must be divided and distributed. Otherwise, there will be various cards, bugs, and network delays. This is also the reason why there are regional servers such as "Ionia", "Black Rose", "Balance Sect", and so on.

And when "League of Legends" was the most popular, the world's simultaneous online players reached the peak of 7.5 million, which has created a world record. So far, no other online game can surpass it!

In theory, with enough servers, you can host an unlimited number of people online at will.

But if you want to do it in practice, you must consider more factors.

It is impossible for all the people online to stay in the same place. They need to exchange data with the server, fight monsters and upgrades in the game, players fight with each other, and constantly get rapid feedback.

If there is an online game with tens of millions of people online suddenly, it will be shocking news to the world. But Zeke, who has reached the level of over 100 million, or even 10 billion in one breath, how can it not surprise Elena?

"There is nothing impossible with me. As for how I did it, this is not only complicated but it can't be explained without three days and two nights!"

"In the simplest terms, I've found a perfect web host."

Zeke's eyes flashed, "And this server just happens to have a super capacity that can accommodate more than 10 billion players!"

This is what makes Zeke so excited and burst into laughter.

He wants to create a matrix world that can accommodate hundreds of millions of players at the same time. The technical level may be satisfied, but as Elena thought, where did he find this "server" that could accommodate hundreds of millions of people?

The server currently used by Z Cinema is already the top server in the world!

However, the maximum number of people it can accommodate at one time is only 200 people in a movie hall.

If there are more people, Zeke has to open another server.

Without it, the data generated by the matrix world is no longer comparable to the data generated by a mere online game. All the scene construction, from the microscopic cell to the macro of the universe, requires a massive amount of carrying capacity!

Therefore, Zeke has been thinking about reducing the matrix world's capacity or simply building a new "server". But he has no clue in this regard and can only choose to spend a little more money and buy more of the world's top servers to carry more people.

But a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind just a month ago, significantly increasing the possibility of 100 million players being online simultaneously.

This inspiration is - the space bridge of the warp drive!

The reason why the warp drive can transmit such a long distance is all because of its own space bridge over the internet.

This space bridge can carry such a massive amount of quantum data and transmit it instantly, enough to prove that any aspect of the space bridge far exceeds the current internet.

Zeke uses this feature to carry the enormous data of the matrix world through space bridges. In other words, his servers are those warp drives!

This discovery made Zeke extremely surprised.

Finally, after a month of frantic experiments, day and night, Zeke succeeded in putting his idea into practice.

Facts have proved that Zeke's conjecture is correct. What he just tested is the amount that a warp drive can carry. as much as ten billion!

It can be seen how exaggerated the carrying capacity of the warp drive is.

At the same time, this also means that Zeke only needs a warp drive to allow everyone in the world to enter his matrix world and roam freely.

All the problems have been completely solved!

"What is this perfect server?"

Elena was full of curiosity and couldn't wait to ask.

"Actually, it's nothing to tell you. The perfect server I chose is this—"

Zeke snapped his fingers, and immediately a warp drive appeared in front of them.

"Isn't this your warp drive? It can also be used as a server of programs?!"

Elena's eyes were full of surprise.

Everyone knows that the warp drive can transfer any item instantly, but it is entirely unexpected to use as a server!

"Hey, I told you. I'm smart!"

Zeke grinned triumphantly.

To be honest, even he himself was amazed by this idea!

Initially, he was still worried about the capacity of the matrix world. However, after thinking about it for a long time, he did not expect this solution to always be by his side.


Zeke turned his head and wanted to share his surprising results with Gael again, but when he turned around, he found that not far behind, where all kinds of cubes were initially placed, suddenly a "small world" appeared.

This small world is a quiet night. It is snowing on the street. The shops and roads on both sides are covered with a layer of silver snow. With the snowflakes falling all over the sky, it looks extra warm and romantic, like a K-drama scene.

And in the middle of the road, there are two figures, one in black and one in red.

It was Zeke and Gael.

The two, like the people in K-dramas, wore coats and scarves, with affectionate eyes, approached each other and then kissed softly after a burst of extraordinarily disgusting confessions—

At the same time, Gael, who was beside Zeke, was blushing because of her imagination.

Obviously, this is a world created by Gael's imagination. Zeke has not taught her how to create, but she has already achieved this, enough to prove how often this image has repeatedly appeared in her imaginary world and how strong her desire is!