Chapter 218: Shame!

If it was an ordinary person at this time, they would be flattered, frightened, and overwhelmed.

These influential country-level leaders usually don't even want to see each other, but now they all gather around to compliment, and please, can ordinary people not panic when this happens?

Even if Grace came, her heart would have a little trepidation.

After all, she needs to consider every leader's feelings, and she has to be careful in her speech and behavior.

Throughout the history of humanity, Zeke was the only one who could enjoy such treatment!

However, Zeke did not do so.

This is not the first time Zeke has talked to a leader-level figure.

He had scolded Grace many times before, and at the press conference of the warp drive, he had stunned the capitals of more than a dozen powerful countries at the scene.

Therefore, even if it is the compliments from the leaders, for Zeke, it is the same as the constant praise from the Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers!

Zeke reflected this psychology very intuitively.

"Mr. North, I have only seen you on the report. This is the first time I have seen you in person. You have an outstanding temperament. However, it's that beard that looks very piercing. It's time to shave it!"

"Yo! Chief Khurbagov, look at your big belly. Country MO is indeed rich in resources. Do you usually eat meat and drink at bars? It's time to lose weight!"

"President Manschel, I heard your Country H seems to be a little messy. The United Nations have selected you as the most dangerous country in the world. Just like this, how about I send Iron Man to your country for free? I can guarantee it will become as safe as this kingdom!"

"President Park Kwan, I heard your country is talking to Country A about the Sade System? I advise you not to interfere with this matter. It is not good for you. But, of course, if you don't want to listen, that's all I can advise you to do!"

"Chief Sirses, your country seems to have applied to me last time to buy two warp drives for $800 million, right? No problem, no more than $800 million, I'll send it to you! In addition, I will give you 1,000 small and 500 large energy chips. It should be enough, right?"

"Chief Nate..."

Zeke is like greeting an old friend. He is familiar with them, doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, and doesn't say any polite words.

The surrounding elders, nobles, ministers, and people watching the live broadcast were stunned after hearing Zeke's words, and their eyes almost popped out!

Generally speaking, when high-level people at the country level meet, they don't discuss any important confidential matters with each other. Here, knowing that the global live broadcast is going on now, and people worldwide are watching.

For example, the fact that Country H has been rated as the most dangerous institution in the world by the United Nations has always been the "national ugliness" of Country H.

When Zeke said it so openly, the head of Country H, Manschel's face stiffened. What?

Then there is the Sade system of the Country SK, which is also highly obscure among the countries and cannot be discussed publicly. Now Zeke is allowed to speak it out directly, even with a hint of threat in it, so much so that the head of the Country SK, Park Kwan, after hearing this, his face froze.

If you don't know the situation, you must think that Zeke's emotional intelligence is too low, and if he says anything, he is simply speaking out.

But for, the Phoenix Kingdom's elders, nobles, and ministers, knew precisely why Zeke said that.

Some time ago, the kingdom's economic sanctions and cultural barrier incident involved Country A, MO, H, and SK.

This is why Zeke is not polite to them at all!

This group obeyed Country A's orders and wanted to kill the Phoenix Kingdom. As a member of the kingdom, how could Zeke let them go so easily?

As for Sirses, he is the head of Country BN. He once helped the kingdom when they were in their most challenging time. Because of this, those powerful countries retaliated against him, and the country's economy was greatly affected. Later, under the deterrence of Zeke's hydrogen bomb and the warp drive, his country escaped.

Zeke unceremoniously exposes his shortcomings to those who have dealt with him, and for those who have helped him in his most difficult times, Zeke will give him corresponding rewards.

"Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Zeke!"

Chief Sirses said in surprise.

$800 million is nothing to the other powerful countries, but to the barren Country BN, it is a huge asset. If it is not because the war requires a warp drive, they wouldn't spend so much money on something that a luxury powerhouse can afford.

The leaders of other countries heard Zeke's different treatment and also reflected on why Zeke said this, and all of them suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Zeke! Mr. Zeke! Hahaha... I've heard your name for a long time!"

At this time, a timid figure trotted over, passed through the crowd, and grabbed Zeke's hand. The wrinkles on his face were crowded together, revealing a very flattering smile.

"Prime Minister Toshiki, how are you?"

Seeing the visitor, Zeke raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Hahaha...Mr. Zeke is really a young hero. It's amazing to have such an achievement at such a young age!"

Toshiki complimented with a flattering smile.

The world leaders all shook their heads secretly in their hearts.

Although they are all here to curry favor with Zeke, wanting him to give them some benefits for project cooperation. But does it need to be so blatant?

Look at that flattering look. But, unfortunately, like the last time Moore visited Country J, there is no bottom line.

The people of Country J who are seeing this scene are all angry!

Is it necessary for the head of a country to be so flattering to please others?

Although Country J has always had a humble etiquette, this is more than humility.

Anyone who sees it will look like a pug to please, and it is simply embarrassing to the country!