Chapter 222: Holographic Projection!

"Second World?!"

Everyone looked at the two large words with curious eyes.

"Actually, I have dreamed of making games since I was young. I wanted to create a game that I made with my own hands. So that countless people can swim and immerse in it, just like me back then, and make everyone play it!"

"But then I forgot about it and didn't think much of it...until the kingdom's cultural barrier incident came!"

Zeke glanced at the leaders below.

They coughed, avoided their eyes, and drank alcohol. As long as they were the leader of a country who had participated in the cultural barrier incident, except Moore, no one else dared to look at Zeke directly.

"The matter of cultural barriers has caused many people in the kingdom to complain!"

"I can't play chicken. I can't play black DOTA with my friends! I can't play with my ass! My world can no longer build buildings with friends! DNF can't continue to play in groups!"

"Good games all over the world have withdrawn from the Phoenix Kingdom, and they have to spend a lot of energy and financial resources to be able to play them. Countless people became crazy, crying, grief-stricken, and even complaining to the government, attacking the various countries and wanting them to come forward. Resolving the cultural barrier incident has turned out to be looked down upon by people from other countries. This is sad."

Zeke's sharp eyes looked at the lenses of those cameras. As if, through the machine, he saw the people in front of the TV.

When people looked directly at Zeke's sharp eyes, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, and there was an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

"Tapping on the keyboard and mouse, staring at the screen, a better competitive game, testing your skills, when you're nervous, it can make your heart beat faster, and you feel a little immersed. A bad web game just needs a light touch of your fingers, relax a bit, then upgrade, and when the equipment is complete, go to abuse the rookie to find a sense of existence!"

"Can the current game be called a game?"

"What about the online games that once caused a global hit?"

"In my opinion, none of these can be considered games... At least in front of the game I designed, they are nothing at all!"

Zeke spoke bluntly and said domineeringly.


"Looks right! That second world is a game!"

"Every time Zeke makes a shot, there must be something good!"

"Is something new coming out so soon? I'm looking forward to it!!"


People became very excited when they heard this!

To them, the more Zeke devalued those things, the more it meant that he was about to have something even more powerful.

Z Cinema is just like that.

And most importantly, Zeke has never disappointed anyone.

No matter how unreasonable, inconceivable, and incomprehensible big words he speaks, they will eventually become a reality in his actual actions, shocking everyone.

There is enough reason to believe that this time will be no exception.

"Zeke's words are too arrogant!"

"It's not even a game? If you have the ability, try making a game!"

"Wow! That's a big problem! So we play DOTA, butt, DNF, LOL, and eating chicken can't be considered games? Isn't that what games are? Is typing on the keyboard?"

"Why is Zeke so arrogant? It's just that he made some powerful technologies. How does he know the real charm of the game? It's unreasonable!"


However, some people immediately aroused disgust after listening to Zeke's words.

For many gamers, games are their beliefs, and being able to roam in their favorite games is the happiest thing!

But now, Zeke's word was devaluing their favorite game as worthless. So even if the person saying this is him, they are still not convinced.

"What we're doing is not a game?! Blasphemous!"

"Isn't he afraid of being struck by lightning when he talks like that?!"

"Humph! Our games are not worth mentioning. What good things can he make? Does he think that making the technology of Z Cinema is very powerful? The charm of games is not only in technology!"

"Notice the following, tonight's Z Cinema event is canceled!"


Among them, the most annoyed should be those game developers.

They initially just wanted to take a look at Zeke, but they didn't expect that they would also be shot while lying down. The game they worked so hard to develop became useless in Zeke's mouth. Could this not make them angry?

"This is Zeke's ultimate goal, right?"

"His fangs are finally exposed. Online games, Zeke has taken another unexpected path!"

The leaders have already reacted at this time.

Zeke's purpose in selling helmets was to pave the way for his designed online games.

"I know that there must be many people who will feel particularly dissatisfied after hearing what I just said."

"But I believe those who know me a little understand that I never like to talk big! I always follow my words."

"And why do I scoff at the current game? It's all because of this... The Second World!"

As Zeke's voice fell, the holographic projections of the two big words suddenly shattered!

Soon, a figure like Zeke appeared in the banquet hall, beside the world leaders.

Everyone around was startled.

Glancing at the figure, he looked at Zeke on the pavilion.

The two are like true and false clones. They are exactly the same. Therefore, it is impossible to tell who is real and who is fake.

"This person you see is my character in the second world!"

"Although it is shaped by holographic projection, its shaping system is so perfect that you can't tell the difference between reality and virtuality!"


Suddenly, a grass field appeared on the floor of the banquet hall.

These grasses are very real, as if the grass grew on the ground of the banquet hall.

However, when people lift their feet casually, they can find that these are still holographic projections, which are not real.

Just when everyone looked at the ground in surprise, suddenly——

Roar! ! ! ! !

A deafening beast roared throughout the banquet hall, frightening everyone honestly.

The next moment, a three-meter-high, silver-white giant wolf rushed out from the wall!

Its face is hideous, and its scarlet eyes are full of rage. After seeing the avatar Zeke, it opened its bloody mouth, stomped on its limbs, and rushed towards the avatar!

In this scene, countless people on the scene were so frightened that they screamed, and the calm leaders also turned pale for a moment.