Chapter 224: All-inclusive!

Anyone who is a little familiar with online games can see that this is the epitome of the world boss. If all the characters are enlarged to the standard height, the height of the world boss will be more exaggerated, and the whole picture will be more magnificent and shocking!

Not to mention that they will shuttle real people into the game world, looking up from the ground, the towering World Boss body, the earth-shattering roar, and the violent vibration of the earth. One can imagine that all this visual impact brought by Second World will be unmatched by any game.

Not to mention the current traditional computer client-side online games, even the VR games known as the main force of future games, in front of Zeke's Second World, they are nothing but a pile of scum.

"It's completely over..."

Game makers are ashamed at this time.

How can game makers not notice what even players can see?

When they saw the silver wolf fighting against the clone Zeke, they already realized how impactful Zeke's Second World holographic virtual game would bring to today's traditional games.

Then see the epitome of the World Boss big team battle. In the world behind, the densely packed tens of thousands of characters, the colorful skill lights blooming in the sky, the giant monsters, giant siege guns, airships in the sky, siege weapons on the ground, etc. Just a picture is enough for them to think of the infinite possibilities of the Second World.

Now they can finally understand why Zeke is so outspoken.

The Second World is Zeke's biggest project!

Just because he can let 10,000 people participate in the dungeon simultaneously, he can completely blow up any game in the world.

"This game is really good!"

"It seems that Zeke will make a lot of money this time!"

"I'm ashamed of myself... I'm really ashamed of myself!"


The leaders are neither online gamers nor keen on online games.

But they can see how huge the prospect of Zeke's second world is.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the future, most of the market share of online games will be owned by Zeke alone!

But this is also just right, and it strengthens their determination to talk to Zeke about the project later. They must get this game as soon as possible. If it can bring benefits to Zeke, then it can also bring benefits to them.

"As you can see, this is one of the biggest features of Second World - it can accommodate an almost unlimited number of people. So even if everyone in the world wears helmets and enters the game together, there is no problem with the carrying capacity!"

"So players don't have to worry about network lags or delays. The Second World will never be associated with these terms!"

Zeke smiled slightly, "I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the game now, but I want to say that it is a completely free holographic virtual game. I just showed you the first feature, killing the world boss!"

"The second feature is that players can freely build cities, similar to "Minecraft". Collect all valuable resources to create a broader and larger city. But it is not necessary to do this. The bigger the city, the more exaggerated the resistance given by the system.

After you build the city, you will experience beast tides, natural disasters, invasion by other players, and other difficulties every once in a while, so you must protect your territory!"

"Not only that, but players can also form a massive army of hundreds of thousands or even millions and apply for storming the city of the system. As long as you can capture it, the city of the system will be controlled by you, and you will receive all taxes! "

"There are more extensions from this feature, such as world war!"

"When you enter the game, the system will automatically help you distinguish your nationalities and divide them into the territory of that country. Then, as long as players from any country are strong enough, they can launch a huge world war against another!"

"This is a world war, between players of one country and players of another. Cities can change ownership, country territories can be expanded, and the honor and disgrace you bring by victory and defeat are no longer just a few words. You can travel the world and become known to hundreds of millions of players!"

Speaking of which, people have been so excited that they can't help themselves!

"Zeke is awesome!!!!"

"World War! I like World Wars!! I will be the first to hit a million when the game comes out!"

"It's so cool! It's cool just thinking about it! I'm going to hunt down those bastards in Country J with my own hands, and I'll have a 'three-light' policy for them!"

"Honey! Quickly take the money out of the wealth management product! Let's buy two helmets and play together!"


Zeke's words ultimately ignited the blood in everyone's heart!

There is nothing more passionate than playing games with a team. However, now it is not only about the world boss, a siege battle, and even a world war.

Just thinking about the scene of ten thousand people shouting in unison, the sky full of skills exploding, the ear pierced, and the earth roaring... is enough to make one's blood boil!

"The Second World is a huge world."

Zeke did not stop and continued.

"I know everyone has likes and dislikes. Some people like shooting games, some people like role-playing games, and some people just want to play some tank-vs-bombing games."

"In order to meet the needs of as many users as possible, I have presented all the game elements currently on the market in the game!"

He pressed the remote.

They saw that the original picture was shattered, a miniature land city model, suspended in mid-air in the banquet hall, slowly rotating.

The city is enormous, neglected, and desolate, but every detail is beautifully done.

"I referred to the game mode of a certain game and created an authentic dilapidated city for players who like this type of shooting game."

"Every time you start, thousands of people will be teleported to various places. You must collect all the resources around you and then kill other players. Until you or your team survives, you can win!"

As soon as Zeke said this, many people suddenly understood.

Isn't this the fulldive virtual version of "PUBG"!