Chapter 262: Anti-Gravity Designs!

"6666 Eso? Zeke is truly generous!"

Grace was quite surprised when she heard Zeke's offer.

Although she is not a person in the mobile phone industry, she knows a little about it like most mobile phone users. For example, she knows that the price of mobile phones is getting higher and higher, which is close to Apple.

But Zeke's 6666 Eso is obviously more valuable than Apple!

"When the press conference is over, I'll ask him for one."

Thinking of seeing Zeke later, Grace's mouth curled up involuntarily, and she deliberately lowered her head to look at the outfit on her body. She seemed unsatisfied. She stretched out her hand and opened the drawer.

In the past, Grace never needed any cosmetics. Her natural beauty, coupled with the combination of various nutritional ingredients supplied by the royal family, had already amazed the world, but since her heart sprouted love, she began to pay more attention to it. With a bit of makeup, she becomes enchanting and has developed this habit now.


"Actually, I didn't plan to release a super phone this time because I think that after a while, the Z-Gen can be even more amazing and bring you more surprises."

After the people's high mood gradually eased, Zeke spoke again, "But this process may take a long time, so I chose to go public now."

"Everyone, please rest assured, the Z-Gen has sufficient stock, and there is no problem with how many sales, so you don't have to worry about rush purchases, pre-sale, reservations, and other issues. After the press conference, the sales channel will be opened on the official website immediately. To ensure that within three days at the latest, we will deliver the things to everyone!"

As soon as Zeke's words came out, he naturally won applause again.

It's super value and he doesn't raise the price for profit. This alone surpasses all mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

"Then it's time to talk about the main character of this press conference."

Zeke continued, "At the beginning of the press conference, I have already reported to everyone that in addition to the super mobile phone, this time I am going to release an anti-gravity engine."

On the big screen behind Zeke, a picture of the anti-gravity engine appeared.

"When everyone hears anti-gravity, the first thing that comes to mind is probably anti-gravity vehicles."

"To better present the convenience of anti-gravity technology to everyone, I have designed several anti-gravity vehicles. I hope you like it!"

"The first, anti-gravity motorcycle!"

As soon as Zeke's voice fell, a motorcycle flew in the air from outside the hall door, as if there was an invisible track in the air, and finally stopped firmly in front of him.

As soon as this anti-gravity motorcycle appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

Its design is straightforward, with no wheels, no fuel tank, just a handlebar for steering, connected to a seat cushion and pedals, and the backrest, which is also used to place the anti-gravity engine firmware.

The whole body is integrated as if outlined by a line, full of the beauty of future sci-fi!

It is simpler than the floating aircraft in the sci-fi blockbuster but also more cool. The dreamy silver and the smooth paint surface reflects the bright light, and the whole car seems to be glowing, which makes people deeply attracted at a glance.

"The second, the anti-gravity car!"

Zeke snapped his fingers, and a shark-like silver suspension car flew over and stopped at his left.

As soon as the anti-gravity car appeared, there was an uproar in the entire auditorium!

If the anti-gravity motorcycle is just like a skeleton sub-art, then the anti-gravity car is a perfect oval craft.

The incomparably accurate proportions make the entire elliptical body extremely smooth. At first glance, it seems like seeing a flexible shark roaming freely in the air, with a strong futuristic style!

The front and rear lights are glowing with shimmering light. From the outside, the color of the fuselage is integrated, but from the inside, you can clearly see the glass cockpit from the outside and the roof that lifts up after opening and closing. Every detail is so dazzling!

"The third one, the anti-gravity transporter!"

A tall car about the size of the bus came slowly and stopped at Zeke's right-hand side.

This anti-gravity transporter is divided into three layers, each with a lot of space. Unlike anti-gravity motorcycles and anti-gravity cars, it is more like the cargo box of a truck. Like a flying toaster!

"The fourth, the anti-gravity plane!"

An aircraft with two short wings but no wing propellers was suspended above Zeke's head like a rocket as a whole.

"The fifth, anti-gravity skateboard!"

"The sixth, the anti-gravity lifting device!"

"The seventh, anti-gravity thruster!"

"The eighth..."

Zeke kept introducing, and the cheers were like wave after wave until finally, 21 vehicles with anti-gravity engines were presented in front of everyone, and the whole stage was crowded.

"Everyone, what you see in front of you are the machines I designed after inventing the anti-gravity engine."

"As long as you are willing, anyone will be able to embark on a journey to the future!"

The thunderous applause sounded again!

Everyone is amazed!

This time, not only the world's mobile phone industry is about to be ruled by Zeke, but even the transportation industry will be dominated entirely by ZTech!

Even a luxury car, no matter how awesome and extravagant, looks so insignificant in the face of an anti-gravity car.

It can be predicted that in the near future, there will be fewer and fewer cars running on the ground in the world, and more and more shadows flying in the sky!

"Is he planning to dominate the world?!"

After Country J's Prime Minister Toshiki saw this scene on the screen, his face became very ugly!

The mobile phone industry is nothing, but the transportation industry is the lifeblood of a country.

Now that Zeke wants to rule the world's transportation industry, it is almost no different from ruling it!

"Super mobile phone, anti-gravity... Zeke should now be the proudest, right?"

Country G's Prime Minister Schmidt's eyes flashed coldly. He took a sip of wine and raised the corner of his mouth. "He is killed at his proudest moment. I can't wait to see this scene!"