Chapter 272: The Discovery of the Cubic Energy Body!

"Can't find him again?"

After Grace heard Prime Minister Deron's report in the king's office, her beautiful eyes hint at disappointment.

After the press conference yesterday, Grace initially planned to talk to Zeke about the super mobile phone and the Magistrate. Still, due to the temporary impediment of important state affairs, she had no choice but to postpone it.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Prime Minister Deron nodded slightly, smiling, "You know, whenever we can't get in touch with Elder Zeke, he must be burying his head in researching new things again. So wait patiently for a while. Maybe later, it won't be long before he brings the new technology he created to the stage again, shocking the world!"

Every time Zeke releases a new technology, it will inevitably set off a violent storm and upsurge in the world. And the corresponding result is that the Phoenix Kingdom's economic income will increase significantly!

Z Cinema, the Second World, including the super mobile phone that has swept the world this time and the anti-gravity vehicles that are about to debut, changing the world's traffic patterns. There is no product that did not break the world record and make history.

Not only that, but the Phoenix Kingdom's military power has been raised due to the previously released warp drive, controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb, Iron Man Legion, super soldier team, and other super black technologies.

In the past, the Phoenix Kingdom still needed to be humble in front of others and swallow its anger, but today's kingdom has wholly gotten rid of the title of weak and is fully qualified to be listed as one of the world's powers... and even enter the top three rankings!

"Well, hopefully, the wait won't be too long."

Grace's tone seemed somewhat disappointed.

"Your Majesty! Phoenix Military Academy, Marshal Legarda requested an audience!"

At this moment, the guard outside the door shouted loudly.

"Marshal Legarda?"

Grace's eyes flashed, and she changed her disappointed expression, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and Marshal Legarda and Dean Gales, who was called by Marshal Legarda that day, walked in together.

"Your Majesty!"

The two came to Grace and saluted respectfully.

"Is it a matter regarding the Cube Energy?"

Grace asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Marshal Legarda's eyes were hot.

"It has been tested last time. The Cube Energy provided by Zeke can replace electric and heat energy. The efficiency is sufficient. What did you find this time?"

After Zeke and Grace conducted the Phoenix Kingdom's strategic mineral resource reserve transaction last time, she handed over the application of Cube Energy to Marshal Legarda and let him handle it.

Grace got a response the next day, and the conclusion was exactly what Zeke said. The actual energy efficiency was even better than what he said.

This discovery made the Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers ecstatic, screaming to the sky, so excited that they almost filed an application to terminate the oil trade contract with the Tonda Empire on the spot!

Fortunately, there are still intelligent people among them. They know that this kind of thing about new energy cannot be easily leaked. The sudden termination of the oil trade contract will not only break the trust of the Tonda Empire but will also make the outside world suspicious. So they will still import oil from them.

But now that Marshal Legarda and Dean Gales have come here, they should have made more discoveries using Cube Energy.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Before Marshal Legarda could answer, Dean Gales couldn't wait to say, "We have been testing Cube Energy these days, and not long ago, we discovered that this energy is being converted into electrical energy, in addition to thermal energy, but also to produce an extraordinary, unexplainable phenomenon!"

When Grace heard this, her eyes suddenly became solemn.

" can open up space!"

Dean Gales looked terrified.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Grace and Prime Minister Deron changed.

"Open space?"

"Explain in more detail!"

Grace asked in a deep voice.

"Specifically, if this Cube Energy is fully stimulated to a certain extent, it can open up an unknown space on the spot. We saw this scene with our own eyes, and through nothingness, we saw the stars in the sky! After our interpretation, the space that appears is a star system 1.78 million lightyears away from the earth!"

As Dean Gales said, a picture that he could never forget in his life had appeared in his mind unconsciously, and he was so shocked that he still couldn't fully recover from it.

In the dark universe, the majestic stars, every detail is so delicate and natural.

And as soon as the space appeared, a violent storm was immediately generated, sucking in countless things in the laboratory. If their experimenters didn't respond in time, they would have been forcibly dragged away by that terrible suction!

"How did Zeke create these things?"

Grace was also shocked by Dean Gales's description. However, compared to Dean Gales's shock at the starry sky, she was more concerned about Zeke and how he came up with these things.

"Your Majesty, we want to meet with Elder Zeke, and we hope to discuss this matter with him!"

Dean Gales couldn't wait to say, "This discovery is really great!"

An energy that can open up space and instantly connect to star systems over a million lightyears away...what a discovery!

Suppose, if the research continues in this direction, the destination that stimulates energy in the future can be controlled. Does that mean humans can save time, explore, and roam freely in the universe?

At that time, the universe will no longer be a fog that cannot be seen or touched.

Everything will be revealed, everything will be solved, and everything humans know so far will be completely refreshed and changed!

And it was Zeke who opened the door to the destiny of human civilization!

Therefore, Dean Gales is very eager to see Zeke again at this moment and discuss with him about the Cube Energy.

At the current age and standing of Dean Gales, the pursuit of ordinary material and power has completely failed to stimulate his enthusiasm. But the desire to pursue the truth of the universe and explore the mysteries of the universe can make him so excited that he can't sleep!