Chapter 274: The External Response!

Among them, many customers watch videos with the holographic projection function of Z-Gen. Just put the mobile phone on the table, and the screen can be suspended while eating, watching movies, and TV series, not to mention how comfortable.

And some people turn on the anti-gravity function, turn on the video function, surround the people eating, and shoot from an all-around angle without any effort or take a selfie with it and look around. They can see square wafers floating next to many tables, and this kind of scene that used to be extremely strange is now happening everywhere.

Obviously, the arrival of the super mobile phone has quietly changed people's way of life!

"Judging from the expressions on their faces, the response is not bad."

Zeke heard the laughter of the people around him. Many people were using it while praising the anti-gravity engine, holographic projection, wireless charging, and these excellent functions. All kinds of "brilliant!", "Z-Gen", "The mobile phone is really easy to use!" "See? This is ZTech's mobile phone, and I told you to buy one!" Words emerged one after another, almost taking the Z-Gen mobile phone to the sky!

One of the girls who originally wanted to take out her iPhone to take a picture of the table full of dishes heard the person next to her say, "This is only 6666 Eso. It has N times more functions than an Apple phone, better performance, and a better user experience than it. Who else uses Apple?" After saying this, her face flushed, and she shoved the Apple phone back into her bag and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.


After Gael caught this scene, she burst out laughing.

"People's heart of comparison."

Zeke shook his head and sighed.

"Master, your phone is amazing! You have even beaten Apple!"

Gael smiled brightly.

"It's nothing."

Zeke smiled.

The two were enjoying their meal in a relaxed and comfortable way. They did not know at all that after ZTech's mobile phone came out, many people who originally wanted to sell the iPhone in their hands and take the money to buy a Z-Gen phone. However, because too many people were doing the same thing, they could not sell it.

The market price of mobile phones has fallen again and again, and even the latest Apple mobile phones have fallen to a terrifying level.

This is why Apple's market value has shrunk by a full 20% in just a few days!

Moreover, the downward trend still has no sign of stopping and continues to decline. According to industry estimates, it will have to shrink to at least 40% before it can barely stop!

It can be seen how exaggerated the impact ZTech has brought to Apple. They have become ants on a hot pot and are planning a series of price cuts, events, and other measures in the near future.


After the meal, Zeke started his research again.

Continuing to develop the weapon system of the mothership and strive to solve it in the shortest possible time.

Gael helps Zeke with all the housework. If the housework is resolved, she will either sit on the side and stare at him at work or put on a fulldive virtual helmet and experience the world of Z-movies.

At the same time, in the outside world, in addition to the mobile phone boom of the Z-Gen sweeping the world, there is also a major event related to the fate of the world, which is quietly going on among many world powers.

The day after Moore and Schmidt spoke on the phone, Biblandi officially joined the Anti-God Alliance.

This news has inspired the confidence of those who are on the wall, and also learned that the Tonda Empire is carrying out a weapon research plan for nano-worms.

Biblandi specially dispatched the most famous molecular physicist of the empire and the person in charge of the nano-worms research project, Boris, to explain to the leaders of countries that once it is successfully applied to the field of weapons, they will have destructive power.

When they heard that the nano-worms could instantly devour the energy shield of the new Iron Man Legion and devour an Iron Man in less than 20 seconds, the leaders of countries all showed joy on their faces!

Without further ado, everyone decided on the spot to fully support the advancement of this plan.

On the day the decision was finalized, various countries began to select qualified top scientists in their country and then secretly transported them to the Tonda Empire for closed-door secret research.

In about three days, all the top scientists from the Anti-God Alliance countries arrived at the Tonda Empire. The weapon research project of the nano-worms has also officially kicked off at this moment.

As time went by, a month passed quietly.

When new things are slowly integrated and become an indispensable part of daily life, the popularity of Z-Gen mobile phones has begun to decline.

However, the name of Z-Gen has already been passed down to the whole world, and no matter how it declines, its popularity and fame are still terrifyingly immense!

It is because of the functional details of some mobile phones that lead to a lot of ridiculous things.

For example, the anti-gravity engine of the Z-Gen mobile phone, this function can be said to be very convenient for some live streamers who are struggling with selfie sticks and some people who are doing something and have their hands full. They can float in the air and shoot them at the best angle for the live broadcast, but it also makes some thieves have evil thoughts.

The first thief to steal the mobile phone drove a motorcycle through a crowd, grabbed the mobile phone directly, twisted the accelerator, and went away. The owner of the mobile phone was stunned for three seconds before finally reacting.

The thief obviously underestimated the strength of ZTech's mobile phone. When the intelligent system of the mobile phone detected the abnormal holding, it immediately released a stimulating current, which made the thief throw it away. Then it automatically flew back to the original owner.

This feature has attracted a lot of praise from the internet.

The thieves did not give up, this time wearing insulating gloves.

However, as long as they relaxed a little, the phone would fly away immediately!

So after they grabbed the mobile phone, they had to be locked in a "cage". As a result, the owner of the phone called the police, followed the phone's position to find the thieves and wiped them all out!