Chapter 279: Biblandi's Perfect Plan

"This is indeed the best choice!"

Moore also nodded, "No matter how great a person is, if he dies, he will die. I don't believe that the Phoenix Kingdom will risk the madness of the people to fight us. Even if they have a controlled nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb, we will destroy it!"

"In this way, it is equivalent to eliminating the risk of perishing together and reducing the security impact factor brought by the war to a minimum."

Everyone heard it and nodded in agreement.

Zeke is the most outstanding spokesperson for the Phoenix Kingdom, which brings hope to the kingdom. And makes them get countless honors and make a big splash in the world.

If Zeke was killed, the Phoenix Kingdom might be able to mobilize the public and fight. But in any case, they would never be able to take 100 million people with them and fight with other countries for Zeke alone.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the Phoenix Kingdom finally found out that the culprits who killed Zeke were the nine of them, so what?

The big deal is to condemn and lose your temper.

Could it be that the Phoenix Kingdom wanted to hold a bunch of controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bombs and die together with nine other countries, a total of more than two billion people?

Know that this is impossible!

"However, here comes the problem."

"Zeke has disappeared for two whole months. Has anyone found him?"

As Moore's question came out, everyone else closed their mouths angrily.

The target has been clear, but achieving their goal has become their only problem.

Zeke has not shown up for two months. So no one knows where he is now or what he is doing.

"Every time Zeke releases a new product, he disappears for some time and cannot be contacted. When he reappears, new technology will be available immediately."

Schmidt obviously did some research on Zeke, took a sip of red wine, and his eyes flashed, "Maybe while we were discussing how to deal with him, he is researching and nurturing new technology! With Zeke's ability, two months without showing up, it seems that the technology he will release this time is more terrifying than we imagine."

"Then we will kill him even more!"

Toshiki took over, "God knows what kind of terrible things he will create later. So we must hurry up and kill him as soon as possible to eliminate future troubles forever!"

"If nothing else, he should be in the Phoenix Tree!"

Khurbagov, spit out a thick cigar smoke, "He spent so much time building the Phoenix Tree, and the security system of it is world-renowned. With its level of security, even the top secret agents in our country can't even spy on the slightest bit of information. So he must be in it, burying his head in studying his new stuff!"

"I have to say that he hasn't appeared for two months, and there is no trace of any activity. With Zeke's current power and status, it is really amazing to do this."

Moretti folded his hands in front of his mouth and said calmly.

"Then everyone's opinion is to choose to continue to wait? Or a severe attack?"

Zhou Hu spread his hands and said, "It's been two months. Is he coming out soon?"

Moretti said, "We must not wait passively! If he develops a new powerful thing, the only means we have to deal with him are atomic and hydrogen bombs."

Leyton said, "Since it has been confirmed that he is within the Phoenix Tree, then let's just shoot at it. There are enough massive nano-worms not to let him escape."

Park Kwan nodded: "I support Leyton's proposal. We should fight quickly!"

Khurbagov, while holding a cigar, "Then let's do it as soon as possible. If possible, by the way, destroy the statue of Zeke in the central square of the Phoenix Kingdom's Capital. The statue is more than 100 meters, it's not pleasing to the eye!"

The president of Country M, Toshiki, and Schmidt all agreed with this proposal.

Zeke will be completely finished if the Phoenix Tree is instantly destroyed.

It only takes a few seconds to destroy the only great enemy in the world. This method is perfect!

After all the speeches, all eyes turned to Moore, the president of Country A, who did not make a statement, and Biblandi.

"Biblandi, you are a knowledgeable and wise man. What do you think of this proposal?"

Moore looked at Biblandi.

"It's a good proposal."

"Decisive, fast, and simple."

"However, I have a premature proposal."

Biblandi smiled.

Everyone's eyes converged.

"Where is Zeke currently? No one knows!"

"Even if there is a high possibility that he is in the Phoenix Tree, it can only be a guess until there is no evidence."

"Therefore, our best choice is not to come forward without absolute certainty!"

The light of wisdom flashed in Biblandi's eyes, "I wonder if you have heard an old saying by the Phoenix Kingdom? It's called 'Let the snake out of the hole' . It means that Zeke will not appear, but we can use something to make him appear."

"Our goal, from beginning to end, is Zeke alone! His development pattern is too great, his abilities are too powerful, and his ambition is so arrogant that it is suffocating! But in the end, he is still a human being. As long as we use some means, I believe it is impossible for him not to come forward in person!"

"With the trace of the target, if we start again, we will have much more control than now."

Hearing Biblandi's words, everyone else's eyes have changed when they look at him.

In fact, this method is not very clever.

It's just that they all saw the power of the Nano Destruction Cannon just now, and the deterrent force brought by Zeke was indeed too great. So their brains suddenly became less able to think, and there was a lack of such a turning point in decision making.

And at this point, Biblandi is obviously much calmer than them all!

Don't come forward in person. Instead, choose to use means to seduce Zeke to show up and then attack. This is the perfect battle plan!

Everyone looked at each other about three seconds later.


Everyone nodded in unison.


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