Chapter 289: Jarvis' Choice

"Cheers! Cheers!"

"This is a time to celebrate!"

"Zeke, the poisonous stinger, has finally been completely removed!"

"The Phoenix Tree has fallen. So from now on, no one can threaten us again! So let Zeke go to hell! Hahaha..."


In the holographic projection conference room, the leaders of the nine countries raised their glasses to celebrate, drinking all the champagne in their glasses, and they couldn't stop laughing.

Even Moore, who has always been unsmiling, had a rare smile at this time.

Their plan was successful.

The destruction of the Phoenix Tree is equivalent to removing Zeke's right-hand man. His most potent support has completely collapsed.

In addition, they now have such a powerful weapon as the Nano Destruction Cannon. Zeke has no power to fight back in front of them.

For today's plan, unless Zeke is willing to pull the Phoenix Kingdom's 100 million nationals on the back and use countless controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bombs to perish with them. Otherwise, he will no longer have any means to compete with them.

As for the fact that they will perish together, the nine countries are not worried at all.

Let's not say whether the Phoenix Kingdom can find them.

Even if they found out that they had just attacked the Phoenix Tree and destroyed the statue of Zeke, the target of the attack was obvious and did not cause any damage to other places in the Phoenix Kingdom, so there was no so-called war behavior at all. Not to mention Their next plan is to seize Zeke's technology and divide it. With these things, the kingdom is no longer qualified to question them except to admit defeat obediently.

"Regardless of whether Zeke is dead or not, at least it is certain that he is no longer our opponent. Everyone, I need to state first that this time, my Country J has taken a lot of credit, if not through my channels. How could it be possible to transport the Nano Destruction Cannon into the Phoenix Kingdom so smoothly? Therefore, Zeke's Iron Man technology should belong to me."

Toshiki immediately proposed to divide the spoils and took the credit for himself.

"If you need Iron Man technology, take it! What I want is those laser weapons! Since I was defeated last time, I have been particularly interested in knowing what difference Zeke's laser weapons and the laser weapons developed by my researchers are."

"As for my contribution, I don't need to say more. You should have no objection, right?"

Schmidt glanced at everyone and said indifferently.

"Then I want that batch of 'killer bees'! To solve thousands of Magistrate in an instant, this weapon is of great significance to my country."

Khurbagov, the head of Country MO, was smoking a cigar.

"I want his microbots! This is a technology that can make production more powerful!"

"I want anti-gravity technology! In the future war, it must be a world of anti-gravity!"

"Then I have to accept the super soldier's technology reluctantly. There is not much in my country, except for having the most soldiers!"


Countries have opened their mouths one after another and immediately began to divide up Zeke's technology.

Among them, Country EL's President Leyton and Country M's President Mahathir almost fought on the spot because of Baymax.

"All right!"

In the scene, only Moore and Biblandi were slightly calmer.

As soon as Biblandi spoke, everyone stopped arguing.

"I know that everyone has put in a lot of effort for this plan, but don't forget, there is no definite conclusion on whether Zeke is alive or dead."

Biblandi said silently, "Even if Zeke is dead as we thought, now we are going to plunder his technology, doesn't it mean to tell the world that we did this thing?"

"The plan has been executed perfectly, and the ending should be a little neater! Do you really think you can get carried away with a victory? Don't be too happy!"

Biblandi's voice fell, and he glanced at everyone with unwavering eyes.

When Biblandi told the others this, their expressions suddenly became a little unnatural. But they had to admit that the great joy just overwhelmed their minds, so they didn't even want to understand such a simple thing.

" Biblandi, what are you going to do?"

Toshiki asked.

"Don't be in a hurry."

Moore took over, and his eagle eyes flashed, "This is a full-scale declaration of war. If Zeke is dead, everything is easy to explain. He will definitely show up and take action if he is not dead! He has never been a patient person. And the Phoenix Tree is of great significance to the Phoenix Kingdom. Since it fell, they might do something. We can quietly see how much noise the Phoenix Kingdom will make."

"There are also those countries that made good friends with the Phoenix Kingdom because of Zeke. After this incident, whether they choose to continue to befriend them or give up. These are all we can look forward to."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

As Moore said, Zeke's life and death would come to the surface when the Phoenix Tree fell, and all countries connected with ZTech would make their choice.

After seeing the situation clearly and understanding everyone's thoughts, when the time is ripe enough, it is the best moment for them to seize Zeke's technology blatantly!


On the day the Phoenix Tree fell, in the Pacific Ocean Base.

Zeke, who is in retreat at the moment, is developing the plasma star destroyer whole-heartedly, unaware of everything happening in the outside world.

Before the retreat, Zeke explained to Jarvis that everything was left for him to handle, no matter what, even if the earth was destroyed, don't bother him. These days, he happened to be developing the plasma star annihilation while the core program of the cannon was running. Zeke even turned off all communications and even blocked Jarvis' communication authority. He hoarded food rations for several days in one go just to concentrate more on the development and creation of the plasma star destroyer.

After all, this thing is not the kind of slapstick it used to be. It can penetrate interstellar gravel with a diameter of 200 kilometers. It is conceivable how huge and terrifying the power it can generate.

With this kind of power, if there are no refined adequate procedures and instruments to control, it is impossible to create it successfully!

That's why, even if Jarvis wanted to contact Zeke, he couldn't send any news to him because of the blocking order.

"ZTech is facing disaster, and the enemy has not been eliminated."

"But without Mr. Zeke's permission, I can't hack other computers at will."

"Sir said that at such a moment, a strong ally should be chosen... Yes, an ally!"

The next second, Grace's cell phone suddenly rang.