Chapter 294: Grace’s Death Will!

As soon as Marshal Legarda's words came out, all the ministers in the entire command room could not help but let out low sighs and looked depressed.

Although they are very reluctant to admit it, the fact is in front of them. In naval battle, the Phoenix Kingdom is not an opponent of Country J at all.

Even if the kingdom has been vigorously developing the navy, they are still not enough to compete with Country J, which has a powerful navy.

Fifty-one battleships went to battle, but now there are only 13 ships left to fight, which can be described as heavy losses.

On the other hand, they fought fiercely but only sank five battleships of Country J in the end.

The gap of several times is enough to show that the two countries are simply worlds apart in terms of naval combat effectiveness.

As Marshal Legarda said, the Phoenix Kingdom had already lost this war, and they had lost very thoroughly.

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to withdraw the troops! Only by preserving our strength can we fight again next time!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! The Nine-Country Alliance is already on the same page as us. These battleships are our last savings. We can't lose any more battleships!"

"Your Majesty, Please retreat!"


The navy generals persuaded hard.

Grace glanced at everyone, frowned deeply, and said nothing.

Of course, she knew how bad the current situation was, but Grace didn't want to admit defeat!

In her mind, Country J was one of the culprits who killed Zeke.

Based on this, Grace did not want to retreat no matter what.

"How long will the support from the allies arrive?"

Grace asked in a solemn voice.

"Your Majesty, we can't support the arrival of..."

"My question is, how long will the support from the allies arrive? Answer me!"

Grace interrupted a major general sharply.

"According to the current route, it takes one hour and fifteen minutes."

Another admiral replied quickly.

"Then hold on for another hour and fifteen minutes! Until allied support arrives!"

Grace was decisive.

"But Your Majesty, with the current fierce offensive of the enemy, we simply can't last for an hour and fifteen minutes!"

A colonel worried.

"No, you can hold on for one hour and fifteen minutes!"

Marshal Legarda spoke suddenly, and all the puzzled eyes of the audience gathered. His eyes were calm and tenacious, "This sea area is the territory of our kingdom the enemy invaded. Even if the subordinates risk their lives, they will keep the enemy out! We can not retreat, but Your Majesty, you must leave! You are the king of a kingdom. If something happens to you, the entire Phoenix Kingdom will be in complete chaos! Your Majesty, please consider the overall situation and evacuate quickly!"

When the other generals heard this, they immediately knelt on one knee and shouted in unison, "Your Majesty, please evacuate quickly!"

"Your Majesty, another destroyer has been sunk!"

At this time, the operator in the command room shouted loudly.

On the holographic tactical table, another battleship logo turned red.

"Damn it... this is bad!!"

Suddenly, an operator stood up abruptly, looking terrified.

"Calm down! Tell us what happened!"

A lieutenant scolded.

"The destroyer that was just sunk is getting smaller!"

The operator's eyes were full of fear, "Country J used the Nano Destruction Cannon on us!"


At this time, the generals could no longer care about other things and quickly opened the specific simulation scene of the destroyer on the holographic tactical table. As expected, the sunken destroyer was corroded a little faster and became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye. After just over ten seconds, it completely disappeared in the holographic simulation scene.

"I still can't believe it... Country J might have guessed that our Iron Man and Super Soldiers have been exhausted and began to use this cruel weapon recklessly!"

A general's face was particularly ugly.

The reason why Country J didn't immediately bomb all of the Phoenix Kingdom's battleships with Nano Destruction Cannon was to prevent Iron Man and Super Soldiers from attacking. After all, these two are the most lethal to them.

However, as the previous Iron Man Legion was utterly destroyed, all the super soldiers who came to participate in the war were also severely injured or killed. After the Phoenix Tree incident, there was no Iron Man to join the war. Country J waited a long time and did not see Iron Man or the super soldier. They finally realized that the kingdom had no Iron Man or Super Soldiers, so they began squandering the Nano Destruction Cannon.

"Marshal! Country J has started an all-around attack! The nano-destruction missiles have hit three more destroyers!"

"C303 destroyer successfully intercepted a nano-destruction missile, but the hull was eroded and is dissolving!"

"The seven battleships of Country J are encircling us in an arc! The E672 destroyer in front is requesting to retreat!"


One bad news after another.

There was an atmosphere of sadness in the air, and morale dropped to freezing point!

"Everyone, it is clear that Country J does not intend to give us a chance to retreat."

After a moment of silence, Grace spoke, and her expression returned to calm.

"While there is still time, call your family, and don't die with regrets."

Country J took out the Nano Destruction Cannon and launched an all-out onslaught.

Obviously, they did not intend to spare any of the Phoenix Kingdom's battleships, and it was about to wipe out the entire Phoenix navy!

The Phoenix Kingdom has been defeated.

Even if they run away now, it's too late.

After speaking, Grace left the command room and walked to the deck. All the other generals did not speak and immediately followed.

The ferocious sea breeze was blowing towards her face. Grace tucked her hair around her ears and looked at the sea in the distance with her blurred eyes.

The sound of rumbling is endless. Massive silver fogs cover the destroyers belonging to the Phoenix Kingdom. There was no explosion or fire, but it was eroded little by little and slowly sank into the sea.

At this moment, on the distant horizon, a silver missile came straight to the destroyer where Grace was.

The generals tidied up their collars, their eyes were firm, and their bodies stood straight. Even though they knew that what would greet them next was death, they still did not retreat.

"Maybe this is what she hoped for. This kind of ending is indeed the best for her."

Prime Minister Deron behind Grace sighed silently in his heart.

He knew that after hearing the news of Zeke's death, Grace already had the will to die!

Being able to die under the Nano Destruction Cannon, like Zeke, is an alternative achievement for Grace.

Prime Minister Deron stood behind Grace. He did not falter and nodded slightly.

Grace had a smile on the corner of her mouth and closed her eyes.

'Zeke, I'm going to see you!'

Suddenly, right at this moment—


A red laser that turned the world into a fiery red burst from a distance, and when the silver missile was about to fall, the laser instantly pierced it with unparalleled tyrannical power!